
8 years, 6 months ago



roll the dice, bet your life

age: many millennia (appears mid-20’s) gender/pronouns: nonbinary (they/it/he)
birthday: doesn’t know it romo/sexual orientation: aromantic asexual
occupation: gambler, trinkets vendor voice: gambler, trinkets vendor
species: quasi-deity alignment: chaotic neutral


         lettie appears as a 5’3” human with an overall slightly heavyset build. it has a smaller chest and wider hips. their skin is tanned, and they have straight blonde hair that reaches to their back. he cuts his hair himself, and the edges are blunt and somewhat sloppy. it has dyed its bangs a dark green, and cut them in a similar blunt and straight across style. it has dark green eyes, with a lighter green cross shaped highlight in each iris that almost seems to glow. their body language is open and expressive, and they have the tendency to fidget when sitting or standing in one place. they are regularly smiling, although they usually have a far off look in their eyes, as if they aren't fully present or paying attention to the moment.

         lettie's fashion sense mixes elements of formal wear with the informal, like wearing a nicely tailored shirt paired with shorts that hit above their knees. they especially like knee high socks, ties, and boots. they most often wear shades of green and black. one of their most prized possessions is a full head rabbit mask that ties at the neck, that they wear fairly regularly.


        lettie often comes off as air-headed and detached from the world. he treats his life like a game, and regularly does things like roll dice to make decisions, regardless of the severity of them. no matter the outcome of its choices, lettie takes them all in stride, feeling like the ups and downs of life only add excitement to what would otherwise be boring. lettie enjoys being around others, and will often drag others into their adventures.

        being both immortal and unable to feel pain, lettie treats its body carelessly, often throwing himself into dangerous situations only for the thrill of it. it believes strongly in the value of spontaneity, and refuses to stick to any sort of schedule or routine. because of this, lettie unintentionally pushes away other who can’t tolerate their carefree lifestyle. it doesn’t particularly bother lettie to be disliked by others, however, as he lives for himself alone. it may come off as selfish for that reason, but for a being who has lived many millennia the lives of mortals appears fleeting, and lettie finds it frivolous to bend to the will of a ephemeral existence.

        despite not fully understanding what it means to be upset or depressed themselves, lettie is perceptive to the emotions of others. it may not comprehend what caused a person to feel down, but it is more than willing to do what it can to cheer others up. on the other hand, lettie can tell when someone is tired of them, and will withdraw without question. again, lettie struggles to understand why someone would push him away, but will respect the person’s wishes.

        lettie doesn’t particularly have any goals or ambitions in life other than to have fun. they are morally grounded enough to not want to partake in anything that would seriously harm anyone, but they could be convinced into things like minor vandalism and theft if it’s promised it would be exciting. with their other quasi-deity friends, they are a fair bit more reckless and will drag them into more dubious situations. lettie doesn’t fully understand the severity of those situations, though.

        he is talkative, and will often ramble on to friends or even alone for an hour straight. he’s not very good at being a listener, as he will often interrupt the conversation with some new eureka moment they had with one of their multiple trains of thought. he means well, at least, and will apologize if he upsets someone with his outbursts.

        he has a strong belief in fate, and that everything happens for a reason. he doesn’t particularly believe in one deity, rather a pervasive force that guides everything in the multiverse. they trust that when the time is right, they will find their home universe.

        in terms of romance, lettie doesn’t experience attraction but is not opposed to going on dates and flings, mostly for the novelty and experience. it isn’t at all interested in a long term relationship though, and will break things off if its partner seems interested in commitment.


         like all other quasi-deities, lettie was born, fully formed, into a void. when it got its bearings, it was thrust into a universe at random. lettie doesn’t know anything about his origin beyond that, and doesn’t particularly care about it. since his “birth”, lettie has been jumping from universe to universe on a whim, usually not spending more than a year or two in one place. sometimes, even only a few days. on some level, lettie’s universe hopping is up to chance, but he also gets antsy when staying in one place for a long time. lettie isn’t particularly worried with finding his “true” universe.

         in most of the universes they visit, lettie takes the role of a trinkets shopkeeper, searching out random oddities in discarded trash and the wilderness to sell to protagonist-aligned types. lettie also falls in easily with whatever gambling circles have formed in the universe.


feels a kinship with rabbits gambled away its ability to feel pain
has offensive magic based on a mental roulette that has a variety of effects, from attacking his opponent to forcing a universe jump doesn’t eat or sleep much but doesn’t need to
favorite foods: grapes, carrots, lettuce immortal but is aging very, very slowly
if completely destroyed their body will just pop back into existence other injuries regenerate within a few hours
smells faintly of acetone and plastic likes to collect money for the aesthetics, not the actual value
favorite emoticon: xD ddr enthusiast
named themselves after “roulette” understands every language through magic

Important Relationships



    lettie and ro are friends! lettie worries a lot over ro, since he seems to always be morose. they try frequently to cheer up ro, and will often drag them along on spontaneous adventures. lettie is somewhat concerned over ro’s connection with di, but chooses not to pry as it seems to improve ro’s mood. lettie appreciates that ro is willing to listen to him ramble on about whatever is on its mind, and is always willing to tag along with whatever experience lettie has decided they want that day. lettie does wish that ro wasn’t a complete doormat, though, and tries to push them into standing up for themselves.



    lettie and amaretto are friends, or at least that’s what lettie would say. lettie often loiters around amaretto’s bar, chatting with customers and amaretto himself. lettie refers to amaretto as “rett” as it thinks it’s a cuter name than amaretto. lettie firmly believes that there has to be a nice person beyond the layers of fake politeness and real bitterness that amaretto is wrapped up in.