


1 year, 2 months ago


Heronpaw is abused by his mentor, Swandive. She attempts to attack and destroy Featherclan with dogs. She has the dogs attack him when he's had enough and threatens to expose her. The lead dog (twolegs named him Spike) remembers how Heron had been kind to him and turns on Swandive while the others throw Heron around. Spike calls the others off and they turn to Swan, in which she hides out in a tree and they eventually give up. Heron is able to run away to his clan where he is treated and tells his tale. Swandive returns and sweet talks her way out of it. Heronpaw is afraid of her.

Heronflight becomes a warrior and Swandive is still around. He is hopeful that he can eventually shed light on her actions without Swandive doing anything drastic. It is quite a burden to be the only one aware of a potential impending doom.

Heronflight developed anxiety and PTSD after the incident. Swandive purposefully triggers him because she is an asshole. She holds power over him and uses her status to pressure him into silence. The dog attack severely injured him, scarring him in many places and making him go permanently blind in his right eye. Petrelfeather, the medicine cat, exclaimed that it was starclan's will that Heronflight didn't lose his eye at all.