
" One day I'll be gone, but what I taught you will remain. "
Name Stale'Mewl

Former Names Stale'Kit

Gender Male He/Him

Orientation Straight

Old Apprentice Marsh'Seed

Rank Elder

Residence DawnClan


He is a light brown with cream fur and blackish Brown stripes aligning his body. He has three forehead stripes and two stripes under each eye with freckles speckling in between his eyes.

He wears two feathers on his tail at all times.

Design notes
  • Two stripes under each eye.
  • TWO feathers in his tail. NOT OPTIONAL.
  • Lots of stripes, lil stripey boy..
  • It's not known why he wears the feathers, but clan rumors have it he got it from a fallen friend during battle. (Nothing here per usual.)
  • content
  • content

Stale is a stubborn and grumpy old man, but if you're someone he has been around most of his life then you are an exception from this, revealing a softer, funnier, insensitive caring side. Not many people see this, maybe only his mate and his past Apprentice. Though if you catch him on the right time on the right day he might sit you down and tell you a story which will get you on his good side if you listen.

He still has the need to care for his clan and help those who are hurt, even if you're an annoying kitten who happens to bug him, if you start limping around or have an earache, he'll pull you aside and treat you like his own child, caring for you and giving you the treatment you need.

  • Long Naps
  • Cuddles with his wife
  • Short Walks outside camp with Marsh
  • Loud and Annoying kits
  • Small Prey
  • Leaf Bare


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

As an apprentice he was always running outside of camp and getting into trouble trying to look at herbs and other plant growth in the clan territory. He never took an interest to Warrior training and always seemed to be pestering the medicine cat and trying to get more info out of them on how to treat wounds or bandage cats or fix broken bones. Eventually the medicine Cat decided that he would make a very good medicine Cat when they passed away, so they talked to the leader about getting him under their paws. It worked and he went from Warrior training to Medicine training and with the help of the previous medicine cat, he became one of the best and most respected within the clan.

As a young Warrior his medicine cat duties got a little too stressful for him and he ended up having a stress-induced panic attack which made the leader put him on pause from medicine cat Duty. He felt rather pathetic and disappointed in himself which made him learn to suck it up and get over it when he felt stressed, resulting in a bad moon of him lashing out and acting different. Once he was able to talk to the leader about what was bugging him though, the leader said that he would have his mentor come back and sit with him for a little bit to help him learn how to healthily relieve all that stress.

As a warrior he was one of the best med cats the clan had ever had, he was fast he was smart he knew what to use when to use it and how to use it. He became highly respected and highly praised boosting his ego and making him work better. When he started mentoring Marsh he made sure that she learned everything under the sun that he knew, he didn't leave a single thing out even if that meant he had to be harsh and cruel towards her. Even when he made her cry he always somehow made up to her either by taking her on walks and teaching her different plants or just spending time with her and apologizing. He sees her as his own child and he feels a lot of love towards her in the need to protect her and watch her grow. He's currently an elder and he knows his time is coming soon and he's scared to say goodbye to Marsh because he knows she isn't going to handle his passing well, he's also scared to leave Cider. He knows he'll probably make it to StarClan but he's still very scared of what's going to happen, what they're going to do with his corpse when he passes, he is old but he has a lot on his mind.


  • Stale'Mewl
  • Stale — Bleak; Boring; Uninteresting
  • Mewl — Cry; Whimper; Complain
  • He was given the name stale by his mother for being the dullest of his litter, his mother was not a big fan of him being the only male and outcasted him, causing the other queens in the nursery to take care of him where he found his foster mother who loved him more than anything and was heartbroken she could not change his name.
  • He was given the last name Mewl by the leader because that Moon he had had constant outbursts and instances of whining and complaining, so that's what the leader saw him as and was ultimately disappointed by his choice when he grew to be the best of the best.


" My wife! One of the biggest highlights in my life, the woman that keeps me going everyday, she's the sweetest and kindest woman I've ever met and I cannot see myself happier with anyone else. I do fear what may happen to her when I pass, but I am excited to see her in StarClan once more. "

Old Apprentice/Daughter

" Marsh, my Apprentice, my daughter. Ever since I was blessed by StarClan with her as my Apprentice, I felt nothing but love for her, as if she were my own child many many moons ago. She's made me laugh, cry, feel hopeful and feel guilt. She's been an emotional roller coaster but that's just how family is. I fear for her health mentally and physically when I'm gone, but I know Cider will be here to help her carry on when I'm not. "


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