


Alethea Rosendahl

"Go with the curse and serve me well."

birthday February 22
age 16
height 169 cm
hometown Briar Valley
other names Letha, Mademoiselle Thorn, Lil Penguin
dorm Diasomnia
class 1-A (Seat no.21)
club Basketball club
best subject Defense Magic
voice claim Hayami Saori

hobby Writing stories, reading books
pet peeves Dishonesty
favorite food Honey garlic butter shrimp
least favorite food Peanuts
talent Royal Etiquette

Twin sister of Eustace. A good student in terms of her grades, and is described by those around her as incredibly serious. She is passionate about her position as a manager for NRC’s basketball club.

Alethea has a slender stature with long, shoulder-length, semi-wavy, jet black hair that reaches down just below her waist that she ties into low pigtails, and bangs that reach the top of her eyes. She has a freckled face and the sides of her face are framed by two long bangs.

Her uniform is similar to the rest of the Diasomnia students. Alethea wears her hair in an updo. She also wears dark green eyeliner while in her dorm uniform. Her uniform consists of a black all-weather coat with neon green and silver accents that reaches above the knee in length, black shorts inside the coat, black combat suspenders and belts, a small garrison cap, black gloves, navy stockings, and heeled knee-high boots.

Alethea’s unique magic is called Rose Thorn. She can cast wall of thorn that serves as shield. From others' perspectives, her unique magic is similar to Eustace but her unique magic emits the scent of roses and she can cast her thorns around people to trap them, which Eustace cannot.









Alethea is seen to be a persistent, dedicated, and dignified girl, and she is described as someone who is likely to not back away no matter how much others urge her. Although she is polite, careful and deliberate in her actions, Alethea came off as insensitive which is why her actions sometimes came off as eccentric and lacking in tact. She is also blunt and honest, unafraid to speak her mind. With her deadpan expression, it’s hard to see her mood changes.

》Early Life

  • Was born and raised in Briar Valley alongside her twin, Eustace.
  • The eldest child of Rosendahl, family line of well-known soldiers in Briar Valley.
  • Was taught everything she needed as a noble from a very young age.
  • Moved to Shaftlands with her mother at the age of 8.
  • Met Rollo Flamme, becoming friends as they bonded over books.

》Pre-teen Era

  • Her mother passed away three years later. Immediately returned to Briar Valley.
  • Had a stepmother weeks after her mother’s funeral.
  • Became estranged with Eustace.

》Current Era

  • Got a letter from Night Raven College. Sorted into Diasomnia dorm.
  • Joined the basketball club and became their manager.

  • When Eustace and Alethea are seven, her father told Alethea and Eustace that they were actually not twins, but stepsiblings who coincidentally were born at the same day.
  • Her mother is the late wife of her father, whereas Eustace’s is the woman who everyone knows as their stepmother.
  • Alethea decided to take a distance from her brother because she knows her stepmother would beat Eustace if she knows they meet with each other, which caused the misunderstanding between them.
  • Alethea is based on Maleficent's Thorn Wall.
  • Alethea is a Greek name that means "truth".
  • She shares her passion for books with her brother.
    • And they also have similar taste in food.
  • She can’t do domestic-related work.
  • Although she aimed to join as shooting guard for the basketball club, her talent to organize club-related things efficiently made Vargas chose her to be the manager instead.

Eustace Rosendahl

[ brother ]

Despite Alethea's cold exterior towards Eustace, she deeply cares for her brother. Alethea recently tried to mend up their relationship by putting Eustace's needs above everyone else's, including her own, which made the latter rather annoyed.


Rollo Flamme

[ love interest ]

They are childhood friends with a two-year age gap, and they first met when Alethea was 8 years old and living in Shaftlands. They had a period of estrangement and lost contact when Alethea returned to Briar Valley at the age of 11 before finally reuniting five years later in Fleur City.


Deuce Spade

[ classmate ]

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