


6 years, 1 month ago




Nickname Dez
Gender Male (he/they)
Age 22
Height 6'5 ft
Birthdate Pisces; Feb 27th
Species Elvenfolk
Orientation bi/pan
Voice Claim Jason Mraz
Music Dezzi's Playlist
Partner none

> Be still my foolish heart. <





Dezzi is flirty social butterfly who does his best to not concern himself with serious matters. Prefering the comfort of others over his own company. If he's not loafing around friends he's probably in someone's bed.

Dezzi does his best to not dwell on himself so if he's concerned for anything, it's for those close for him. Being a people pleaser, he will try to alieviate others of their woes. Distracting his own feelings with that of others. Their little group has the heavy weight of an unresolved mystery looming over them. All save for Token are concerning themselves with it. Dezzi can't help but feel guilty for it, but something deep in his heart has him feeling he doesn't want to tap too much into it. But Dezzi can see how much it bothers Token and he can't help but want to help him over his own trepidations.

((Artist notes: Fur striped tail now outdated))


Music, Dancing, Singing, Attention, Socializing, Eating new/different cuisine, Anime, Romcoms

Crowds, Spiders, Tail being yanked, Documentaries, Sour Candy


He plays up the playboy, super chill, cool guy act but to those who know him best he’s actually a ridiculous over the top dork with a lot of ridiculous over the top emotions. Dezzi is also pretty persceptive when it comes to people's moods or feelings and will try to not let on to knowing if something is wrong but go out of his way to cheer them up. Dezzi gets restless very easy and often seeks company. Dezzi at his worst when he’s alone with his own thoughts so he does his best to avoid this. He loves all people of all walks of life. A big people please-r.

Dezzi has come a long way from being the lewd, big ego-d, invasive person he was. He's learned humility and respect among other things. But with this new outlook on things, Dezzi feels pretty awkward. He has a new sense of self that was actually always there as he was taught to put on a mask for show, an act to make himself seem more appealing. Though he doesn’t really know how to handle it. That mixed with these new found feelings he’s experiencing is making him a mess and Dezzi finds it kinda scary. Dezzi’s full of love. He’s so afraid of it, he’s sure it’ll destroy him one day. It’s already weighing on him heavily with his feelings for Token.

fun facts

He’s not much on drinks unless really pressured to which never ends well. He’s a huge light weight and becomes a mess.

Absolutely fears spiders. He has to get the others to take care of it if he finds them and is uneasy still afterwards.

Was a big fan of watching music videos and practicing the choreographing of the background dancers. He also knows a bit of foxtrot/ballroom.

He taught himself guitar cords and has an acoustic guitar he plays in his room along with songs for practice.



Dezzi awoke in his room. As far as he could recall; as per norm. He exits his room to see what he percieved as a door down his hallway that he hasn't seen before. Trying the door he found it was locked. What else was there to do but try to break in? He gathered up some bobby pins and safety pins and a card. Unsure of which was gonna do the job, he tried his hand at lockpicking. He hears something behind the door, but before he can register what it was the door swung open and Token swings a stool at him.

The two of them scuffle, both claiming the other is intruding in their home. Realizing neither are intending to harm the other, they talk. Dezzi showing him his room, and vice versa. They discuss their memories of their home. Realizing, in the end, neither of them know much of their past if at all. Dezzi opts for a truce, along with many flirtatious invitations. As endearing as Token's flustered reactions were, he could tell Token avoided him advidly. Dezzi decides as odd as the situation was, he couldn't help but feel lucky to have an attractive new roommate and that was better to think about instead. The next day, another door appears.

Again, Ace is the attacker after walking into Dezzi, Ace's first interaction with someone in the house. Token talks him down much to Dezzi's relief. They talk just as Dezzi and Token did. They all awkwardly accept something is strange with their situation and no one is at fault. Ace says he's not happy about it but there's nothing he can do until they figure something out. A day passes, two... Three. No one is comfortable. Dezzi feigns going-with-the-flow, still trying to get close to Token with flirtatious advances. Ace defends Token, there is something that feels... Normal suddenly. But it quickly wanes. Another door appears.

Roxy tells them that she had fun but the party is over, for them to leave her house. They all talk and explain the situation. Roxy seems unfazed, relaxed even. She expresses she's decisively okay with it and she can't see why she'd complain as long as they aren't freaks. Proceeding to treat everything like she has known them for all her life. Roxy is welcomed company to Dezzi as Token wants nothing to do with him and Ace is a tightass. Everyone starts getting into a groove of how everyone is and living with it within the next few days. Another door appears.

