


1 year, 2 months ago


Scorpi !!
the wanted runaway

Quick Stats

name Scorpi
Age 17
Gender female
Pronouns she/her
Race scorpine
Orient. lesbian ( )


Scorpi was once the heir to the Valosi throne, but ended up running away. when helping fight the war for her kingdom, she became aware of how corrupt and unjust it was, and realised she had no intrest in being apart of such a kingdom

upon running away, she me Lucy in a evergreen forest, who was a devil rogue. they formed and unlikely friendship and eventually grew very close. scorpi developed a huge crush on lucy, but refused to confess at the chance it would ruin their friendship. lucy soon confessed instead, and now theyre dating.


  • the eye amulet around her neck is what she sees out of.
  • she doesnt take her eye bandages off as looking into her eyes would cause the victim to go crazy.
  • her left antler was chopped off during the war. she lost it while narrowly avoiding having her head cut off
  • extremely protective of lucy.
  • doesnt show it much, but is extremely soft and caring towards those she loves.

Design Notes

Designer distressedrat
Obtained via creation
Worth no idea
Status forever homed
  • her amulet isnt compulsory but she cannot see without it so it is preffered
  • bandages are compolsury
  • left antler must be broken, im not picky if you make the break higher up or just remove left antler alltogether
  • face general appears neutral / unbothered.