Cider ' Oak



1 year, 3 months ago


" I'll be right behind you, my love. "
Name Cider'Oak

Former Names Cider'Kit

Gender Female She/Her

Orientation Straight

Old Apprentice Fawn'Spirit

Rank Elder

Residence DawnClan


A short furred calico cat with a missing ear. She has a lot of scars, her left paw completly scarred. She walks with a limp sometimes, mostly during Leaf-Bare.

She has tons of battle scars, but a beautiful soft pelt Stale loves to clean!

Design notes
  • Missing LEFT ear!
  • LEFT BACK PAW Is scarred!
  • She lost her ear to a fox trying to defend her apprentice.
  • Her foot was torn up after trying to jump over a fence and landing it short, this happened as a young warrior. (RAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
  • content
  • content

Cider is a very sweet and affectionate with a love for just life in general. She loves to spend her time going on walks outside of camp, telling stories to the kits, or just spending some quality time with Marsh and Stale. She is full of love and happiness, she loves to spread her positivity and insight among the Clan. She has respect from everyone and she treats everyone as her own, Even the leader! She's basically just a bundle of joy and love!

Sometimes she can be a bit clumpy and more agitable, but it doesn't really last long and it's very rare. She truly only gets upset when her foot is bugging her and she has to move around. When she is agitable she tends to be a little Snappy but she always apologizes and tries not to do it. She does not have much of a mean bone in her body, not anymore at least.

  • Small Walks
  • Long Talks
  • Cuddling with Stale
  • Foot Pain
  • Leaf-Bare
  • Sticks in her bed


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Growing up as a kit she was very polite and very calm. She never got into many fights and often just kept to herself. She wasn't a very playful cat, she mostly stayed curled up to her mother or having a simple conversation with the elders. She became friends with Stale right before her Apprentice ceremony and they stayed good friends for a very long time.

As an apprentice her entire personality changed. She was more active and more out there, but she also had a bit of a temper and a mean side. She was constantly bickering with the other cats and trying to push her way to the top of the clan, she was trying to be better than most of the other cats and she would get mad when things didn't go her way. She got into many fights with the other apprentices and was very harsh to her Mentor during training physically. She always respected those older than her but she would have to bite her tongue quite often. Stale actually fell for her around this time because he saw her strength and ability to fight back very pleasing! She was just a whole bag of disobedience. When she was finally given her Warrior name she was a very strong, fast, and agile cat who did not let anything bug her. She did things her way without breaking the warrior code and was very respected for it, very praised at times and that boosted her ego to a bad point and reality hit her hard when she almost lost her life to a rogue, that's when she realized that she needed a tone everything down and her personality softened!

She's currently an elder and her soft and kind personality has stuck with her since. She's a sweetheart to everyone, she loves to sit in the nursery with the queens and talk to them or Comfort them during litter birth. She often helps them learn what to do as a mother and how to do it. She had her own kids but they did not survive due to it being Leaf-Bare, which is another reason she does not like the season. She loves to tell stories to the kits and apprentices that listen! She has many stories, she loves to tell tales about her past and the war she fought in, she likes to tell her story about her ear and her foot to prevent the younger members from pulling the stunt she did. She is just a huge help within the clan.


  • Cider'Oak
  • Cider — Sweet; Enjoyable; Tart
  • Oak — Carefree; loyal; cooperative;
  • Her mother named her cider because she was a very sweet kitten to be around and brought her mother a lot of enjoyable memories!
  • She was given her suffix because she was very loyal to the clan, and it deserved to be noticed.


" My husband! He's put up with all of my stunts, he's been with me since we were apprentices. Every day with him is a blessing from StarClan. He makes me laugh and feel loved, he keeps me warm during the cold nights and when I don't feel right he goes out to The Fresh kill pile and picks me my favorite snack without me having to ask! He knows all the right things to say and do and he just makes my world a million times better. I do admit that I will suffer greatly when he's gone, but I know I'll follow right behind him not long after... "


" Marsh! My husband mentored her into being the amazing medicine cat she is now. She spent with us since she was small, we do truly feel like she is our own. She has brought me many gifts both physically and mentally. I love to talk with her and help her hunt for herbs when she needs the help. She is so sweet everyone around her and I do wish nothing but the best for her. I worry about her when we're both gone, but I know she will be all right. "


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