


6 years, 20 days ago




Nickname Content
Gender Male (he/him)
Age 19
Height 5'7 ft
Birthdate Taurus; May 17th
Species Human
Orientation bi/pan
Music Token's Playlist
Partner none

> It's hard to believe that it's wrong to want more... <





Token is the unofficial leader of the group. He thinks fast on his feet and puts others before himself. Token mostly keeps to himself unless he’s exploring other worlds in The Hall. Token tends to find himself in troublesome situations as for whatever reason Token attracts attention of those around him without doing anything. Not all of it good and it often gets him into some hairy situations.

He feels like he’s the only one who cares that they lack their memories while everyone else carries on carelessly. Token feels particularly uneasy about it. More so because unlike the others who have fragments of memories, he has none. Something is very, very wrong with this picture and if he’s the only one that’s trying to fix things, so be it.


Animals, Listening to music, Quiet, Exploring, Fruit, The outdoors, Frozen Yogurt, Sushi, Waffles

Crowds, Yams, Squash, Too much attention,


Token is a big bunch of swirling, confusing, feelings and thoughts. He’s looking for himself within all that noise. He's very attuned to people and things around him unless they involve himself, then he's a bit clueless.

Token is stubborn in his morals and motives, paired with his lack of fear for most things, it tends to get him into some hairy situations. Much to his friends' dismay.

Once flustered when put in uncomfortable situations, he's grown to cover it with sarcasm, which he lays on really thick. Token has adapted to using a dry sense of humor to work around his problems and insecurities.

fun facts

Token is a pretty good artist. He sometimes takes a sketchbook to the worlds he visits to draw the interesting things he finds.

He carries an mp3 player and earbuds everywhere.

Has playlists of songs he put together for certain moods he's feeling. Angry playlists, sad playlists, calm playlists, exciting playlists etc.

Remarkibly good at handling and interacting with animals/creatures.

Since he's constantly in new and different worlds, often somtimes even wildernesses, he has studied and learned outdoor survival skills.



Token awoke in an empty house. It felt welcoming, warm. It felt like home. He had no thoughts of his past or future. Nothing gave him the need to care. Boredom came not too long after. One morning, he noticed a set of stair that led to another floor. He followed them and it was an attic. Cozy and relaxing, surrounded in books, games, magazines. These things introduced a new concept to Token; the outside world.

He took his first step outside. The house was truely secluded. There was barely a road. Nothing was maintenced. After looking around he wasn't sure where to go. He went back inside. Conflicted, confused, questioning everything. Days and days of Token investigating the house's surroundings. He discovered the house was self sustained through generators, solar panels, etc. But he could not figure out how the fridge filled with food or why the house suddenly had a new room, how the house seems to adjust here and there ever so slightly. From what he can tell from the media he consumed, this wasn't normal.

Token was becoming lonely. The media he did consume, people had other people in their lives. Token wasn't even sure if he was the only person anywhere. He decided the next day, he'd plan to go out on his own to find people. That next day, another door appeared in the house. It was locked, Token spent the whole day trying to unlock it and after everything he gave up. He packed things for his plan to go out and told himself the next day he will go. The next morning he heard something at his door. Someone or something, messing with the door handle. Token grabbed a stool in his room as a weapon and nervously swung open the door. Token meets a hunched over, newbie lockpick Dezzi.

Token and Dezzi scuffle, both claiming the other is invading their home. Realizing neither are intending to harm the other, they talk. Token showing him his room, and vice versa. They discuss their memories of their home. Realizing, in the end, neither of them know much of their past if at all. Dezzi opts for a truce, along with many flirtatious invitations. Token decides to keep a wide breach between each other. Token is left with more questions. The next day, another door appears.

This time, Ace is the attacker after walking into Dezzi, his first interaction with someone in the house. Token talks him down. They talk just as the other two did. They all awkwardly accept something is strange with their situation and no one is at fault. Ace says he's not happy about it but there's nothing he can do until they figure something out. A day passes, two... Three. No one is comfortable. Dezzi feigns going-with-the-flow, still trying to get close to Token with flirtatious advances. Ace defends Token, there is something that feels... Normal suddenly. But it quickly wanes. Another door appears.

