
1 year, 6 months ago


"What are you doing here, stranger?"

Zulema is a fairly large russet tabby she-cat with dawn gold eyes. She is blind in her right eye and has several scars all over her body. She also has a green collar which is tattered and torn.

Nickname: Zul, Ema, and The Warbringer

Name Meaning: Peace (Irony at its finest) [Hebrew]

Gender: Female

Species: Chausie-Highlander

Age: 68 moons (5 ½ years/ 47)

Class/Role: Rogue

Personality: Overprotective, territorial, but very loyal, often pessimistic
Quirks: Tends to knead the air, smiles as a nervous reflex(can come off as a sneer)
Likes: Being around Dawn, staring at monsters, and fishing
Dislikes: Most other cats, being interrupted, and rain
Fears: N/A

Common Settings: Modern day, warriors-esk, fantasy

Physical Info

Height: 3’ 6” long
Build: Well-built
Identifying Traits: Cloudy right eye with massive scar, scars on back and front legs mainly, green tattered color


Mother- Deceased

Father- Deceased

Siblings- N/A

Offspring - N/A

Other- Dawn (Adopted Daughter)

Mate- N/A


Zulema was born to two alley cats. She was raised fairly normally until she was around 10 moons old, when she was captured by animal services and put up for adoption. She was raised by her humans for another 10 moons, before they abandoned her, dropping her off in the alleyways of the city. From there, she raised herself, getting into territory disputes and gaining a lot of scars in the process. She lost most of her tail to a feral dog, leaving it shorter than it was before. She was also blinded by a different dog, giving her that massive scar on her face. Recently, she adopted Dawn, a sweet younger cat who brightens her day.

Zulema is regarded as someone to fear. The only other cats she lets into her territory are Dawn and Howler.