Uncle Roger



1 year, 2 months ago





AGE Early 50s





LOCATIONPhiladelphia, PA

STORY Barcode Boy

Jean's uncle.

He's a giant weirdo, but he's the closest thing Jean has had to a dad, although he's never thought of him like that. Especially now that he's an adult, they act more as cousins or best friends. Roger never bosses him around but every now and then, he pulls up with some insanely good advice. Thanks to Millie, he’s been outcasted from the family, but having Jean around is enough for him.


  • Had a crush on Ezekiel for most of their friendship
  • Admires Jean and Carter's relationship since their friendship blossomed into something better in a healthy way, which was never possible with Ezekiel since he was straight and Roger was closeted
  • While he hates coming off as one or thinking of Jean as his son, he was the only healthy father figure Jean had growing up
  • Wants to be just as close with Lloyd as he is to Jean, but he can't find ways to connect with him
  • He wishes to be close with his sister, but every time they interact, it ends in a fight
  • He doesn't hate Ezekiel per say, but he's still very conflicted over him
  • Knew Jean was similar to his Ezekiel and needed a healthy way to express his anger. Before he got arrested, Roger had a feeling he had been going through something, but Jean never spoke up so he had no direct ways to help


Roger was from Zeta’s first marriage (Bianchi) and Millie was from Zeta’s second marriage (Dean). They are half-siblings.

Zeta Bianchi got knocked up by Ciro Bianchi. Ashamed, she went and raised Roger on her own for 5 years before meeting Vitale Dean and having a kid with him kid too. She was going to marry him so her family wouldn't look down on her, but she realized she was still in love with Ciro and returned to marry him instead. Vitale was pissed and started sending death threats and attempting to blackmail Zeta, her husband, and her kids, so they moved to the states. Afterward, they had 2 had more kids.

In Pennsylvania, Roger, got a GED, and at a college in Philadelphia, he met Ezekiel during their freshman year. Ezekiel dropped out of high school at 17 and fucked around with his friends before getting his GED and starting college. He spent most of his free time clubbing, gambling, selling drugs, etc. However, he used the money from his side hustles for an apartment and tuition.

After Millie was in college for a while, she met Ezekiel at a club in Philadelphia, and they started fooling around, especially since their campuses were close. 3 years after they had begun dating, Millie got pregnant with Jean, she and Ezekiel got married, and they bought a townhouse in Chesterbrook. By then, Roger was already out of college and started living independently, however, he still hung out with Ezekiel. Though, their friendship ended when Ezekiel disappeared once Millie got pregnant with Lloyd, 5 years later.




MILLE DEAN Younger sister




JEAN ASHER and others

Millie’s older brother Roger, despite being part of her family, was best friends with Ezekiel. They were always together, similar to Jean and Carter, and he often would spend most of his time gambling and playing cards. He had a minor crush on Ezekiel, but not only did he disappear from his wife with no warning, but he left his best friend behind.

Roger had been pretty pissed at Millie ever since their relationship fell apart and Millie hated how her brother valued his relationship with her abusive ex more than how they were siblings. They practically hated each other, but Roger at least grew to love Jean. He liked the resemblance to his friend but was also just pleased with how much of a good kid Jean was in comparison to his father.

Jean’s uncle was a pretty shady guy, but his hustling aside, he had an idea of the issues Jean would face in relation to Ezekiel being his father. Roger used to smoke cigarettes and Jean got him to quit, though they’ll occasionally get high together. After being introduced to Carter, Roger grew to love him too because he always wanted to date his best friend and values their relationship, and they often go to him for advice.

Back in the day, because high school was when Jean started hiding his resurfacing feelings for Carter, he was growing more irritable and sensitive along with his tasks around the house. Jean’s uncle owned a small building in the hood where he would spray-paint and do graffiti. He would often hang out with his other pals there, since no one knows where Ezekiel ran off to. He eventually introduced the place to Jean and allowed him to spray paint there as a way to get his feelings out. His uncle really didn’t know what he was going through, but all he knew was that Jean needed an anger outlet and a place to be alone.