Vera Seo



1 year, 3 months ago


Target Profile


File number



























Target is believed to have the stolen Stand Arrow in her posession.

Fingerprints . . .


Likes The Spice Girls, charms, pop culture, reading . . .

Dislikes Ginger, wool's texture, wearing lots of jewlery, high heels...

Identification Info





163 cm (5'4)


54.5 kg (120 lbs)





Skin tone

Medium Tan


Widow's Peak

Tan, cream, gold, reddish orange

Colour scheme

i dunno

Main aesthetic

Experimental, frilly, easy to move around in

Clothing style

Facial features

Heart-shaped baby face, round eyes, long lashes, thin eyebrows

Scars & marks





1 ear lobe piercing in either ear

Introverted Extroverted

Clever Foolish

Instinctive Calculated

Optimistic Pessimistic

Polite Blunt

Sincere Deceptive

Reserved Affectionate

Indifferent Emotional

Diligent Lazy

Brave Timid

Humorous Serious

Calm Irritated











Name Tandem

Destructive Power D

Speed C

Range B

Stamina C

Precision B

Development Potential A


Primary Use Healing

Tools Stand

Proficiency B


Tandem is a long range reconnaissance stand. It allows its user to see the memories of who's touched an object along with channeling the user's Hamon to out of reach places. The further it gets from her, however, the less Hamon it can use. It's also a sentient stand. Although incapable of its own speech, it responds to being spoken to with hand gestures.


The target mainly uses Hamon for healing, which she is very proficient at. However, she is inexperienced with combat.

Hamon Healing Mastery:

The target has been training intensely in Hamon since she was 2 years old under a famous Hamon doctor. Thus, she is very proficient in the art of healing with Hamon. Hamon is a very versatile tool, thus this may not be the full scope of her capabilities.
The target is able to speed up the healing process of injuries as severe as broken bones in seconds. In some cases, however, if the injury isn't properly treated beforehand, this can be detrimental. For example, if a broken bone isn't at first set, the target could heal it abnormally in a twisted or crooked state. She can also use it to reinvigorate life into dead parts of an organism, such as gangrene afflicted limbs or dead leaves of a plant. However, this on its own ineffective against severed limbs. It must be paired with surgery due to the complexity of the procedure. The target is capable of using Hamon with extreme precision to make surgery easier, specifically in combination with surgical tools. Hamon can also be used to manipulate water, making it useful at controlling blood loss among other things. It can expel harmful substances from blood, too.
Although not falling under the concept of healing but considered adjacent, the user can also cause someone to remember a forgotten memory, increase the speed at which non living things like hair and nails grow, force one's muscles to contract, and knock someone out.

Mastery: Hamon Combat

The target is extremely inexperienced with combat of any kind. While her Hamon and physique may give her the upper hand against the average thug, she doesn't know how to use it effectively. She's still trying to discover the Hamon fighting style best suited to her, for example, using it to harden her blood or in combination with ribbons.

Memory Acquisition Mastery:

The target is able to gain the memories of those who've touched an object, specifically those regarding her current objective. At the moment, she's unable to control this ability. She can't do it on command and it occasionally goes off on random objects.


Target has very high stamina due to Hamon training paired with quick thinking that causes her to be skilled at evading capture. Hamon is also very versatile.


The target is easily swayed by emotions and has little to no combat experience. She is also non confrontational, opting to avoid and flee from enemies than facing them head on.


Target's gloves are made of Satiporoja Beetle-thread, thus allowing her to channel hamon through them.


Ribbon tied around target's waist is made of Satiporoja Beetle-thread, which she hardens as a weapon with Hamon.


. . .



Chapter I.

Vera is the daughter of a renowned Hamon doctor. After having Vera in 1990, she quit in order to be focus on raising her. This was cut short, however, as when Vera was 2 her mother died suddenly under mysterious circumstances. From then on, Vera was raised by her mother's ex-Hamon partner, Dr. Boa. Dr. Boa decided to train Vera in Hamon doctoring, wanting her to become like her mother. She was still a practicing Hamon doctor and was travelling constantly to see her patients around the world, so she brought Vera with her. They'd stay in one place for anywhere between a few days to a few months depending on the patient. This in combination with Vera being homeschooled caused her to struggle to make friends. Pursuing a career other than Hamon doctoring was off the table as well. While this initially didn't bother her as she took to Hamon well, as she became older, she grew tired of her lack of control.

Chapter II.

