


1 year, 2 months ago



Red Heart Minami




26 (debut), 36-38




???, Human


April 20th
You can call me Red Heart.


Member of the Red Hair Pirates and wife of Shanks. She's known for having a horrifically powerful Devil Fruit when used correctly. Minami can be quite reserved, mostly because she knows by now it can be certain death if you trust the wrong people. Her personality can come off as quite snarky, she loves to throw out a sly remark now and again. Though, for those she really cares about, she shows it. Her nature has been described as motherly by most.

Minami isn't a pushover, and can handle herself quite well. She tries to keep a tougher look about her, since she's a member of the Red Hair Pirates and know of their reputation. She can be quiet to those she doesn't know too well, but isn't afraid to stand up for herself or her crew. She has a lot of respect for her crew and of course, her husband. Though she's less likely to show respect to Shanks, just because their history is based on them being so laid-back and silly with each other. Her favourite thing to do is call him a fool. Minami and Shanks share similar ideals, they prefer to be laid-back and not rush from island to island. They want to enjoy their time on the sea.




Sarcastic, motherly

Devil Fruit

Hoshi-Hoshi Fruit




Red Hair Pirates




Pre-Timeskip Minami wears a simple dress with a few gold bracelets, they haven't come into a huge amount of gold at this time, so her jewellery is a bit lacking. Apart from that, she used to wear a barmaid dress when working on Valbrook Island.


Post-Timeskip she has a lot more gold and jewellery, along with a new outfit. She wears a cape to mimic Shanks and she's also missing an eye from a fight. Her new outfit gives her an edge when she's fighting with her weapons.


Minami has two short swords that she uses to fight, she usually avoids using her devil fruit ability when nessasary and it's also not very optimal for her stealthing missions... She's fast with these swords, she knows how to use em!

Hoshi-Hoshi Fruit

Can make and manipulate stars, she can use them as projectiles. During the day, it takes longer to use. She can technichally use this indoors but the projectiles will first make their way through the building, destroying it to make a path to where she aims. This Devil Fruit is horrifically powerful when used right and can cause instant death on impact. This power can also be used to make stars in the sky to send a message, though. Like an arrow, or something similar.

Devil Fruit Design

The Hoshi-Hoshi Fruit has a star design, it's yellow in colour and represents Minami's ability being based on stars.


  • Grand meals make her feel like royalty.
  • She's often seen with jewellery post-timeskip, she's always looking for more.


  • If you call her Minami without permission... She gets pretty angry.
  • A fight with no purpose is a waste of time.


  • She's almost always wearing treasure when she's seen after her debut.
  • Minami is a big drinker, but will still call anybody she sees drunk a "drunken idiot".
  • Her voice is smooth, very mature-sounding.
  • In AUs only, she and Shanks are Koby's parents, and gave him up at birth to protect him, the same thing they did for Uta... I think they'd be good parents... :(

Valbrook Island

Minami was brought up by the owner of a tavern, she lost both of her parents very young and was almost immediately put to work as a bar maid. She worked there for over 10 years, working under the strict demands of her boss.

Not much is known about Valbrook Island itself, just that the Red Hair Pirates once stopped there for a few days... Where Shanks met Minami for the first time. Immediatley they got along well, Minami finding Shanks to be charming and not like any other pirate she had seen. For the few days the Red Hair Pirates were there, Shanks would talk to Minami about her life on the island, and how truly boring it was. She longed for adventure, but everytime he asked her about joining the crew she would just tell him she'll think about it.

It isn't until their final night on the island that Minami has a fight with her boss, the sheer rage and grudge she has had towards him for years gave her enough courage to make the split-second decision to join the Red Hair Pirates.

Red Hair Pirates

Past this point, Minami trains for years to become a pirate worthy of the Red Hair Pirates. The way she aquired her Devil Fruit is unknown though, and is speculated to be something she had picked up while travelling. Much like the rest of the Red Hair Pirates, we don't know an awful lot about Minami. Mainly she's known for having a fearsome Devil Fruit Power and being Red Hair Shanks' wife.


In Film: Red, Minami takes on the role of Uta's mother. She's heartbroken when they leave her, knowing that Uta would grow to resent the Red Hair Pirates. Upon seeing Uta again, Minami had to hold back her tears from what happened to Uta. Seeing her daughter suffer gave her courage to save her the best she can, going against Tot Musica along with everyone else. Against Tot Musica, Minami attacks at the same time as Anchor.
As Uta refuses the antidote from Shanks, Minami knows that her daughter is going to die, singing her last song, Minami chokes back tears. Her girl is gone :(



Shanks is Minami's husband and captain, she thinks very highly of Shanks but would never tell him that easily. She'd much rather call him a fool than admit she loves him.
Despite their bickering (which is always entirely light-hearted) they are a healthy couple! They've been married for about 10 years!



Uta is Minami and Shanks' adopted daughter. She actually calls Minami mom though. The three of them were super close when Uta was still travelling with the Red Hair Pirates.
Film Red: When Uta is left behind, Minami cried for days, in fact she didn't even talk to Shanks during that time! Uta's Devil Fruit power was pretty horrifying, and it broke Minami's heart to see her suffer the way she did. She regrets letting Shanks leave her behind.



Minami meets Luffy when he's a little kid, she meets him when Shanks takes her to Dawn Island, Minami got pretty friendly with Luffy but it was clear Shanks and Luffy were wayyy closer. Luffy always calls her Minami instead of Red Heart and she just stopped trying to correct him..
Minami can't wait to see Luffy now he's gotten so strong... She almost can't believe the stories she hears.. She hopes their next meeting will go smoothly.



As Shanks' first mate, Minami knows Beckman pretty well, she'd say. Though they don't spend that much time together, she at least considers him a friend.

Minami holds her nakama close, she loves the Red Hair Pirates, they're her entire family.



Minami has met Buggy at least once I'm sure, and the rest of her knowledge on him comes straight from Shanks. She thinks he's kinda hilarious, and she wants Buggy and Shanks to be good friends again so she can watch them interact...

Straw Hat Pirates

Luffy's Crew

Minami really likes the Straw Hats! She hears stories about them, reads about them, they're really impressive to her! She hopes to meet them all properly soon..


( AU ONLY ) Son

AU ONLY - Minami and Shanks' son.. They've never met, and Koby doesn't know of his origins... Minami knows though, and attempts to keep tabs on him.

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