Trash Man



1 year, 1 month ago


█ Trash Man

Name [Trash Man]
Name Pronunciation [Trash Man]
Species [Human]
Age [36]
Gender [Male]
Pronouns [He/him]
Sign [Aquarius]
Orientation [Straight]
Occupation [Gym owner]
Residence [Apartment near his gym]
Status [Divorced with a young daughter]
█ Design Notes
  • When he's in work mode Trash Man's hair is always done up nicely. But when he's at home or especially when he's drinking it's down and messy.
  • He's a Deity amongst the trash dwelling people.
  • Has facial hair but no mustache, only sideburns and chin hair
  • Is usually seen in his workout outfit but outfits can vary depending on the situation. At home he's usually in a t-shirt and shorts or his boxers.
  • If ever drawn with alcohol know that Trash Man's favorite type of alcohol is beer first and foremost with sake in second place
█ Personality

Trash Man is usually a nice guy to be around during the day when he's at work. But if at night after his gym closes he doesn't get any alcohol he gets angry or overall unpleasant to be around. He can be a sad drunk if he's reflecting back on his failed marriage or especially on barely being able to see his young daughter. But most of the time Trash Man is a happy and pleasant drunk. Working out really pumps Trash Man up, especially if he's listening to good workout music like Eye of the Tiger.

█ Trivia
  • The first name of Trash Man's ex wife is Colette
  • The first name of Trash Man's young daughter is Cosima
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD
█ Abilities
Description here. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan.
Description here. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan.
Description here. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan.
█ History

Trash Man's life had a very promising start. He met his ex wife Colette when they were young children, both 6 years old, and quickly became friends. As the years passed they became closer and their friendship deepend in other ways. Shortly after the graduated high school it was decided that Trash Man would be taking over his family's gym instead of following Colette to the same university which was originally their plan. She assured him that this was something she was okay with and that she would be looking forward to seeing him soon. Colette ended up finishing her university degree and returned back home as quickly as she possibly could. Their relationship continued to heat up and they ended up getting married after it was found out that Colette was pregnant with Trash Man's child. However their marriage really changed their relationship. It brought Trash Man a lot of stress in his life which led him to start drinking, sometimes heavily, and this was one of the last straws for Colette. The final straw for Colette was when Trash Man had passed out drunk in front of their daughter Cosima which really upsetted Cosima. She was worried about her father and was also upset that her father would pass out instead of spending time with her like he was supposed to. Colette took Cosima, all of their belongings, and left. Now when it's Trash Man's rare turns to spend time with Cosima one of his ex wife's relatives always drops Cosima off. Colette wants nothing to do with Trash Man anymore, ever. This saddens Cosima who wants her parents to get along when they obviously are not. She often asks Trash Man when she can see him next since Cosima still cares about her father, Trash Man, despite what happened the day her mother Colette took her and left. These days Trash Man is a single man and focuses most of his daytime life towards his family's gym and making sure everything runs as it should there. He keeps a picture of Cosima at his work office desk and several around his apartment that he's gotten from Colette's family as holiday gifts. One of Trash Man's favorite recent pictures he's gotten of Cosima was from her recent birthday to which he was not invited. Despite sometimes being a very messy drunkard overall Trash Man has a good heart and cares a lot about his daughter. He's patiently awaiting for Cosima to get older so she'll be able to see him more freely. TO BE CONTINUED!!!!

█ Relationships

Ex wife


Trash Man's young daughter he had with his ex wife


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