


7 years, 8 months ago



Anchoress Marintime




18, 20 (timeskip)




Scottish, human


July 14th
I have... My nakama... I am worthy of their love.


Member of the Straw Hats, Anchor was found in a shipwreck, and was reluctant to tell the crew the story of how she got there. At first, she comes off as a cold, monotone woman that is deeply troubled by her past. She's very sensitive to touch and doesn't trust people very easily. Anchor's a skilled fighter, and has a good bit of medical knowledge as she was the assigned doctor of her previous crew. She's not great, but she trains under Chopper and even trains under Zoro for her sword skills to develop.

Pre-timeskip, Anchor is quiet and keeps to herself mostly. She finds it hard to smile and laugh at first and has various trust issues. She seems noticeably weary of men and women. She seemed to only let Chopper treat her wounds because he isn't human. The fastest she ended up trusting a man was Sanji, after he lifted her out of the shipwreck where she was found and continued to care for her. She's quite aggressive in a fight, especially if she's protecting her crew. She seems to be the most overprotective over Sanji, feeling as if she owes him her life for what he has done for her.

After the time skip, she opens up a lot more. The island she's sent to for the time skip ended up being one with a large, women orientated mermaid community. Here, she learned to open herself up more and not let her negative emotions make her freeze up in battle.




Reserved, Determined


Kenko-Kenko Fruit



Straw Hat Pirates




Anchor only has a couple of outfits pre-timeskip, since she was introduced nearer the end. Her outfits are noticably dull in colour except for her first outfit. During the pre-timeskip, it reflects her personality at this time. While she's quick to help the Straw Hats during a fight, she's less quick to socialise with them and is often seen as a bit moody.


Anchor has a lot more outfits post-timeskip, they're all a lot more brighter in colour than her pre-timeskip outfits. This is meant to represent her opening personality, how she's finally coming out of her shell. Arguably her brightest outfit is at the beginning of Whole Cake Island before she finds out that Sanji has left. While Anchor's outfits were dull blues, greys and white in her pre-timeskip outfits, she branches out a lot more with pink, yellow and brighter blues post-timeskip.


Anchor's main weapon, is a cutlass. It's quite basic in design but Anchor seems to have an attachment to it, she's often sharpening it... Apparently it's name is Bowes.


Pre-Timeskip, this ability could only transfer health states from the user to another person. For an example, if the user was healthy and the other person was injured, the Kenko-Kenko fruit allows the user to switch their health states. Post-Timeskip, this ability evolves and able to transfer feelings such as fear and anger from the user to another person.


Vanish Strike is a skill Anchor only uses to get either the upper hand on a stronger enemy or to finish off a weaker enemy fast. She makes use of the enemy blindspots and rushes towards those at the speed of light, making the enemy believe she's gone invisible until she strikes.


Anchor spins her sword around in a overwhelming, fast fury. Ripping apart anything around her, this is best used when her allies aren't around.

Devil Fruit Design

The Kenko-Kenko fruit resembles a cherry made up of two hearts, resembling feelings and health transferred between the user and another person.


  • Sanji's cooking fills her with warmth.. Like a hug without the physical aspect..
  • The cold breeze at night makes her feel free.


  • If something is messy, she will clean it.
  • Hates feeling trapped in general, but tight spaces will amplify it.


  • Anchor's personality slightly changes depending on when she is shown. Pre-Timeskip she's quieter and more serious, post-timeskip she is more laid back.
  • Anchor's voice is quite monotone at times pre-timeskip. Post timeskip, it's more lively at times, but harsh when it comes to fighting.
  • Anchor seems to love cats.
  • She's actually quite friendly post-timeskip, she's just weary of some people's intentions towards her.
  • Her trauma is not by any means cured, and she does get PTSD attacks, they just happen a lot less frequently after the time skip as she learns to take care of herself more effectively.


woah partner, Anchor's backstory involves themes of grooming, SA and abuse within a relationship, I try to keep it toned down for public viewing's sake, but the themes are there. If you can't handle that feel free to skip this! ♡ IF you want to read her backstory, it's under the spoiler tag!

A pirate ship docks at Summer Haven, a moderately sized island, it ended up scaring the residents away at first.. but a young Anchor, who worked at a little family shop that sold medicine, didn't seem scared of the captain when he walked in. His name was Slasher and by all means he actually looked quite friendly to her. She offers him medicine and gives him advice about caring for his sick crewmmates. Upon hearing this, Slasher begins to try and promise Anchor a life of love and luxury if he joins her crew.. Anchor, being young and smitten.. Decides after just a day to pack her things and run away to join the crew as a healer. She wasn't great at medical knowledge, but she knew enough to be somewhat helpful. It seemed exciting for her, a change from Summer Haven that was too peaceful and boring.

