
Name: Begonia

ID #: 4384

Level: 12

Andrew’s Notes: “I. Yes, Begonia is a baby. A very hungry, three-headed, giant orb of a baby who can throw tantrums rivaling those of Arthas’s when upset, but is otherwise a very big sweetheart who loves nothing more than cuddles and treats (especially chocolate). All Pokémon are born both instinctively knowing how to fight and with the genetic drive to, and Begonia is no exception. Who knew that when these ‘paradox Pokémon’ had offspring they’d just be mini versions of themselves rather than the previous evolutions of the species they hold an eerily similar appearance to, huh?”


Species: Iron Jugulis  

Nature: Naive 

Ability: Quark Drive

Types: Dark-Flying

Traits: Neoteny 

Ball: Ultra Ball 


Evolution: N/A

Healthy Breeding Slots: N/A (actual baby)

Offspring: None


Obtained: Wild Swarm (Ultra Wormholes/Time-Space Distortions)

Hall of Fame: Not Eligible 


Level Log: 

+12 Reference