
Trigger/Content Warning!

This profile contains the following:
Implied Bullying
Implied Child Neglect/Abuse
Implied Child Death

Thanks for your attention, and stay safe!

code by BunBox

The Omen

AKA Omen Echoes

Art by


Name [True Name Unknown]
Age Presumably Tween
Species Myling
Gender Nonbinary
Pronouns they/them
Height 4'3"
Occupation Keeper
Orientation Undisclosed
Playlist Omen
Theme Song My Time
Alignment True Neutral
Zodiac Aquarius
Tarot The Tower
Discipline Haze
Affinity No Affinities


  • Technically Omen would be an adult by this point, had they still been alive, but dying and becoming a Myling has trapped their body + mind in a permenant state of their age upon death
  • As Omen is essentially a lost soul and their "body" is just the manifestation of their Haze magic, they can look however they want. Omen has chosen to look mostly as they did in life- except with a fox tail and little wings 'cause they think it looks cool


Introvert Extrovert
Thinking Feeling
Sensing Intuition
Judging Perceiving

Really, Omen makes it very easy to forget they're a high-ranking member of what is essentially a cult. They're bright and bubbly and sweet. Their confidence might not be on par with the older Keepers and Acolytes, but they make up for that with an earnest desire to learn from them. You can quickly lull yourself into believing that Omen is just a regualr kid- which can be a fatal mistake. Omen has been dead for longer than they were ever alive and is morbidly enthusiastic in every task Daystar gives to them. Their inability to mature, their perpetual childhood, gives them the ability to commit violent acts with little to no remorse- they simply lack the parts of one's mind that distinguishes right from wrong. More than one of Solanace's enemies have spent their last, terrified moments staring at Omen's smiling face.




[True Name Redacted] was a sweet, but easily misguided child. He followed his friends anywhere and everywhere, seemingly unaware of the fact that their barbed insults were not the way one would normally treat someone they care about. On one fateful evening, [True Name Redacted]'s friends purposefully let him get lost in the expansive forest on the far side of their neighborhood. As night fell, the fear began to set in...and it's not really any surprise that when a charming shadow came speaking promises of safety and love and warmth, [True Name Redacted] thought nothing of making deals with the devil.

The shadow brought him to a wonderful new home, filled with people who said kind things and liked to listen to the things he said, even when they were busy. [True Name Redacted]'s care was left to the grimalkin, who was equally kind and spoke sympathetically of the similarities between them. The grimalkin taught him many things, like magic and history and divinity, and he began to look up to them like an older sibling. But the grimalkin made the others upset one day...the shadow came back and held [True Name Redacted] so tight that it hurt, while the kind people held their new sibling away. The grimalkin cried and begged, saying things that he couldn't quite make sense of, but it wasn't enough and the shadow came to collect on it's deal.

...or so says the vague and ever-changing story that Omen likes to tell sometimes when they get bored.



Omen is, essentially, Daystar's apprentice. They look up to xem immensely and are more than happy to complete whatever tasks they're assigned. It's not quite a famillial bond, but the two do care for one another very much