Serene Hearts



1 year, 2 months ago


  • Serene Hearts
  • A Celestial Dragonkin (a descendant of Celestial Dragon-blessed humans). Spirited and determined in nature, she is an independent spellsword who was taught by her parents (who both died when she was young). 

  • A natural adventurer, she takes a liking to Delicate Hearts from a young age, and the two live their lives to forge an everlasting bond.
As she progresses, she becomes a Celestial Dragon Goddess, harnessing the power of the elements of Celestial aspect. She spends her days alongside Delicate Hearts, watching over the peace of humanity from the forces of chaos and destruction. She, like Delicate, is able to transform into a Celestial Dragon at the peak of her progression.


  •  Name  Serene Hearts 
  •  Nickname  Serene/Sei 
  •  Age   6-100+ (Depends on Arc) 
  •  Gender                            Female 
  •  Pronouns                       She/Her 
  •  Sexuality                   Demisexual 
  •  Ethnicity        Celestial Dragonkin
  •  Occupation  Freelance Mercenary 
  •  Residence                                                   N/A (Wanderer) 
"Do you think that weakness would forgive you? It never forgave me... Turns out, the minute we let our guards down is the same minute that we lose someone we love; the minute that someone turns their back on your, or uses you against yourself! Do you think that you would be an exception? Wouldn't it just be easier to push everyone away?" - Serene Hearts


Serene is a Celestial Dragonkin (humanoid who hails from a line of Celestial Dragon-blessed humans).

From a young age, she was sheltered by her parents who only wanted to protect her from the Fell Sorcerers who sought to take the Celestial power that the Dragonkin had by slowly making them extinct. Though the Celestial Dragonkin lived for ages, their numbers were few as they live long lives but it is also difficult for them to bear children (typically, a pair of Celestial Dragonkin would be only so lucky to have at least one child in their lifetime). Because of this, Serene's parents were extremely protective of her.

As she grew up, her parents trained her vigorously in the arts of combat and magic, as they were mercenaries and trained fighters themselves. They deemed it was important that she was able to defend herself if the time ever arose.

Serene goes through several arcs that emphasize her increasing bond with Delicate Hearts and how the two progress into Celestial Dragon deities.


  •  MBTI  INFP 
  •  Alignment  True Neutral 
  •  Brain Dominance  Right 
  •  Emotion                     Empathetic, Determined, Generous, Energetic (when with Delicate only)  
  •  Outlook        At the end of it all, everything will be what is meant to be
  •  Belief  Always love yourself, and be kind to others

"It's always sad to see people using all of their energy on hatred. But at some point in time, it's not up to us anymore to help them. In the end, it's their own personal path they must walk. We can do our best to support them in their endeavor, and wish them the best."  - Serene Hearts


Pellentesque ac convallis ligula. Integer tincidunt justo eget hendrerit molestie. Sed a metus ac quam rutrum pulvinar. Donec nunc nisi, ultrices ac euismod eget, posuere non augue. Nam et quam enim. Aenean rhoncus auctor diam eget eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur varius condimentum lacus, et lacinia ipsum. Nullam nec turpis suscipit, vehicula ex non, convallis metus. Aenean congue posuere massa, bibendum convallis arcu vulputate et. Donec suscipit neque id nulla blandit tincidunt. Nunc mattis, est ac placerat condimentum, nisl sem iaculis sem, et varius quam odio sit amet velit.

Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. In vulputate iaculis pharetra. Ut mattis, mauris eget bibendum finibus, libero magna auctor tellus, ut blandit odio ante non urna. Ut at est accumsan, pharetra erat ac, consectetur turpis. Vestibulum sit amet turpis lectus. Integer semper aliquet est. Maecenas venenatis ultrices nisl eu porttitor. Maecenas aliquam sapien eu arcu molestie maximus. Donec quam metus, tempor 


Positive Traits

  • Empathetic/Sympathetic
  • Determined
  • Resilient
  • Good listener
  • Observant
  • Intuitive

Negative Traits

  • Prone to self doubt
  • Easily disappointed
  • Shy/Timid/Easily embarrassed
  • Outspoken easily
  • Independent 
  • Overthinker


  • Can take the lead role if nobody seems to want to
  • Listening to and helping others through their personal problems
  • Her resilience can make her a formidable ally 
  • Her determination makes her thrive to be the best she can be
  • Knows when to fight and when to walk away
  • Can look at both sides of a coin without bias


  • Overthinks and can become anxious
  • Prone to feelings of loneliness, but prefers to be alone. Her independence can make her seem aloof or uncooperative
  • Sometimes focuses too much on the past and past mistakes
  • Tends to hyper-analyze people in an attempt to read them and judges people based on analysis
  • Has a fear of failure, and can be reluctant to attempt things sometimes because of it
  • Can be too emotional
"Hey Delicate! Reading your book again? Can you read it to me?" - Serene to Delicate
  •  Optimist 

  •  Rude 

  •  Peaceful 

  •  Playful 

  •  Creative 

  •  Lethargic 

  •  Follower 

  •  Brave 

  •  Insecure 

  •  Intelligent 

  •  Wise 

  •  Forgetful 

  •  Impulsive 

  •  Neat 

  •  Curious 

  •  Clumsy 

  •  Patient 

  •  Liar 



  • Spending time with Delicate
  • Training her skills
  • Helping those in need
  • Calm environments
  • The sounds of nature
  • Music


  • Unnecessary arguing
  • Awkward silences
  • Egotistical people
  • Loud noises
  • Loud/Obnoxious people
  • Anything or anyone with too much energy


  • Hanging around Delicate
  • Casual singing (to herself) 
  • Adventuring
  • Relaxing/Meditating
  • Running
  • Testing her skills


  • Celestial Magic
  • Support/Offensive magic
  • Dual Enchanted Swords
  • Agility
  • Dark/Holy Magic
  • Evasion
"W-Wait a minute! I'm nowhere near as dexterous as you!" - Serene to Delicate


  •  Hair Color  Light Lavender 
  •  Eye Color  Golden (Her right) ; Violet (Her left) 
  •  Skin Color  A little tan 
  •  Height  5'4'' 
  •  Skinny 

  •  Curvy 

  •  Frail 

  •  Groomed 

"This? Oh, it's the style of an old friend... I like to wear it because it reminds me of him and the good times we had. And the moon looks nice!" - Serene to her mercenary group 


Pellentesque ac convallis ligula. Integer tincidunt justo eget hendrerit molestie. Sed a metus ac quam rutrum pulvinar. Donec nunc nisi, ultrices ac euismod eget, posuere non augue. Nam et quam enim. Aenean rhoncus auctor diam eget eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur varius condimentum lacus, et lacinia ipsum. Nullam nec turpis suscipit, vehicula ex non, convallis metus. Aenean congue posuere massa, bibendum convallis arcu vulputate et. Donec suscipit neque id nulla blandit tincidunt. Nunc mattis, est ac placerat condimentum, nisl sem iaculis sem, et varius quam odio sit amet velit.

Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. In vulputate iaculis pharetra. Ut mattis, mauris eget bibendum finibus, libero magna auctor tellus, ut blandit odio ante non urna. Ut at est accumsan, pharetra erat ac, consectetur turpis. Vestibulum sit amet turpis lectus. Integer semper aliquet est. Maecenas venenatis ultrices nisl eu porttitor. Maecenas aliquam sapien eu arcu molestie maximus. Donec quam metus, tempor nec eleifend non, accumsan id metus.

Link to Reference

Delicate Hearts

 Time known each other: Since Childhood 

Delicate and Serene are best friends, soulmates, and lovers. They feel a strong connection with each other, both because of their love for one another and because of the power shared amongst them due to the merging of their souls. 