It doesn't take too long for Slasher's true colours to come out. He was not a Devil Fruit user to anybody's knowledge, instead a Haki user that was desperate to find his own Devil Fruit to get stronger. Slasher was clearly just grooming Anchor so that he'd do work for her around the ship, acting as if he really did love her when all he wanted was to use her. Slasher ended up only getting harsher with Anchor after finding a Devil Fruit but leaving it in reach of a starving Anchor, who had no idea what it was. Slasher wanted to test the limits of Devil Fruit, he wanted to test ways to consume two at once... Though before he could try, Anchor ate the fruit he wanted to use.

On the crew though, there was one person that Anchor could turn to for help. His codename was Leonheart and he was Slasher's first mate. He seemed to genuinely care for Anchor though, and when Slasher would fall asleep at night after abusing Anchor she would escape quietly to the deck, where Leonheart would always be waiting for her. This went on for almost two years until Slasher caught wind of what was going on, and shot Leonheart in the head right in front of Anchor after catching them one night. It was clear from this, that the crew didn't support their captain anymore, and after a few months without Leonheart, the crew began to turn against Slasher. Slasher, in reutrn, killed off his entire crew one by one while they slept. Anchor ran to the deck, sword in hand to try and escape in the storm but was caught by Slasher.

Anchor's final fight against Slasher was brutal, Anchor wasn't a super strong fighter by any means but she managed to hold her own the best she could, she did get critically injured though, she was close to death rather quickly. As Slasher went in to deliver a final blow to her with his sword she activated the power of her Kenko-Kenko Fruit, tranferring her health state onto him. The shock from the sudden injuries that he staggered. He shakily raises his sword to try and hit a lethal blow on her but Anchor deflected it with her own sword. The force was so great that Slasher's sword flew out of his hand. As he was defenseless, crawling backwards on the ship and pleading for his life, Anchor struck him down and chopped his head clean off. She then dumped his body and head into the ocean. When Anchor ends up telling Sanji about this later, she expresses that she didn't even know who she was when she did those things, and she almost regrets it. Usually, Anchor was forced to kill under Slashers orders, it's never something she really wanted to do.

After this, the ship crashed in the storm, and somehow Anchor survived this and was stuck in the rubble of the ship for a long while. It was a pretty ugly wreck, which is why the Straw Hats had stopped to check it out.

Summer Haven Arc

Summer Haven Arc takes place between Enies Lobby and Thriller Bark. It's the arc Anchor is introduced in, by the end she joins the Straw Hats! Summer Haven Arc has themes of abuse, loss of family and PTSD. It's not graphic, but the themes are there!

Summer Haven arc starts as Anchor is discovered in her shipwreck. She's cold, hungry and very weak. The Straw Hats had seen the huge wreck while sailing and decided to stop by it to take a look. When Sanji takes a look into a part of the ship that seems less wrecked than the rest, he sees Anchor. At first he sees a woman and he's about to react in the Sanji way until he sees her cower slightly. At this, he takes a gentler approach, he talks to her a little and she can only reply in basic ways.. after this Sanji holds his hand out to her, asking her for his trust. Though Anchor is reluctant, she gently takes his hand. This gives Sanji the OK to get closer to her to carry her out o the wreckage. As he carries her, she ends up passing out in his arms as soon as she comes in contact with the sunlight. Worried, the Straw Hats end up allowing her to board their ship and rest in one of the rooms under Chopper's care.
After coming to her senses and waking up, she realises she's on a ship once again and panics. Though when she sees Sanji again, she seems to calm down just a little, recognising that he wanted to save her and really had pure intentions. She explains to him that she cannot stay here, she wants to go home for the first time in years.. Back to Summer Haven. Sanji listens to her intently, but agrees to help her. He tells her that if it's not too far, he will ask Luffy to redirect towards Summer Haven. He wants to help her, and clearly doesn't want to just leave her for dead somewhere.
Summer Haven doesn't seem to be too far away, maybe a couple of days. So during this time, Anchor gets back on her feet and apologises for disturbing the crew. She doesn't want to take up any more of their time, and so they'll part ways at Summer Haven. In Luffy fashion, he decides she should actually join his crew, but Anchor rejects this. For the next few days before arriving at Summer Haven, Anchor talks to the crew, but she's quite monotone and quiet at times. She ends up telling them pieces about her old crew, and how she grew up, but does not mention that she killed or captain nor the abuse she suffered from him.

