


9 months, 19 days ago



In’Game Description:

|| Lorikeet is a young Rain’Wing who lives in Sanctuary | they live with their makeshift family of dragons from different species, and they run a fruit and herbs store | they are open to all species, but can get nervous around Night’Wings ||




Male : He/Him






A yellow Rain’Wing with fades to red and orange on his legs and tail. Has dark red stripes on his tail and a dark blue eyeshadow
He has a sloth that usually hangs around his back while he works. The sloth is named Jackfruit
He has a slash in his left wing, that makes it a lot harder for him to fly, and he has a scar over his left eye
He wears a cloak that covers his scarred wing, as to not scare dragonets, and wears a bandana over his eye.
He also has a pouch of herbs, which is normal for a medic






His slash in his wing makes it impossible for him to fly, and he has a blind left eye
Extreme Claustrophobia
Nervous around Night’Wings








Lorikeet was born in the rain’forest. He was raised with a nice childhood, although he could never figure out how the other dragonet s could learn to fly so fast. But when he did learn to fly, it was all he ever did. He loved the feeling of weaving between the trees and gathering speed as he sped past all of the other dragons. By the time he was 5, he was one of the best flyers in the tribe. He took a particular interest in herbs around 6 years old, and by 7 was being trained.


his most exciting jobs usually consisted of rain’wings falling out of hammocks or accidentally eating a hallucinating frog. Needless to say, it was very boring, and to a 10 year-old dragon, this was the least that they wanted. So, to keep him happier, he would go out and find herbs. Everyday it seemed he strayed farther and farther from camp. Until, one day, he found that he woke up in a strange cave without any knowledge of how he got there. For a whole year, he was poked and prodded by night’wings until Glory finally saved him. He only tried fighting back in the cave once, and was left with a huge tear in his wing and a slash over his eye. He never tried fighting back after this, and instead followed the night’wings and what they said. The only colour his scales would change to was a dark grey and white.

After Glory saved him, he found it hard to accumulate with normal Rain’Wing life, and even harder to live so close to the Night’Wings. None of the rain’wings noticed he was gone, and none of them cared. He decided one night that enough was enough. He packed a pouch full of water, herbs, food, and a sloth that found themselves wrapped tightly around his waist. He ran into the animus tunnel and didn’t look back.

He walked around the desert for a while, before finally ending up at the scorpion den. Here, with the help of Thorn, he refuelled his water and food pouch with the payment of herbal knowledge and some of his fruits. He wandered more until he saw Possibility. Here, he could finally settle down without the threat of Night’Wings.

He started work at a small Medic hut, and was soon found to have some of the most medical knowledge out of the group there. He quickly gained many friends, including 2 Sand’Wings, 1 Sea’Wing, 1 Sky’Wing and 2 Ice’Wings. He Loves all of them and wouldn’t change them for the world. By 21 he started mentoring younger trainees, and as a qualified doctor he was renowned as being he one to go to when things when bad. He loves his job, and loved his friends. He is quite reluctant to work on Night’Wings, but will put up with them if they are ill or hurt. He will not however have them hanging around the hut, and will send them away quite fast. Because of this, there is a smaller medic hut on the other side of town that is primarily full of Night’Wings, and those that are disliked in the community. This is where Star'Writer works.