Basic Info

Design Note:

- He’s got fangs (not buck teeth like a bunny lol)

- Eye color turns green when sad/crying

- Can change into four different forms: his main, chibi, human, and skelly (can be seen in his ref)

- His human form can have antennas and a tail too (like a kemonomimi)

- Can have four fingers instead of three (even five if you’re drawing his human or skelly form)

- Has a pair of big round glasses

- Can have short hair

- Can have a fluffy tail (that’s up to you tho)


Yakii Mizhu ! Goes by He/They


A funky fella who can be quite the shy bug at first, but once he’s comfortable, he’s just booming with confidence!

For the rest of the time, he’s just a very laidback guy.


- A character I’m quite proud of ❤(ꈍॢ ⁻̫ ꈍॢ) he’s also kinda like my sona heh,, sorta lol

- He’s simplistic, but a lot of love went into him <3<3

- Also not really a fursona, but you can look at him that way I guess lol ┐(´∀`)┌

- If you do see him as an anthro, I guess he’d be a mothbun? (moth/bunny hybrid)

- Heh and he’s an artist just like me (´꒳`∗)