In April 2000, around Vera's 10th birthday, she and Dr. Boa traveled to Italy to set up a clinic without a clear patient. Vera was provided no explanation for these unusual circumstances. Shortly after, a critically injured Jean Pierre Polnareff was brought into the clinic. Once his wounds were sufficiently dealt with, he'd fallen into a coma. From that point onward, Dr. Boa handed him to Vera as the first patient she'd treat on her own. She was also told explicitly not to tell him about Hamon, giving her the reason that he was a civillian. Vera was worried he wouldn't wake up, but once he did, she was eager to please. She'd gift him her belongings, such as her CDs and books. She desperately wanted her first patient to like her and make a successful recovery. Although initially depressed at losing his limbs, Vera's presence made Polnareff less pessimistic. It took a while, but eventually, he became more responsive to her attempts at conversation. Vera was very curious about how he became so injured, the arrow he brought with him, and why Dr. Boa assigned him to her. Because he was a Speedwagon Foundation Agent, he couldn't tell her what he knew. He wanted answers himself as well. He initially believed that he had been recovered by the Speedwagon Foundation, but when asked she didn't know what he was talking about. He also didn't recall them hiring 12 year olds as nurses. She vaguely mentioned having a superior, too, but she was told not to let the two meet. All this was very suspicious to him, but with no way to contact the outside world while also being incapacitated, he couldn't do anything. He also didn't feel threatened by her presence.
After 2 months, Polnareff was discharged. Vera was surprised at how well he'd adjusted after she visited his farmhouse a week later, unaware of the concept of a stand. After that, however, she wouldn't see him again until 4 months later asking if he'd be interested in cosmetic prosthetics for his legs as prosthesis was the next area of medical expertise she was learning. He agreed, and for another 2 months, she'd frequently visit him. Once the prosthetics were finished, Vera would make up reasons varying from "checking his prosthetics" to buying too much of something and asking if he'd like the rest to continue visiting him. Around this time, Vera had grown more rebellious towards and tired of the life Dr. Boa had decided for her. When they fought, she didn't want to stay in the clinic but had nowhere else to go due to being so isolated. Nowhere else, that is, other than Polnareff's home. He was the person she was closest with after Dr. Boa, and she enjoyed his stories, jokes, and his company in general. Polnareff was aware Vera wasn't being honest but would let her in every time anyway. As time went on, Vera grew comfortable enough to tell him about her issues with isolation and feeling crushed by the weight of the expectation to be like her mother. At some point, Vera knocked the stand arrow off a shelf Polnareff had placed it on. Without thinking, she reached down to pick it up but stopped when she heard Polnareff's yell to not touch it. It was the first time she'd ever heard him speak with such urgency in his voice, so she quickly retracted her hand and let him pick it up himself. She never touched it again.