Ace, Roxy and Dezzi make their way downstairs one morning to Token and someone else at the dining table eating cereal. Token simply says, 'New guy.' and they realize Tonks isn't the most helpful with information and just accept his pressence. The doors stopped for some time. Until they all became restless and discussed what was further out beyond the house. The last door, appeared in the attic.

They waited, no one came out of this door. So they opened it. They would call it The Hall later; it was a massive and vast corridor with endless doors. They found that each door lead to an alternate world. After looking through as many as they could, they had no answers to their situation yet. They found if they so desired, random doors would lead back to The Hall; their house.

Dezzi very much to his character just shrugged it off as just how things were now, much like the others, save for Token. Dezzi noticed a similar apprehension in the others who didn't want to think too much about it. There was a silent decisive agreement between them not to ask each other about it. Dezzi however felt uneasy over Token's hyperfocus on it. His situation was definitely different, Dezzi realized immediately. Despite Dezzi's trepidations towards their predicament, he has a new interest in how it's affecting Token.


Time has passed. Their situation hasn't changed much. They are more of a family than roommates now. Dezzi himself has gone through his own sort of growth. His feelings for Token grew and Token himself has hardened himself against Dezzi's advances. It has humbled Dezzi's overzealous nature. He made himself more familiar with Token's adventures by tagging along, he has a newfound respect for their redheaded unofficial leader. Dispite his uneasy feelings about it, in order to ease Token's search for answers; Dezzi opened up to Token over what little fragments of memory that has come back to him.

After some tagging along with Token to other worlds out of fear of Token surcumbing to harm; some of the worlds jogged Dezzi's memory, if just a little. He knows he's from a middle earth fantasy world, he is of elven descent. But something about that feels... murky and leaves him with a hurtful pang in his heart. He suddenly feels the need to be comforted if he dwells too much on the matter.

Dezzi finally really got Token's attention when telling the redhead of his fragment of memory of his origins. It was bittersweet for Dezzi. Token showed interest in him, but it was something that Dezzi didn't want to think about. On the other hand, he was invested in Token shouldering their mystery situation. And if this can help Token, that made Dezzi happy. Dezzi assumes Token spending time with him is soley for this reason. If it is, he'll take it. He simply wants to be around Token and try to protect him as much as he can.



ROXY  [ Friend / Roommate ]

Roxy is Dezzi's partner in crime and best friend. They get into a lot of trouble together, usually by Roxy's guidence but Dezzi is usually the one to put a cap on it-- of course in a stragegic way that Roxy doesn't percieve as a end to the fun. She's also there to talk things out or comfort Dezzi for any down times he might have. The both of them have a very good give and take relationship that Dezzi is thankful for.


Token  [ Friend / Roommate ]

Dezzi wasn't at his best when he first met Token. He was lewd, invasive and had a bloated ego. Dezzi didn’t get it, everyone came around eventually. But here Token was, not falling for any of his shit. Through this and some time, unknowingly Token taught Dezzi humility. Taught him boundaries. Token unknowingly taught him a lot. Dezzi slowly and surprising even himself, truly falls for Token. Token once showing distaste for Dezzi seems to tolerate him more. He's noticed Token laughing more with him and not avoiding him as much but he can tell Token is still wary of him. Dezzi understands why, he was a pretty skeevy person. He really wishes he could start all over with Token.


ACE  [ Friend / Roommate ]

Dezzi finds Ace to be kind of a spoil sport. As eccentric and extroverted as Dezzi is, Ace is the complete opposite, so they of course clash. Dezzi gives in though. He knows Ace is actually doing his best as their unofficial 'mom', as Dezzi and Roxy likes to call him. Dezzi is very thankful for Ace for looking out for them. He does his best to get Ace to loosen up.


TONKS  [ Friend / Roommate ]

Dezzi finds him pretty gross. He is dead after all and that doesn't smell so nice and Tonks makes matters worse by dumpster diving and just being dirty in general. Besides that he's entertaining, he's always on the go and pretty happy. Like a big kid. So Dezzi humors him often, like an uncle or something. He let's Tonks get away with everything. Being dead and gross can't be too great, let the guy have some fun.

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