


1 year, 3 months ago



Collective of Sunclan, said to be one of the cruelest in the clan's history. He rose to the rank as an apprentice after being selected as a hollow, taking the place of Bramblesun.

Foolish slugs, I suppose this will teach all of you limps your lesson.

| nomenclature

cicada - for his light brown coloring resembling that of a cicada shell
sun - suffix representing a collective

| age


| birth season


| gender

male | he/him

| orientation


| story

Sol's Legacy

| loyalty


| rank


| theme

world burn - taylor louderman


Cicadasun is one of the three collectives who rule over Sunclan. Quick to punish even the highest of Sharps, it is fair to say Cicadasun is well feared. He leads the morning meeting the second the sun rises and ends the day with assigning prey.

Is it because your mother scorns the day she had you? Is that why you're so worthless?


Cicadasun can only be described as cold and ruthless. He shows little to no empathy to anyone but himself. There is no redemption arc in his future, he's nothing but pure evil to his core.

  • Likes
    • himself
    • power
    • violence
    • training
  • Dislikes
    • softs
    • fades
    • disrespect
    • freckledsun

















  • Father: Boghollow
  • Mother: Vulturefade
  • Siblings: Oakhollow, Pumahollow
  • Mate: n/a
  • Kit: n/a


Cicadahollow was born alongside Molehollow and Pumahollow during the harsh months of leafbare. His family struggled to be assigned enough food to feed the three new additions. When Bramblesun fell ill, Cicadahollow was scouted to take his place. After the cold training of a collective broke his spirit, the little hollow he had once been was gone. [ Read more ]

{ early life }

Cicadahollow was born in a litter of three to Boghollow and Vulturefade. The pair had been notorious for being one of the most submissive cats in the clan. The successful kitting was met with celebration, the entire glaring being able to eat two pieces of prey each. He grew with a wide-eye appreciation for everything, excited to serve his clan as a helpful hollow. Being able to care for his clanmates was important to him, even if countless lives were lost daily. He woke up each day looking forward to collect herbs with Pumahollow and bicker with Oakhollow. Everything in his measly little life was perfect, until the news of Bramblesun's illness spread through camp. They hadn't lost a collective since Pearlsun didn't wake from her slumber one moonfall, but know they all new what to expect.

{ collective apprenticeship / early collectivehood }

Cicadahollow hadn't expected to be chosen to begin training under Starlingsun, everybody had their money on the harsh apprentice from the Sharps. Even into adulthood he didn't figure out why or how he was chosen, but he just went with it. The making of a collective is no simple task, his mind and spirit were broken until they were unrecognizable. His sense of empathy was crushed and he was taught to treat everything like a personal attack, even if it was coming from his hollow family. He became a collective in no time, being easily molded into becoming a violent monster. Cicadasun was soon known as one of the cruelest collectives in Sunclan's history.

{ late life / post-sunclan }

He hadn't expected a rebellion, he swears. He didn't expect those useless nobodys to actually have the guts to take him down. He, their strong leader, was obviously not respected enough. As the crowds of angry felines circled upon him, he could not fight them off. His muzzle was mauled, leaving his face permanently disfigured. He was forced to flee or risk his life, retreating to the outskirts of Sunclan's territory. Rumour has it that he's still out there, forming a rebellion with his fellow ex-members -- and maybe even cats still inside the clan.



the bulky and barbaric

Cicadasun finds that most cats in Sunclan are nothing better then piles of mousedung. Often times Cicadasun only shows respects to others in his clan when he is seeking something.

Freckledsun . [ co - collectives ] Collective of SunClan, known for being blunt and thinking a little too much. She rose to this rank after being chosen as she rose above her fellow Sharps as a "golden" apprentice, taking the place of Pearlsun.

Oakhollow . [ sister ] A fiesty and sharp-witted hollow, once very close to Cicadasun. She now tries to avoid her brother, however, afraid of what he has become.

Pumahollow . [ brother ] Pumahollow is a nervous and softspoken hollow, following in his brother's shadow as apprentices. He now just tries to stay out of his way.


  • Cicadasun was born a hollow
  • Cicadasun often times refers to lower ranks as ' slugs ' or ' limps '
  • Cicadasun despises Freckledsun, seeing her as competition.

code by Leporidactic