


1 year, 3 months ago


sunshine of the sea.

flo, captain fraudfeather
good question (she/they)
19 years
normal fletchling
gijinka height
feral height
doesn't know doesn't care
chaotic neutral

a menace to their friends and a friend to their enemies, florence adores treasure (or anything shiny) and will do almost anything to get her hands on it. her winning smile might be tempting, but remember to watch your pockets when she's around!

florence captains the seafire shanty, a small (former) pirate ship that can often be spotted by wayfarers on the seas. the shanty is home to team seafire, of which florence is co-leader.

a silly little guy.

impetuous & silly

positive traits

insouciant: flo never worries about trivial things like getting in trouble or imminent danger. worrying is for everyone else– they’re just here to vibe.

adaptable: because they never think before acting, florence has learned to be flexible and roll with the punches. she can do just fine in almost any situation.

endearing: flo’s petite figure and upbeat attitude lends them a certain charm, and those who meet her are softened by her winning smile. even while she’s picking their pocket.

neutral traits

self-serving: florence puts their own needs before anyone else’s, which gets her many enemies but also keeps her alive.

headstrong: florence usually assumes she’s right about everything and listens to no one once their decision is set in stone. this means they can’t be easily swayed to misdeeds, but most of the time it’s just annoying.

frivolous: flo does what they please and doesn’t stand for worrywarts. they don’t take anything too seriously and are usually optimistic about the worst of situations, to a dangerous extent.

negative traits

materialistic: florence will do quite literally anything for money. her loyalities lie with treasure and treasure only. lying, stealing, betrayal? all on the table if they’ll get rich.

impulsive: as suggested by their characteristic, flo is just here for a good time and doesn’t really look before she leaps.

vindictive: flo doesn’t get mad easily– but when she snaps, she REALLY snaps. they’ll do anything to exact revenge on whoever wronged them, and will never forget a grudge until its subject has suffered vengeance.

team seafire, the chaos ever.



"it's fun to bother him! by far the best prisoner i've taken. he's a little too sensible sometimes."



she has the power of god and anime on her side.

gale wings
normal / flying


(lowers opponent’s attack stat)
florence ruffles their feathers and chirps sweetly, putting her opponent at ease.


deals damage
flo darts forward and furiously jabs at their opponent with her sharp beak to inflict damage.


increases team members' speed stats for 4 turns
florence whips up a whirlwind with her wings, invigorating their team members.
you'd better sit down, this one's a doozy.

home island
lanier islands
located in
desolate sea

content warnings
criminal activity, major character death, gang activity, mentions of murder, kidnapping

early life

  • flo is born in rockdale and lives on the outskirts with her single mother, felicity (she/her), for their toddler years
  • florence moves back into the heart of rockdale during her preteen years and learns to steal and scavenge to survive
  • florence's mom, catches a deadly illness and passes away

the rockdale bandits

  • flo joins a group of bandits that frequented rockdale and gains some skill at combat
  • they steal away a small cut of earnings from the bandits each month for their own savings
  • at 16, florence's absent father-- a pirate called blue-eyed blake (he/him)-- shows up

blue-eyed blake

  • blake offers flo a spot on the crew of his ship, the seafire symphony, traveling across the seas
  • eager to leave rockdale and the bandits, flo takes her savings and accepts the offer

on the seafire symphony

  • florence spends two years learning the ropes of sailing and navigation, as well as a bit of swordplay from their father
  • she picks up a heavy use of pirate speak and still has it in the present!
  • dates one of the crew members? perhaps a breakup is what prompts them to leave the symphony…
  • on her 18th bday, blue-eyed blake commandeers a tiny but sturdy ship and gives it to florence as a present, along with his father’s cutlass saber
  • flo christens the ship "the seafire shanty" and departs on their own to make a name for herself as a pirate

captain fraudfeather

  • flo is a decent pirate, but competition is fierce and they’re greatly outnumbered, being one of the only pirates without a crew
  • turns to sneakiness instead– befriends and beguiles fellow ship captains, then flees with their belongings in the middle of the night
  • builds a reputation for lying and trickery– those who encounter her begin to refer to them as “florence fraudfeather” or just “captain fraudfeather”
  • florence is doing fairly well (age 18 by now) but is running low on funds
  • to earn money (and for fun), florence devises a plan to kidnap a wealthy heir and demand a hefty ransom

the almost-abduction of peter du maurier

  • flo sails to allurian island in search of a nice and wealthy victim, and quickly finds a suitable target
  • with some struggle, florence ends up successfully abducting peter du maurier (he/him), the salandit son of a rich family
  • over the next few months, florence sends ransom letters to peter's family but receives no reply whatsoever
  • in the meantime, she has fun bothering peter and they start to grow closer
  • she shows peter how to sail, and peter tries to teach them how to keep the ship tidy (he fails)
  • four months later, florence gets tired of waiting and takes peter (bound and gagged) to his family's manor
  • after several attempts to negotiate, flo realizes they didn't even notice his absence and don't really want him around
  • flo is disappointed that their plan didn't work, and peter is seething at his family's indifference
  • peter decides that since all this is flo's fault, he's going to stick around whether she likes it or not

a prince and a pirate

  • florence and peter sailed the seven seas together, stealing from and/or befriending other ship crews and plundering wherever they went (flo did most of the plundering)
  • the two earned a reputation for being “ghost pirates”-- those who steal valuables in the dead of night and leave before they’re caught, without wreaking havoc on ships
  • surprisingly, the seafire shanty became much more financially stable after peter’s arrival– probably because he actually knew how to spend money
  • they traveled the world, visiting lots of islands but never venturing further than the coast and port towns
  • if they were ever caught stealing (happened twice), they took a prisoner or two on their way out in order to escape. these prisoners ended up joining the crew like peter, then parting ways once they found an island they liked

becoming team seafire

  • around eight months later, flo and pete hear about kala island and the gcsf
  • florence is against the idea of joining an organization, but peter convinces her with the promise of treasure found in dungeons
  • while hesitant to give up her life of piracy, florence finally relents when peter tempts her with the pleasant stability of a steady income
  • they sail to kala island and peter enters the port city of ethovalon to register the two of them as team leaders
  • flo stays on the ship, not wanting to run into bounty hunters; they might have finally given up their pirate ways, but who knew if her reputation had spread to kala island
  • peter returns with a certificate and a list of available missions, and team seafire is born!
their pockets are definitely full of stolen goods.

items applied
