
1 year, 3 months ago


"Oh, are you lost like me?"

Dawn is a medium-sized creamy orange tabby she-cat with sky-blue eyes. Her ears are drooped and folded. She has a few scars on her legs.

Nickname: Daw
Name Meaning: First appearance of light, daybreak
Gender: Female
Species: Cymric-Bengal-Scottish Fold mix
Age: 27 moons (2 ¼ years/ 19)
Class/Role: Loner

Personality: Naive, very friendly, but very sensitive
Quirks: Trills when happy or nervous, obsessed with blankets
Likes: Soft things, making friends, and snuggling
Dislikes: Fighting, monsters, and humans
Fears: Monsters, death, and abandonment

Common Settings:
Modern day, warriors-esk, fantasy

Physical Info

Height: 2’ 7” long
Build: Slender
Identifying Traits: Folded ears, dimples, scars on legs


Mother- Deceased

Father- Unknown

Siblings- N/A

Offspring - N/A

Other- Zulema (Adopted Mother)

Mate- N/A


Dawn was born at a kitten mill, but escaped with her overworked mother. She loved to explore the woods when she was a kitten. However, because of this curiosity, she got attacked by a fox, which killed her mother. She was on her own until she was about 23 moons, when she ran into the weathered Zulema. She has been with Zulema ever since, helping her find food and scouting.