


Eustace Rosendahl

"A forest of thorns shall be your doom."

birthday February 22
age 16
height 180 cm
hometown Briar Valley
other names Eus, Monsieur Cable Chain, Manta ray
dorm Diasomnia
class 1-D (Seat no.24)
club Magical shift club
best subject Practical Magic
voice claim Takahashi Hiroki

hobby Reading books
pet peeves Backhanded compliments
favorite food Sweet and sour shrimp
least favorite food Anchovy
talent Calligraphy

Twin brother of Alethea. He appears to be serious and weird at the same time. He likes to give people odd nicknames and treats his friends with food.

Eustace has a fit stature with short, straight jet black hair and bangs that reach the top of his eyes. His eyes are purple and he always wears round, wire-frame glasses. He has a small birthmark on his collarbone. He wears silver chain bracelet on his left wrist.

His uniform is similar to the rest of the Diasomnia students. The uniform consists of a black all-weather coat with neon green and silver accents, black combat suspenders and belts, jodhpur pants, a small garrison cap, black gloves, and heeled knee-high boots. He wears dark green eyeliner while in his dorm uniform.

Eustace’s unique magic is called Thorn of Agony. It's unknown how his unique magic works but it's related to thorn like his sister.









Eustace is serious and collected. He can keep his cool through chaotic situations. When he does speak, however, the words that come out of his mouth are either frank, self-deprecating, or nonsense. He can be quite prideful and competitive, and does not enjoy being looked down upon or coddled.

He likes to give people nicknames similar to their actual names, instead of referring to them with the latter. The only exception is Alethea as he calls her “Letha” like the others.

》Early Life

  • Was born and raised in Briar Valley alongside his twin, Alethea.
  • The youngest child of Rosendahl, family line of well-known soldiers in Briar Valley.
  • Was taught everything he needed as a noble from a very young age.
  • His study load increased after Alethea and his mother moved to City of Flowers at the age of 8.

》Pre-teen Era

  • His mother passed away three years later.
  • Had a stepmother weeks after his mother’s funeral.
  • Became estranged with Alethea.

》Current Era

  • Got a letter from Night Raven College. Sorted into Diasomnia dorm.
  • Joined the magical shift club.

  • When Eustace and Alethea are seven, his father told Alethea and Eustace that they were actually not twins, but half-siblings who coincidentally were born at the same day.
  • Alethea’s mother was the late wife of her father, whereas Eustace’s is the woman who everyone knows as their stepmother.
  • Eustace thought that Alethea decided to take a distance from him because he didn’t competent enough to be a son of the noble family, thus creating a rift between them.
  • Eustace is based on Maleficent's Thorn Wall.
  • Eustace is the rendition in English of phonetically similar Greek given name Eustáthios that means "steadfast", "stable"; literally "possessing good stability".
  • He shares his passion for books with his sister.
    • And they also have similar taste in food.
  • He was raised to believe that everything can be bought by money. So, he always treats his peers with food to gain friends, although many of them ended up using Eustace’s status to their advantages.
  • The chain bracelet that he wears on his left arm is a gift from Alethea on his 13th birthday.
  • He’s currently collecting trading card games, thanks to Minerva who pulled him into the rabbit hole.

Alethea Rosendahl

[ sister ]

Eustace adored Alethea when he was a child, enjoying her company above all others'. However, as they got older, she began to avoid him, resulting Eustace to be more apprehensive about his true feelings towards Alethea.


Alya Asad

[ who ]



Bonbon Ignatio

[ friend ]



Rollo Flamm

[ acquaintance ]

Eustace once had a neutral stance towards Rollo. Until one day, Eustace accidentally spotted Alethea crying in her room when she read Rollo's letter, which caused him to start to despise him. In recent days, he did everything he could to prevent Rollo and Alethea from being together.

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