Arriving on Summer Haven, Anchor's heart drops completely seeing it almost toally destroyed. It looks like a ghost town. Buildings demolished and people laying dead and mutilated. Anchor shows emotion for the first time by jumping off of the ship and running in the direction of her parent's old home. The Straw Hats, not letting her go in alone and very against the idea of even leaving her there in the first place attempt to run after her, with Sanji in the front. Only a few leave the ship, these being Franky for his strength to lift any rubble, Luffy, Nami and of course, Sanji. The rest stay behind to look after the ship and take a look around the surrounding area.
Sanji finds Anchor after running in her direction, stood in front of the house her parents once lived in. It was completely demolished with no sign of life at all. Anchor stays silent as Sanji attempts to talk to her.. But she's mostly just unresponsive. With a bit of a push though, Anchor talks to Sanji a little about her family's history on the island, how the island was friendly and loving, and the only thing that could've done this to Summer Haven was a monster.
It takes a little while for the Straw Hats to travel around the whle island, considering how destoryed the whole area is.. There's no real sign of life at all, as if everything was just destroyed with no mercy. Anchor grows cold, thinking of all the old friends and family that were mercilessly killed, and for what reason?
Tiny time skip to the end of the arc because I'm awful at filler... Turns out Summer Haven was destroyed by a monster. Before dying, Slasher kept a secret. He had the Modoru-Modoru Fruit. This fruit has the ability to return the user to life, reincarnating as anything they desire with their memories in tact. Slasher had chosen a monster that would both get him out of the bottom of the ocean and destroy anything in hi path. He chose to be reborn as half kraken, and he was giant. He was hiding out beneath Summer Haven after destroying it, knowing Anchor had nowhere else to go except there. Slasher's Kraken form is so huge that his tentacles reach around the whole island. As Anchor, Franky, Luffy, Sanji and Nami take on Slasher head on, Zoro, Chopper, Usopp and Robin take care of the tentacles that have reached around to the Sunny. This is the first time we get to see Anchor's sword skils, though sometimes she's caught off balance, she does manage to pull off a good couple of strikes. The final blow to Slasher comes after he's been weakened, his tentacles near the Sunny roughed up and tied together. The tentacles near Slasher's main body are taken a hold of by each of the members near the body, and they wrap his body with them, with no tentacles to help him swim, Slasher sinks to the bottom of the sea, still alive, but suffering down there forever.

As Anchor pays her respects to Summer Haven and those lost in it, Sanji stays close to her. Anchor talks to him about how she regretted leaving Summer Haven back then, how she took her family for granted and didn't realise what she had until it was gone. Sanji asks if if she's been considering joining the crew.. The panel cuts off with Anchor turning around, teary eyed with a smile, the first genuine one she's had this whole time.
Anchor explains how taken aback she was by the support from the Straw Hats, how they helped her get revenge for her home island and put a monster somewhere where he could never harm anybody again. She thanks them, from the bottom of her heart, and vows to fight alongside them, if they'll have her. With that, Anchor joins the Straw Hat Pirates.

Pre-Time Skip

Even after Summer Haven arc, Anchor is still quite closed off from the others. She prefers to be alone when they're travelling but won't say no if someone offers to spend time with her. During the Pre-Timeskip arcs she's on the offensive, putting her life on the line to protect her crew. Especially Sanji, she claims that Sanji is her top priority, even above her own wellbeing. When Brook joins the crew she's quite wary of him because his devil fruit ability reminded her of Slashers, but in the end she finds him trustworthy, even with his perverted tendancies. She ends up being trained for sword fighting by Zoro and trained for basics in medical knowledge by Chopper.
When it comes to the Straw Hat's separation at the Sabaody Archipelago, Anchor was also sent to an island by Kuma. Anchor was sent to an island that seemed like a normal island at first, but ended up being an island full of mermaids. These warriors were fun women who brought Anchor in with open arms, despite her initial protests. They pamper her and train her. Helping her work through her emotions and develop her Devil Fruit ability.


