


1 year, 2 months ago



In’Game Description:

|| Needle is a jumpy Dragon || He has never found a spot to stay and constantly moves to new places || Because of this he knows many things about many different dragon tribes || He can pick locks quite easily, and he has a knack of getting himself out of situations ||


27 Human Years Old


Male : He/Him






A dusty brown sand’wing with fades to pale white on his tail. He has faded black stripes on his tail and wings
He is well built because of how much travelling he does, but is quite small.
He keeps his talons sharp in case he needs to use them for lockpicking, and they are dyed black along with his hands from using ink.
He has small scars on his sides and arms, and a large one on his back.
Around one of his horns he has a golden ring
In his ear, he has a number of earrings from his travels. Some of these include: An intricate metal teardrop with gaps to allow the light of the flame'silk inside to shine out given, to him by Bug and Finch. He is covered in jewellery, and often smells of vanilla
He wears a scroll and inkpot around his neck for taking delivery orders


Needle is quite a kind and open-minded dragon. He is willing to listen to any tribe (except Night'Wings), and he makes new friends everywhere he goes. He is goofy and humourous, unable to keep a conversation serious. He frequently uses humour and jokes to get out of difficult and dangerous situations. Needle is quick to trust, and very protective. He cares deeply for some of his customers, and wants to help them any way he can. However he holds grudges with a tight hand, and refuses to forgive someone who hurts his friends or family


Open to every species (except Night'Wings)
Can swim confidently
Strong for his size


Quick to Trust
Remarkable Memory
Small in size
He cares deeply for some of his customers, and want to help them any way how


Holds grudges with a tight hand
Can't stand the cold


Manatee as a friend
The Scorpion den
The old Sky’Wing
The smell of vanilla and coconut



The cold
Huge amounts of dragons


Needle was born in the scorpion den. He was born near the end of the war, but was old enough to remember the horrible conditions the sand’wing soldiers came back in. Some without limbs, without the ability to fly again. Needle’s father was lucky, instead of losing the ability to fly or see again, he instead lost one of his back legs. This didn’t matter much, and his father was able to return to work as a merchant with his wife, Needle’s mother.

Needle adored living the in scorpion den, the bustling crowds and the loud dragons that came and went past his family’s shop. And with the help of Thorn, he had enough water and food to survive until he was old enough to work for himself.


His 7th birthday came around, and it was finally time to go out into the wider world. Needle had decided early on that he didn’t want to stay in the scorpion den. He wanted to explore. To see the rest of the dragon tribes. And so, with his family watching, Needle packed his bags and flew off. It wasn’t difficult to go into the different territory’s. Saying that he was a merchant and that he supported whatever queen they did usually meant he could go in and out without the need for prisons or fighting. Of course if need be, Needle could fend for himself in a fight, despite being smaller then most dragon species.

Be the time he was 8, he had regular customers that he would trade with, each with there own needs and wants. His customers may have been few and far between, but they were kind enough. He had a strange old sky’Wing with a fascination with wax, her den covered head to toe on various candles and sculptures that Needle then takes to his parents merchant shop. He has a nice Sea’Wing named Manatee who comes up to the surface once a week to trade for fruits, veggies and various collectibles that she enjoys decorating her trench with. Needle then takes the ink that she collects and gives them to various shops around the continent. The mud’Wings usually supply Needle with fantastical tales and scroll after scroll of history and general knowledge. In return he always delivers one specific family a collection of paper and ink, always making sure to get there favourite that they can rarely go out to get. He always makes sure to go to Sanctuary, and loves visiting the dragon’ets there with there peculiar colours and strange abilities. The Rain’Wings always prove a good idea to go to, even if they may not have taken to the idea at first. But the promise of glass, metal, and wool soon changed there minds and Glory now regularly trades with Needle and other traders.

Of course, old habits die hard, and so Needles talons stayed sharp and pointed, which proves useful when he gets thrown into a local prison for stealing something from particular dragons. Of course, he always escapes, usually without any harm done. There was one time, when he took a gorgeous looking candle for one of his customers. He wasn’t caught, but as he was winging away they blew fire at him and shot an arrow that grazed past his back, causing a deep wound. He was able to make it it Sanctuary, and with the help of Lorikeet, he made a full recovery and soon went back to work.

Fun Facts

Banned from 3 cities across Phyrria, 2 of which in the sky'kingdom and one in the sand'kingdom, the queens love him though