Wilhelm von Sauer




Wilhelm von Sauer

Paranormal Investigation Photographer


Name Wilhelm Von Sauer
Called Will, "Sour"
Age Mid 20s - Late 40s
Gender Male
Race German-American
Occupation Photographer
Orientation Gay
Birthday 07/25


Wilhelm forges his career as a photographer in an odd kind of medium. Using the worst of urban cityscapes to his advantage, Wilhelm seeks out the most accursed or occult locales with the intent of photographing them. His goal is to find the mysterious and, at most, haunted. He runs a photo and art gallery halfway between developing suburbia and the stretches of short or shallow, steel skyscrapers. He claims to have been raised and brought from the American West, but his dialect and heritage betray him as someone homegrown in the northeast, muddled by a light German accent.


Wilhelm is, above all, curt, blunt, and to the point. His business comes first, and if you have nothing to do with it, it takes a good minute for him to warm up to you. He also displays himself as a desensitized individual. There's very little disgust or horror he bears in the face of death and the paranormal. Unless such a thing shows him it is capable of taking his life, he is stone cold.

Behind the lens, he is cold and calculating. He behaves less like he is taking a photograph and more like he is lining up a shot for a kill, still with precision and care. Because of his attention to his work, he comes off as incredibly aloof, and what little he puts himself together for social dealings, he is just as curt as he is for his business.


Wilhelm grew up and invested himself in his talents like any good art persuer. He trained in his artistic craft traditionally, where he started with painting, sculpting, and sketching. It ate most of his time, and as he hoped to make a career of it, photography as a medium caught his attention. He was infatuated when he saved for and purchased his own camera, and still consumed by that same vigor, he persued dangerous avenues to launch his career.

In his early 20s, Wilhelm is more reckless than he could have ever cared to have been. His photography style is up close and personal, and he gets invasive beyond belief. This era of Wilhelm most notably abused his athletic nature to gain access to abandoned facilities and sites for decrepit themes of photography. It's here he discovered a connection to the paranormal, exposed by his photography.

Many of his peers refused to believe him about the ghosts within his photos, despite the several different development techniques that best exposed outlines and faces. This started a phase of Wilhelm that grew a little more distant, focused on his work. He was determined, by his late 20s, to expose some sort of truth. When he finally developed enough of a spectre's facial features to turn it into a police sketch, he was suddenly finding progress for a missing persons case. A full investigation was launched, and for an extended period of time, Wilhelm was under interrogation. Innocence until proven guility benefited him, and he was allowed to continue his work. This cycle continued for four missing persons cases until the same police department finally closed that all four cases held no prior connection to Wilhelm, and he was invited, though he refused, as a private investigator.

Wilhelm now continues this line of work independently, developing more unique techniques to establish himself as a "paranormal investigation photographer." He goes hand-in-hand with police departments but tends to run his own show. Several spectres wish to be seen and are displayed in his gallery, either making a show for the camera or harassing Wilhelm through his lens. Many are forward, hovering inches from the frame or simply being in view. Others refuse to have their photograph taken, and Wilhelm has had to file these locations as off-limits, condemned, or exorcism-worthy. He makes a career of this now, commissioned to investigate haunted sites, shoot around crime scenes and last known locations, or on occasion, hired to shoot weddings.




This ghost one day appeared to him in his home. It is unclear as to what they look like or what age they may be, but they have identified with the name Chloe (on a foggy bathroom mirror) and regularly bother Wilhelm. Random objects often just fall over near him, and cold chills seize shins. That's how you know Chloe is in the room.


This ghost often haunts Wilhelm's gallery at night or can follow him to sites he investigates. Rarely, as to ensure his namesake is held to a high standard, "Mischief" slams doors and flickers lights. Wilhelm once ambushed this ghost at the only working light in an abandoned building, revealing a male, older-teenage figure.


Detective Conway

"Who let him into my office, and why does he smell like a wet dog?"

Ghost #3

Nam interdum velit sed magna iaculis, eu gravida massa venenatis. Donec commodo elementum eros sit amet porta. Fusce in dui libero. Proin rutrum arcu aliquam ex fermentum, ac venenatis justo viverra.



  • Thanks to Wilhelm's work, 15 missing persons cases have been closed.
  • The worst thing that he had ever captured, by accident, was the motion blur of a hanged man.
  • Many spectres captured in photo stills pass on. Others haunt Wilhelm until he closes their case.
  • One ghost only ever spoke to him, he claims. "Bright," it said, seconds after a flash went off.
  • Though not a religious man, he has surrendered haunted sites to exorcists of the church. If they were ever successful, he will never know.