2 years later, upon arriving back in Sabaody thanks to the community of mermaids, Anchor arrives back on Sabaody. When Anchor does meet up with the rest of the Straw Hats they noticeably see a difference in her personality, and not much difference in her looks. Anchor's a lot more talkative, a lot more willing to connect with her crew and of course, more determined than ever. Instead of being cold, she's a lot more playfully sarcastic. When it comes to fighting though, she's just as serious as she always has been. Her reunion with Sanji is the one that impacted her the most, being away from him for so long was hell for her, she missed him so much and wasn't afraid to show it!
From here on out, along with her Devil Fruit being even stronger, Anchor is a lot more skilled with her fighting, she has new attacks, the most iconic(?) one being Vanish Strike! (see abilities section!) She ends up sparring with Zoro often, and learning more from Chopper as time goes on.

Anchor is very in love with Sanji, from his care to how silly he is... She and Sanji end up being almost romantically involved before Whole Cake Island... Anchor confesses to him outright during WCI and then afterwards.. It's up to interpretation whether they are together or not (THEY ARE!!! THEY ARE!!)


FILM: RED┊ Anchor is also seen as a fan of Uta, and is just excited to be here! She believes a world with no wars and everything nyone could want could've been a great healing mechanism, but not what she wants at all! When fighting against Tot Musica, Anchor attacks at the same time as Red Heart Minami.


Love Interest

Sanji is Anchor's everything, he saved her and gave her life new meaning, especially in her roughest hours. She owes him her life.
As scary as she makes it sounds, she does love him! And sometimes he even makes her flustered depending on the vibe. She doesn't mind that Sanji overreacts whenever he sees a pretty woman, she accepts that's who he is and she wants to be with him and protect him the best she can. She's not great at expressing herself, especially before Whole Cake Island...



Though she was quite wary of Zoro's vibe at first, she ends up really liking him. Zoro trains Anchor and doesn't go too easy on her, so she really has to try her best!
Something Anchor realises she likes thanks to Zoro is sake. She's not a big drinker and really just does it to help her be more social..



Her captain! Luffy's kindness and willing to help Anchor in her times of need have always stuck with her, she's incredibly loyal to Luffy and believes he's going to be King of the Pirates
Luffy has a way of brightening up a room, and Anchor's quite thankful for it, she believes Luffy can make any situation less awkward, which is a lifesaver when Anchor's not up for social interaction.



Anchor won't lie, she was scared of Nami at first. The women around her old crew were not very nice to her... So one look at Nami and Anchor got a little freaked out.
Though the two do become friends! Anchor thinks Nami is really cool.. She's glad that Nami didn't turn out to be mean!!



Anchor was also scared of Robin at first, but actually warmed up to her quicker. Robin has a vibe that's able to calm Anchor down.
She's also good friends with Robin and thinks she's cool! Her vibe is still very calming to Anchor, even post-time skip.



Anchor finds Chopper quite adorable... But also very smart! The fact Chopper even nursed Anchor back to health meant the world to her... and after officially joining the Straw Hats, she knew she wanted to learn his skills.
She's not as good as Chopper when it comes to medicine or healing wounds, but Chopper is very encouraging towards her!



Franky is a big guy, so Anchor was really scared of him at first... But she was glad to see he also had a big heart. Franky is super cool to Anchor, making sure her room was all built to her liking when she joined.. She's very appreciative of his help!
Post-Time skip, they're besties!



Usopp never actually scared Anchor, she just doesn't think he has a scary vibe. Which both made Usopp glad and a little upset. (comedic relief sorry usopp) They do get on really well when Anchor joins the crew, Usopp really supportive of Anchor's journey to face her fears and get stronger (just like him!)
Usopp's really glad to see both he and Anchor have grown a lot after the time skip!! Yeah besties!!!



Brooks Devil Fruit power freaked Anchor out a lot, believing that it was the same as Slasher's... but turns out Brook is just some skeleton pervert. Great. Anchor isn't freaked out by Brook after Thriller Bark, and while his pervert nature can annoy her, she finds his skeleton humour almost funny.
Anchor's quite the music lover post-time skip, so she's happy to listen to Brook sing! She seems to warm up to him a lot more post-timeskip.



Jinbei is the newest member of the Straw Hats, Anchor doesn't know him too well. She wasn't afraid of him though considering he joined post-time skip.
Anchor is actually pretty chill with Jinbei, she doesn't have much of an opnion on him as of now!



Anchor thinks Law is kinda scary to an extent, maybe because he's a captain and isn't nearly as cheery as Luffy..? But seems to feel more at ease around him when she sees that Luffy trusts him. And of course, when she realises he's got a soft spot for Bepo



Bepo is... so cute... The first guy in a long time she hasn't felt totally on guard when meeting them. She really adores Bepo...

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