Seth Goldberg



1 year, 1 month ago



Name Seth Goldberg

Gender Male

Age 26

Birthplace Newark, New Jersey

Height 5'10" (178 cm)

Build Beefy

Eyes Blue

Hair Auburn

Sign Aries

Occupation Army Corporal (Paratrooper)








HTML Pinky


  • Gambling/Cards
  • Tobacco (Chew)
  • Guns


  • Prudes/"Prissy" types
  • Nazis (ofc)
  • Losing


Seth led a fairly boring, uneventful life until the Army got ahold of him. Since his early teens he has been a dockworker, spending his days loading and unloading ships, putting in long hours without much free time for himself. When he found he was drafted he felt very conflicted: being Jewish, the things he'd been hearing going on in the war were very personal to him. Part of him was terrified of being sent over to Europe and what may happen to him...and part of him couldn't wait to see how many Nazis he could kill himself!


Not the nicest guy in the world, he puts on a constant "tough guy" front and is pretty rude, brash, insensitive, and full of vulgar language and dirty jokes. Other guys who have similar personalities or who can handle his usually enjoy hanging out and joking around with him and find him to be a lot of fun, while more sensitive/quiet types usually dislike him, either way he doesn't give much of a shit what people think of him (for the most part anyway.) He's under a lot of stress due to the situation he's in and tries to mask his nervousness by being very combative and defensive about it if anyone seems to notice. He's always looking for a fight and is a real "gung ho" soldier, and also loves being able to show off in any way he can. He loves to gamble and drink too, and does a lot of it whenever there's nothing else going on.

His voice is rough/hoarse and pretty deep, with a strong New Jersey accent.


Hair: Reddish brown, short and curly, shaved into a mohawk once joining the Army.

Eyes: Dark blue, kind of tired looking

Build: Burly and strong, has broad shoulders and muscular arms, pudgy belly. Has a fair amount of body hair.

Scars/Body Modifications/Other distinguishing features: None, really!

Clothing: His uniform is never "neat," the sleeves are usually rolled up and he almost always leaves a button or two open. His civilian clothes are just what you'd typically see a dockworker wearing: jeans or overalls with flannel shirts or bulky sweaters.


  • All credit goes to my husband for coming up with the whole idea of this character years ago! It was so cool to finally find a story to put him in. :D
  • He is the uncle of Leslie and Chelsea!
  • Until joining the Army he didn't have much experience with guns, but once he started training he immediately became a "gun nut." XD He just loves shooting things and is highly skilled with several different types of firearms.
  • He chews tobacco and isn't very mindful of where he spits it out (and it seems he likes grossing people out with it)
  • He also drinks a LOT of beer, it seems almost impossible to actually get him drunk.
  • He is never not carrying a pack of playing cards with him, poker is his game of choice. (But if noone wants to play, he'll just play some solitare.)