Bermuda Munasar



1 year, 2 months ago



“ How absolutely wonderfully AWFUL! HAHAHAHAH!“



First Name



Last Name



The Python, The Viper





Overall personality

 wild, unpredictable, hostile, violent, animalistic at times, protective of what he sees as “his”, possessive, strange, analytical, antisocial, possibly insane, sadistic, mad scientist trope



Voice Claim

Professor Venomous - OK KO



Thermodynamic Lawyer - Will Wood and The Tapeworms



A shack hidden deep within a marsh. he also has a residency with the Umbra gang, working as a poisons and interrogation expert.

Date of Birth

October 7th




Overgrown tusks


Reference Sheet


Pelt Length


Fur Texture

Thick and pokey. 



Eye Color




Elemental Power

[Deadly Venom] 

Bermuda has the ability to produce a highly acidic poison from his teeth and claws. A bite of scratch, depending on how much venom is injected, can lead to nausea, paralysis, hallucinations, and in many cases, death. (he often sells his poison for a pretty penny but he typically uses it all for himself)


“ Oh how I wonder how much pain I can put you through until you BREAK?!“



Overall personality

Sadistic, cruel, unpredictable, analytical, wild, absolutely mad, odd, manipulative


Testing out new poisons


getting what he wants, when he wants it

seeing others suffer




others testing his patience

Having to wait for anything

being told what to do



Soft Spots

his snakes and poisonous pets

getting to work on more sickening concoctions

Pet Peeves

waiting for something (whether in line or just for days to pass)

others interrupting his work



name; N/A 

age; N/A

status; N/A

relationship; N/A



name; N/A

age; N/A

status; N/A

relationship; N/A



name;  N/A

gender; N/A

age; N/A 

status; N/A 




“ HAH! It's almost cute that you think you're going to get out of this. As soon as I get the all-clear from my... boss... I'll get to have some real fun testing out some of my newest creations made of poison dart mucus and gaboon viper venom! I'm hoping for something TRULY interesting reaction-wise.“




As a pup, Bermuda was abandoned by his parents and discovered by a group of human bandits. these bandits were cruel and violent, teaching him early on to be a killer, bent on killing whoever crossed his path. he was kept in a small cage and was the personal pet of the leader of the bandits. they even had a sort of pit that they would toss their captives into, later sending Bermuda in to "take care of them". 

Years of violence, bloodshed, and cruelty shaped his mind and behavior to match. he became more cruel to those who would be paired up in the arena with him, often toying with them for his own amusement. This also amused the bandits that held him until these tendencies started resulting in missing bandits and rations.  Eventually they began to punish him by locking him away at all times in the arena. As years persisted, he began to experiment with his venom and the environment around him. The band of bandits that had him had become quite infamous and the gang had quickly turned into a clan, large and powerful. More and more prisoners would flood into his arena, as the bandits could now make a large show out of this spectacle. 

His bloodlust continued to grow until one faithful day, as one of the bandits approached the gates of the arena to feed him. The bandit must have been new since the poor fool tried to hand feed Bermuda, who promptly took his arm between his jaws, pulling him against the barred doors of the enclosure, the screams of the poor fool alerting the others who proceeded to jab at Bermuda with spears in an attempt to get him to let go. He only let go after removing the poor boy's arm and something from his person... the keys to the gate. 

Later that night, he proceeded to mimic the actions that the humans had repeated many times before when placing prisoners inside, unlocking the gate which held him within his round stone and iron-barred prison. with this, he proceeded to rampage throughout the camp in the dead of night searing many with his acidic venom, mauling others that were unlucky enough to be in range, and confronting the leader of the camp in a sort of standoff. as flames engulf the camp from broken lanterns and failed attempts of stopping Bermuda, there was a standstill. With only the leader and a few stragglers hiding behind him still remaining, Bermuda pinned the leader, spat acid at his face, and left. To remind others not to mess with The Pit Viper.

After traveling alone for years, he eventually found a home deep in a marsh, filled with like-minded predators like himself. Poisonous and venomous beasts who are out for their own interests and that alone. He eventually makes a business out of killing for those who pay well enough as well as selling the venom and poisons he produces to whoever will pay a pretty penny for it.

He is eventually discovered by the Umbra Gang, a rouge tribe of akis who serve themselves and do what is needed to survive and thrive. He is now the Interrogations and poisons expert within the tribe. If you ever encounter an Umbra Gang member that is attempting to take you as a prisoner, you're better off dead since your next destination is most likely Bermuda's interrogation room. 

Community ID





“Can't you see I'm VERY BUSY?? If your situation is so dire, perhaps try and ask a little nicer. Rude guests don't end up very... alive... when speaking to me in such a manner“



Made By: Gore