Chapter III. Chapter name

Soon, around a year had passed since he'd first been brought to the clinic. This was an unusually long time for Dr. Boa and Vera to stay dormant, which Vera found odd. Around this time, Polnareff became aware of a group trying to take down the boss of Passione. The day he left happened to be the day before Vera's 11th birthday. Refusing to let anyone else he cared about die, he didn't mention his departure to Vera lest she somehow became involved with the mafia. However, that night, Vera caught him on his way out. Noticing the luggage he was carrying, she asked if he was leaving. Unable to deny the obvious, he said yes. Vera panicked, scared of losing who she had grown to consider her closest friend. She tried using the same excuses she'd used to visit him, telling him if he left he'd have nobody to check on his prosthetics. Polnareff admitted he'd known from the start she was lying and that she should've been honest because he would've let her in anyways. Surprised, Vera found herself with no more excuses, so she came clean and admitted she'd be lonely if he left. Polnareff told her he had to leave and that it'd be better for her if they parted ways, but eventually relented and told her that there was a possibility he'd return. He told Vera to wait a week for him, but if he didn't return, she'd have to forget about him and move on with her life. Vera reluctantly agreed. Polnareff, remembering earlier that day she had mentioned getting her ears pierced for her birthday, gave her his earrings as a parting gift. Then, he left. That was the last time she'd see him. Conveniently, after a week passed, Dr. Boa announced they were leaving Italy. Vera didn't want to go but had no choice. After all, a week had passed, and he hadn't returned. Thus, they resumed traveling to patients across the world, but not without Vera questioning Dr. Boa about Polnareff. The secretive circumstances of his injuries and treatment didn't make sense to her. Why didn't Dr. Boa tell her about him before they traveled to Italy? What hurt him so badly? Why was he so secretive about his past? Why did they stay in Italy for so long? Slightly worn down by her questions, Dr. Boa eventually surrendered some information: that it was a favour for her mother. This only made Vera more curious, but Dr. Boa wasn't elaborating further, and the only other person who she could've asked had left. All she could do was sit on this information. 5 years later in 2006, Vera had only grown more insistent about wanting a normal life. She wanted to experience things all the other kids her age got to. Most importantly, she wanted to make friends. She begged to go to a normal school constantly. By this time, she'd become quite proficient in Hamon. Dr. Boa was extremely firm in her refusal until suddenly, she told Vera she'd be going to a boarding school in Italy because she had something to take care of that Vera couldn't accompany her to. Vera was surprised. It seemed like Dr. Boa really, really didn't want to let her go, but something was forcing her hand. Not wanting her to change her mind, though, Vera didn't ask why. Within a couple of weeks, Vera started attending the (school name) boarding school in Naples, Italy while Dr. Boa "took care of something" in another country. (school name) was an all-boy's school until shortly before Vera's arrival. They'd only very recently started accepting female students. Thus, the newly built female dorms were almost entirely empty. This meant Vera got an entire dorm to herself. While she unpacked her belongings, someone suddenly broke in. They seemingly assumed the dorm would be empty and were shocked to see someone inside. Before Vera had time to react, the intruder stabbed her with something. She quickly fell to the ground, writhing in pain as she watched her attacker relax and start pacing around as if pondering what to do next. Vera still didn't understand what was happening, but through her confusion she felt frustration. She'd finally gotten to go to a normal school, one of her biggest dreams, only to be attacked and left to die before she even got to go to her first class. It felt as though Dr. Boa was being proven she was right to keep her isolated for 14 years. She knew she couldn't let things end like this, she had to become someone who could take care of themselves. It was from this intense desire to prove she was capable that her stand developed. Rising from the ground, Vera quickly defeated the intruder ghostly force helping her channel her Hamon. The ghost also grabbed a fistful of their coat, causing Vera to suddenly receive a vision of the intruder stealing the arrow from a building she didn't recognize. Shortly after, the intruder fled. Vera was still frozen in shock, but was able to recognize a familiar looking arrow left behind by the intruder. While she stared at it, the ghost retrieved it, seemingly reading her thoughts. Suddenly, she remembered the arrow Polnareff had gotten upset with her for trying to pick up years ago. The arrow was connected to Polnareff, and according to Dr. Boa, Polnareff had some connection to her mother. It was then Vera decided she didn't want to live in her mother's shadow anymore, and she didn't want to live such a restrictive life in the name of a woman she didn't know anything about. Thus, from then on, she decided to use the arrow to discover the truth behind her mother's death and why nobody will tell her anything about it, starting with trying to find the location she saw in her vision. Also noting how well she worked with the ghost and its determination to help her, she decided to name it Tandem to represent how they'd be working alongside each other.

additional lore i haven't refined or implemented

she's actually polnareff's illegitimate child he had no clue about LOL. vera's mom helped the spw with a mission once w polnareff and they fucked like one time and then went their separate ways. when she realized she was pregnant she tried contacting polnareff but couldn't get through to him cause he was busy w the whole stand arrow investigation stuff (considering jotaro is depicted wearing his high school gakuran around this time i'm assuming it was pretty shortly after sdc. im not sure if my math is mathing i wont lie) and she was like "damn. okay"

the spw mission was busting an at the time small gang organization using a stand arrow to give its members stands. not passione though. this was in a whole different country how crazy is it that it happened twice though

she wanted to raise her child free of the expectations she had forced upon her by her family as a member of a long line of famous hamon doctors so she left the profession. that didn't really work though 💀

vera's mother died because a vengeful stand member from the mission she went on w/ the spw killed her ass. either that or she had to sacrifice herself for some reason. idk haven't decided but it's connected to her spw mission no matter what

the reason Dr. Boa and vera even ended up in contact w polnareff is because Dr. Boa tracked his ass down. she simultaneously HATES polnareff and blames her for vera's mother's departure from hamon medicine and ultimately her death but also thinks vera's mother would've wanted vera to know her father if possible so she let them have a relationship even if it wasn't a totally fatherly one. she wanted him to be kept a safe distance because she doesn't want vera succumbing to the same fate as her mom because of him ...

ultimately pointless though because when vera comes into contact w that arrow guess who starts hunting her down to get it back from her. THE GANG FROM BEFORE!!! except this time it's not small anymore it's kind of big and has been on passione's radar for a little while because it was on the border of france & italy and they were lookin like they might start trying to leak over into italy..

and when passione gets word of this enemy gang leaking its way into italy AND them having a stand arrow they're like "nah we gotta do something" and now vera has this random gang from france AND the italian mafia on her ass and she's literally clueless. like she has no idea what's going on just that a bunch of people want her dead but she just wants to find her mom with this nifty arrow her stand is telling her she can't give up to anyone



