


6 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Theordore Augustus Lisington


Theo, Teddy




Male (C-boi)


Theo is kind hearted but grouchy on the outside and a bit rough around the edges due to his upbringing he didnt have the best childhood and is pretty grumpy to hide his feelings however when those walls are shattered and he opens up he is genuinely nice albeit not the common niceness he isnt gonna be all squishy hes more of a grumpy nice as in he will compliment you but it may not necessarily seem like a compliment and hes ver rough when he greets a friend often tmes giving them noogies or a friendtly back slap. Theo has a lot of insecurities due to his upbringing some pertaining to his body others pertaining to his family situation he has insecurities about his genitals in many ways but he wont show it and for all anyone knows hes just a regular guy but it still bothers him a little bit and he wont show this outwardly but when he is in a locker room or something he will be really agitated and keep away from everyone. Theo has a geeky side that he didnt embrace until he was on his own he has always had a passion for video games and due to his family he never got to express this side of himself however when he moved out and got his own apartment he decided to try out a thing called twitch and became a streamer on there he loves the fact other gamers and himself can communicate and he streams often probably swearing more than some streamers expect but he has a blast often times though he will rage when he plays competitive games or nuzlockes of pokemon and hes broken a few controllers but nothing too major. Theo has a soft side to himself as well its honestly hard to get to come out of him but when it does its rather suprising he isnt the type to show this side as he doesnt want to have his insecurities prayed upon his soft side is cooking as he will get in full garb to cook apron etc and will make a food that he works on for ages he has a passion for cooking but he is shy to talk about it often times not taking credit for his cooking saying he just picked it up some place but when he cooks he has a genuine happiness to him and sweetness that a lot of people dont expect. Theo overall is a rough around the edges grumpy guy that at his core has softness just good luck getting that out of him.


Twitch Streamer/Waiter

Random Facts:


Theo hates condiments and will not eat them on his food he has a slight phobia of mayo due to him getting food poisoning from it as a child..


Theo likes tarantulas and has had some as pets before when he was young his parents werent thrilled about this and would berate hima bout it but he loved them they were his pals and he would let them crawl on him during his homework sessions.


Theo hates lab work and tests due to his genetic makeup he has to get tests done and get shots often he gets anxiety over this and has to be restrained slightly to prevent an accidental reflex reaction he is always angry about this and will leave the lab and feel shamed he is that upset however he knows its a necessary evil but still it makes him mad.


Theo's twitch name is FightTeddyFight a reference to wrestling which he loves to watch and also a name that isnt too hard to remem he abbreviates it FTF and he tells everyone just to call him Teddy or Theo in his chat the nickname Teddy comes from his step niece that he used to be able to see when he was younger he always took care of her on thw weekends due to his step sister being rather crappy as a parent (Based off irl experience slightly ;v; ))


Theo has been diagnosed with depression, anxiety , and PTSD he doesnt talk about his conditions and often times keeps any evidence he has them a secret he has counseling sessions every two weeks and he tries not to get emotional in them but when he discusses his family he gets rather overwhelmed and will breakdown and need to leave early.


Theo has some allergies his worse one being bees he doesnt hate bees but if stung he will have a problem.


Theo enjoys anime namely murder mystery ones he enjoys a good fantasy one too and if it has a game adaptation he will glady play it he does so on his streams often.


Theo's favorite weather is when its freezing because then he can just walk around and not sweat.


Theo doesnt see his family much at all anymore he is still dealing with things of the past with them and doesnt feel they will support him or care for him at all.


Theo can play the drums and has before in school hes a bit rusty but he might try again someday.


Theo loves WWE he gets way too into it though at times and will yell and jump up.


Theo has a stuffed rabbit hes had for ages and cherishes he when extremely upset will hold it and hug it often times crying over it.


Theo's favorite colours are cerulean blue and violet.


Design Notes:

-Has a goatee (I suck at drawing them but he has one)

-Has a tongue piercing  standard silver.

-Glasses are plastic black frames.

-Has a  missing upper tooth due to  fighting.