

This character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.

science is art

science is art

The Executive of Progress

Science is a gift, best not squander it

cKN9GAT.gif Typical Me, kroh.

I am not neccisarily a special man, just a man with a very strong passion for curiosity

Silas Arche

The Executive of Progress / The Executive



Enhanced Human

He / They

Lawful Evil




Invientia City

The Network


Scientist / Leader of PRISM



The Executive of Progress, title being shortened to The Executive in discussions, is the leader of Invientia City and effective owner or CEO of the PRISM company and organization. The head of the table in a way. He takes on the responsibility of what direction the faction will go in, whether it is biological engineering or chemical weaponry The Executive gets to choose. Acting as a president of sorts. The Executive is elected by the citizens of Invientia, and spends the rest of his extended life as the leader. He is considered to be the smartest man within the company, therefor the one that can lead humanity towards the future, whatever that future may look like to him.

The current Executive of Progress is a man with a strong passion in biotech and genetic engineering. Having accomplished a wide variety of advancements in that field. He is a firm believer in the mindset of science is the truth and always provides the truth, often conflicting with the arguements presented by those who believe in the Arcana. The products he and his team have developed have saved many lives, with some off side effects. It is widely believed amongst PRISM members the executive is the highest form of knowledge anyone can hope to achieve. Some even treating him as a diety, creating quite the juxtaposition in the faction.

The progress made by The Executive is impressive, although the methods are very questionable. Oddly phrased things said by him in statements or heavily redacted experiment logs lend even more suspicion to the already eerily perfect faction. None really question The Executive, even those outside the city, though there are a few exceptions. Especially when looking at his more...personal connections.


The Executive is a man of high intelligence, and he is well aware of that fact. He flaunts it openly. Those who interact with him percieve him as an eerily calm man, analyzing every move, every word, ever atom in the room. An impossibly level look in his eyes that make most people shrink under his gaze, the feeling of scrutiny washing over them. There is rarely a situation in which he is not three steps ahead. Constantly taking into account every variable he can. The aura of confidence, charisma, and intellect that rolls off of him in waves could make an entire room look to him for guidence or knowledge. Something he is always ready to impart, even if he may embellish the truth with some of his own.

He is not all wise though. Digging behind the facade of greatness is a man who will stop at nothing to make his goals realized. A very special brand of cruel and unusual especially when it comes to his opinion on ethics. A wide part of his success comes from the speed at which experiments are conducted, and the rules by which these experiments tend to break. Not having an issues with cloning, splicing, or even messing with the genetics of his own citizens and colleagues, he is deemed within his communities one of the brightest but one of the most vile scientists to exist. Often unnerving others with his blatent lack of caring for lives other than his own. All for the sake of his abstract ideas of progress. Progress however seems to be limited to biological matters. He has a great disdain for any tech more sentient than a robot vaccumm. Declairing Invientia City a no sentient tech zone and removing any trace of AI programming or smart type of technology, with the claim that it would only hinder and hurt his people and the factions scientific advancements. When really, it is out of fear. Fear that something may be smarter than him, so smart in fact to have the capability to destroy him. He is good at masking this fear in public, though a glare will always be present towards any andriod in sight.

LIKES: The Executive is a fan of almost anything science related. He loves to collect various samples for microscope slides. His favorite food is lettuce wraps and favorite drinks are anything lemon flavored. He has absolutely just taken a bite out of a lemon before.

DISLIKES: ai and robots of that nature. He also hates religious topics believing most of them to be a farce. He also is not a fan of anything with cinnamon in it.






hard light manipulation

due to the implant embedded in the executives forehead, he has the ability to create objects using light projections and solidify them, almost straight from his mind. It requires a great deal of focus to so and over use can cause the implant to begin to burn.



the implant in his head bolsters the already impressive regenerative effects of the aether compound commonly used in medicine. He looks incredibly young due to this and has very fast regenerative abilities. A small laceration healing in seconds seeming like it wasn't even there.


blade staff

One of the main things he forms with his hard light ability is a weapon in the form of a staff with two blades, one at each end. It has the same pink purple sheen of the implant itself. And can be very deadly in combat, though with quite a low durability.


The Executive of Progress stands at exectly 6'0, slim atheltic build, and a very healthy appearence. He bears both a crown or halo and a mark. His eyes glow the same pastel pink-purple color as the implant on his forehead as a signifyer of his attunement to aether. He has a pink undertone due to aether as well. He maintains a professional and clean look, often dressing somewhat minimalist and in blacks and whites with pink accents adorning him. Both ears are pierced though it is common for him to wear simple earrings as well.

The Executive's closet TBA



The Executive has a pair of special glasses that can project data onto the lenses. He is capable of seeing without them, just prefers to wear them as it provides him with some more spatial awareness by scanning the enviornement around him.



The Executive constantly wears gloves. Never removing them for almost any reason. This is due to the sensitivity of their hands and also them wanting to keep up their appearence of clean and professional.



The Executive tends to enjoy reading. Often going to the gardens and sitting down with a new edition of some scientific study written by a peer.


Glass slides

The Executive is a sucker for discovery, often having glass microscope slides tucked into a pocket somewhere. He of course has some minor tools to be able to construct these slides on the fly. He will make a slide of almost anything, his favorite being flora.



It is not uncommon for The Executive to take notes on conversations using a small notepad he carries with him. Writing down unique observations or even sketching things out on occasion to be used or replicated later.



The Executive carries around a small triangle microfiber cloth to clean his glasses and augements with. Making sure to keep his appearence as clean as possible.


Siana Kaesimar, often times just referred to as Dr. Kaesimar, is a member of The Executive's personal lab team. She is in charge of most genetic type experiments and has immense knowledge in that feild. She is one of The Executive's most trusted officials. She will hold onto that fact for the rest of her life.


Paris, aka The Prince of War, is one of the biggest thorns in The Executive's side. Competing with him regularly in business but making a point to hijack and destroy PRISM outposts and labs. Paris is well aware of the extent of The Executives depravity. Often times speaking out about it given the chance. Stating on more than one occasion he would not hesitate to kill The Executive given the shot. The feeling is mutual.

Ex-friend / enemy

Mr. Faisur knew Silas prior to his ascent to Executive. Still referring to him by that name to this day. They used to be close too, Faisur assisting Silas on the business side of his scientific ventures. Something changed in the long run, causing them to drift as Faisur began to despise his particular brand of cruel and unusual. Faisur believes there is still hope for Silas to return back to who he was, but still sees the false god PRISM has turned him into.

Typical Me - kroh

Someone Else - Rezz, Grabbitz


Planet Zero - Shinedown

creature - half alive

Life Itself - Glass Animals

fan behavior - Isaac Dunbar

Bartholomew - The Silent Comedy

Long Way Down - Robert DeLong

Social Climb - IDKHBTFM

Every Day - bo en
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Typical me


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