
Name: Aurum

ID #: 280

Level: 14

Andrew’s Notes: “Aurum likes collecting lost keys, and when I say lost keys, I mean lost keys. Keys with an almost tragic history to them. I know for a FACT that one of those things is a key to a disused cemetery that’s been left for nature to reclaim - and no, I do not want to go into how I know that - while another once belonged to an apartment that burned down in a fire years ago. I’m honestly afraid of what he might pick up should I take him to the abandoned lab, but at the same time…aren’t I looking for those keys anyway, if there even are any to be found? Is it right to use Aurum’s hobby as a tool to further my search for answers? It feels like I’d be taking advantage of him, but at the same time, he’d want those keys too, right? I just. I don’t know. I really, really don’t.”


Species: Klefki/Yamask  

Nature: Docile

Ability: Mummy

Types: Steel-Fairy-Ghost

Traits: Hybrid

Ball: Strange Ball 


Evolution: Level 34 (Not Eligible)

Healthy Breeding Slots: 2/2

Offspring: None


Obtained: Mystery Egg 

Hall of Fame: Not Eligible 


Level Log: 

+14 Reference