 Vera is a tenacious and unrelentingly kind girl. Due to her sheltered upbringing, she's missed out on many experiences most would consider a key part of growing up and is ignorant to a lot of the ways the world works. Although no longer shy like she once was, she still has a hard time understanding social cues and what's appropriate to say which comes off as odd to her peers. Her naivety is also part of why she's so kind. Fear of embarrassing herself or the other party taking advantage of her aren't concepts she gives much thought to because she's never had to in the past.
 Vera is very confident in her ability to help people due to the several people she's helped while training as a Hamon doctor under Dr. Boa. This manifests in her being a busybody, something that often backfires due to her inexperience and lack of understanding with problems that aren't medical.
basically my big plans for her character are to take this very kind and compassionate but naive person and give her the most crazy reality check of her life. the mafia is on her ass tryna get the stand arrow from her so she's really gonna be exposed to the worst humanity has to offer she's going to struggle a lot.... but instead of becoming bitter and hateful from her experiences she will continue to be kind and help people. but instead of it being from ignorance/naivete it'll be from understanding of how heartless the world can be thus making empathy and compassion that much MORE important rather than less. yeah

Other than hamon related things, Vera likes to use her abnormally strong lungs and high stamina to do more recreational tasks. One such task is singing while doing cardio intense activities like playing the drums or breakdancing.
Due to moving to different countries so frequently, she knows many languages but most are to a rudimentary level. The only language she's 100% fluent in is English.

Kind Determined Clueless


kowareta piano - meiko nakahara


J.P. Polnareff


Other than Dr. Boa, Polnareff was the only other person Vera had built a strong relationship with. Before him, she'd never been able to stay in one place long enough or had a reason to get to know someone so intimately. Although he'd grown jaded due to the hardships he'd faced, Vera's child-like optimism and determination to raise his spirits helped him reclaim some of the jovial nature he had in his youth. She also bore resemblance to his sister, Sherry, which made him view her as a younger sister of sorts. The two would talk for hours. Vera was eager to hear his stories of the world she never got to experience and he was impressed by the knowledge she'd acquired from books and such. She'd also consult him about things she didn't want to talk to Dr. Boa about, like her poor social skills and restrictive lifestyle. Overall, Vera looked up to Polnareff as an uncle. It devastated her when he left because he was essentially her only friend, but the advice he'd given her helped her become more outgoing and better with dealing with people. Now, at 16, she still holds the memories she has of Polnareff close to her heart, and even if she knows rationally she won't see him again, she's never fully discarded the possibility. After finding the arrow, her passive wish transformed into possibility she hopes to make real.


Dr. Boa


Vera is the most important thing in Dr. Boa's world. Dr. Boa was Vera's mother's partner for more than a decade. Shortly before Vera was born, the two had a falling out for unknown reasons. When she died, Dr. Boa was quick to take Vera in. At first, it was out of obligation to her mother. She had unresolved emotions she would never have the oppurtunity to resolve with Vera's mother, so raising her daughter seemed like the closest thing she could do. As time passed, however, Dr. Boa started to grow fond of her outside of an extension of her mother. That being said, Dr. Boa is still very attached and has a lot of respect for her mother. Some might say it's an unhealthy idolization. She refuses to let Vera call her "mom", reserving that title for her actual mother, and raised Vera in her mother's image by also training her in Hamon doctoring for almost her entire life. At the same time, though, fearing that Vera would follow in her mother's footsteps and meet the same end, she kept a lot of details about her mother vague. It deeply upsets her when she hears her mention wanting to pursue a different career path. That being said, they're actually quite close. Vera is the only person Dr. Boa truly relaxes around and is much more warm and casual with her, starkly contrasting the serious, no nonsense, and somewhat cuthroat demeanour she exhibits to everyone else. Dr. Boa also takes a lot of pictures of Vera, especially of her in the various countries they visit, although never any of herself. In turn, Vera loves Dr. Boa deeply. When she was younger, she wanted to live up to her expectations of being a Hamon doctor as good as her mother, however, she started to find her life suffocating. They'd started fighting when she was 12. Vera longed to experience all the normal things girls her age got to experience. Dr. Boa wanted to focus on making her an amazing Hamon doctor like her mother while simultaneously ensuring she didn't go down the same path as her. This conflict persisted for 4 years until suddenly Dr. Boa sent her (school name) in Naples. As happy as Vera was to get her wish, it slightly worried her how seemingly frustrated she was about it even though it was her decision. However, not wanting her to change her mind, Vera didn't push her on it. Part of the reason she survived the encounter with the intruder was because of how desperately she wanted to prove to Dr. Boa she could take care of herself and that it wasn't a mistake to let her go out on her own. She's also going behind her back to learn about her mother against her wishes. Basically, it's complicated.