Roxy tells them that she had fun but the party is over, for them to leave her house. They all talk and explain the situation. Roxy seems unfazed, relaxed even. She expresses she's decisively okay with it and she can't see why she'd complain. Proceeding to treat everything like she has known them for all her life. Everyone starts getting into a groove of how everyone is and living with it within the next few days. Another door appears.

Token walks down the next morning to Tonks eating a bowl of cereal at the dining table. Tells Token good morning as Token sits facing him, introduces himself, Tonks replies in kind and continues blabbing about the game on the back of the cereal box. The others one by one come down and Token simply says 'New guy.' and they realize Tonks isn't the most helpful with information and just accept his pressence. The doors stopped for some time. Until they all became restless and discussed what was further out beyond the house. The last door, appeared in the attic.

They waited, no one came out of this door. So they opened it. They would call it The Hall later; it was a massive and vast corridor with endless doors. They found that each door lead to an alternate world. After looking through as many as they could, they had no answers to their situation yet. They found if the so desired, random doors would lead back to The Hall; their house.

They all seemingly accepted this new part of their living situation and how things were currently. Choosing not to think too much of it. Except Token. It frustrates him how they aren't feverish with trying to find out what's going on. He feels as though they are being extremely decisive over not thinking about it. But he doesn't want to bring it up as one of the biggest faults of his and probably the biggest mystery he himself is afraid to learn is, what's outside the front door of their house beyond the vast fields and trees. Token isn't sure what it is, but it makes him sick with unease and fright. So he's sticking his nose in The Hall and it's many worlds for answers instead. Meanwhile, he lives with his new friends.


Token has continued his search through The Hall. While the others use The Hall as an outlit for their boredom. Token thinks that there is something it is hiding. A needle in a haystack situation on their situation of the lack of memories of their prior lives and why they're here. As frustrating as the others lack of concern over their living situation is to Token, he doesn't plan on becoming complacent. He continues to go through as many worlds as he can.

Meanwhile, the household has grown close. Becoming almost like a family in their own way. Dezzi to Token has been a big question mark. He was Token's first interaction with anyone as far as his memory serves, and it has been nothing but invasive and uncomfortible for so long. But there's been a change in Dezzi. Token can't put his finger on it, but he becoming curious in this new Dezzi.



ROXY  [ Friend / Roommate ]

Token sees Roxy more like a big sister type. She looks out for him in her own way even if she can be kinda smothering. He isn't too keen on her drinking as much as she does, he hopes that she'll cut back some. Besides that, Token admires how well she can handle herself and how she speaks her mind.


DEZZI  [ Friend / Roommate ]

Dezzi was terrible. He was lewd, invasive and had a bloated ego when Token first met him and he had to deal with it for awhile. Through Token not putting up with it and some time, unknowingly Token taught Dezzi humility. Taught him boundaries. Token unknowingly taught him a lot. Token once showing distaste for Dezzi as a person is now mostly confused with this newer Dezzi. He’s throwing all these mixed signals and behavior at Token and Token doesn’t know how to register it. Dezzi has been more kind, less invasive and egotistical. Token has found himself enjoying his company more and laughing with him more often but with this huge change, Token doesn’t even know if he’s seeing who Dezzi actually is. He’s not sure if it’s another act to win him over. He’s just so not sure of him.


ACE  [ Friend / Roommate ]

Ace is pretty much Token's best friend. They get along very well and can go back and forth with their sarcasm and jokes. Token is especially thankful for someone he can actually talk to about the nitty gritty things. He knows Ace's 'temper' is overexaggerated 70% of the time but sometimes he wonders if that's good for Ace. He also wishes he'd go easier on Tonks.


TONKS  [ Friend / Roommate ]

Tonks is like the baby brother of the group but one that Token takes most responsibilty for. Token doesn't neccessarily hate the responsibility, he feels like Tonks not only needs a guardian but also that he maybe never has had it before. So he's content with being that for him. He's also the only one that can get Tonks to listen so he kinda doesn't have a choice in the matter.

code by anghel