All of Serene's adventures begin with Delicate and end with Delicate. She would do anything for him, but she also helps to balance him out and vice versa.


Name: Relationship

 Time known each other: Time 

Fusce id porta tortor, nec lacinia mauris. Fusce quis euismod dui, sed pellentesque tellus. Nunc sed lobortis lacus, eu sollicitudin velit. Mauris dictum enim a consequat venenatis.


Name: Relationship

 Time known each other: Time 

Fusce id porta tortor, nec lacinia mauris. Fusce quis euismod dui, sed pellentesque tellus. Nunc sed lobortis lacus, eu sollicitudin velit. Mauris dictum enim a consequat venenatis.



Beginnings Arc

When they went into hiding after having Serene, they made friends with an old Ninja who ran an orphanage (or small village as he like to call it sometimes) as he knew the legend of the Celestial Dragons and claimed to even see them himself. He vowed to protect their secret and Serene. During this time, (Serene age 7) Serene's parents had gotten a lead on the Fell Sorcerer, and sought to destroy him once and for all. They entrusted Serene to the Elder of the orphanage and she stayed there for about 1-2 years under his care while making friends with some of the other Ninja kids. One in particular she became fond of-- Delicate Hearts.

The two would become good friends, where the necklace she obtains (purple crystal necklace) is given to her by Delicate as a protection charm (though she is unaware that it is such a thing). Delicate obtains the help of the Elder to infuse the protection magic into the crystal. When it came time that her parents would come back to get her, he gave her the necklace as a promise that they would always be friends.

When Serene's parents returned, it would be that only her mother returned. Later, Serene would find out that her father perished by the hands of the Fell Sorcerer, and from that point on, everything seemed to change. Her training became more stressful, and her mother's mood seem to deteriorate. Soon it became only Serene to pay visits to the nearby kingdom to sell fish they caught in their lakeside house, and soon it was Serene who had to go out on mercenary skirmishes to earn money. Serene became heavily concerned about her mother's health and wellbeing, as she seemed to only obsess with the death of the Fell Sorcerer, and any yearning for Serene to visit Delicate again seemed to be overtaken by her duties at home. It felt as though she had no time for things that made her happy anymore.

Eventually, Serene's mother caught whiff of the Fell Sorcerer again, and she vowed that this would be the last time they would face--she was determined to defeat him. So blinded, she even left Serene at home to fend for herself because she was convinced that she was strong enough (Serene was 13 at the time).

As she waited patiently for her mother to return, while participating in mercenary skirmishes and attempting to land a spot in mercenary groups (most declining her because of her young age). She finally landed in one and made a few friends. She used this as an opportunity to train herself and to earn more money.

After coming back from a mission one day, she finds Delicate waiting for her at the mercenary base. The two share a heartfelt reunion and catch up with one another. He remains by her side as they stay in the mercenary group for another year, honing their skills together, and eventually they decide to join the kingdom's Officer's Academy for more formal training and the hopes that they might be able to do good in the world with it.

Academy Arc

Where they team up with four other teammates are partake in several challenges as a team, building friendships and where their feelings for each other are really shown and solidified. This is also the time where they confess love for each other, and ends with Serene finally defeating the Fell Sorcerer, and when Delicate and Serene split their soul with one another.

Blossoming Bond Arc

Kind of a slice of life Arc where it is focused on the strengthening of Serene and Delicate's bond.

The Darkside Arc

The ninjas are in trouble! And Delicate has to save them. The two take on a darker look to blend in with a rival kingdom. They find out something darker is at play here.

Celestial Transcendence Arc

Their Ascendance to Celestial Dragon deities!

Present Day

In the present day, Serene and Delicate are Celestial deities who spend all of their time together, do anything and everything that they ever wanted. They particularly love to spend their days in each other's loving presence in the comfort of their home on their home world, but they also like to take to the skies and roam the universe to visit other worlds as their Celestial Dragon ancestors would do in their lives.
