
Name: Aurora

ID #: 4092

Level: 10

Andrew’s Notes: “Built to withstand temperatures of either extreme, Aurora enjoys exploring the ocean depths, particularly around lava vents. This has also carried over into an obsession with both hot springs and hot tubs on the surface, and pulling her out of one once she’s climbed in requires either a hefty bribe, something she wants more, or her pokéball.”


Species: Alolan Vulpix/Dratini

Nature: Quiet

Ability: Marvel Scale

Types: Ice-Fire

Traits: Hybrid (70/30), Delta (fire), and Neoteny 

Ball: Timer Ball 


Evolution: Use Strange Stone at level 30 (Not Eligible)

Healthy Breeding Slots: 2/2

Offspring: None


Obtained: Breeding

Parentage: Offspring of [3593] Casanova and [4023] Boreus

Clutchmate(s): 3

Hall of Fame: Not Eligible 


Level Log: 

+10 Reference