
1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Your Favorite Friend


Mint Chip


20 years old


April 11th


4'11" (150~ cm)


- Can use amplification magic to amplify aspects of herself or others, such as strength or magical prowess. Passively has the Chip family magic active, making her influence others easily and overall making her more agreeable.

- Uses an axe and her amplification magic to grant benefits to herself and nearby allies.

- Enjoys talking to people and seems to always have a topic that interests whoever she's talking to.

- Loves to play board games with others.

- Orange juice is her favorite drink.

Mint is the sweetheart of Anima. She’s the child of the highly influential Chip family, and has many perks that come along with it, such as the Chip family magic, a passive magic that influences others around the user and makes the user more agreeable to them. Mint also inherited her mother’s amplification magic, which allows her to amplify aspects of herself or others, like their physical strength or magical prowess. Life was always easy for young Mint, too easy at times.

Mint loved having an easy life, but sometimes it would get boring for her, so she told herself that she would begin to intentionally make life harder for herself. Even though she told herself that she would make life more difficult and interesting for herself, she didn’t seem to have much success due to an inability to stop her passive magic. The only instances where her life was made harder for her was in school, as there were more than a few instances where she would mess up on math homework and her teachers would correct her properly when grading it at home, then suddenly attempt to rewrite the laws of mathematics to make her answer correct. Mint spent a lot of time telling her teachers that it was really alright to hand over her homework without trying to make her answer correct, and it was during this time that she realized that her life was difficult, but in a way that hardly anybody else would ever be capable of comprehending. Mint was not suffering from success, but she would suffer from an inability to fail. 

During high school, Mint spent a lot of time trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life, as she wanted to be able to make her parents proud of her and her own achievements, just as her dad had done for his parents, and his dad to his parents. One day when talking to Rose, a friend that she made online in middle school who had transferred from Bheur to attend school in Cielo Altus, she realized that her magic had hardly any effect on her. Rose wasn’t like all the other people that Mint spoke to, Rose always made sure to keep everything real with Mint. Mint wasn’t sure why Rose seemed to be immune to her magic, but this caused her to realize that there could be other ways for her magic to not affect people. Mint tried many things, and through a few conversations with friends on the phone and testing with other methods of communication such as through texts, Mint realized that her magic had zero effect on people who were speaking to her outside of a certain radius, which could allow her to achieve things herself, unaided by her magic, which would allow her to not only prove herself to her parents, but also to herself. This still didn’t explain the phenomenon that Rose was experiencing, but that was a problem to be addressed at a later time. Mint’s options were to do things through a speaker or through a screen, which gave her a surprising amount of room to experiment. She had noticed a growing interest in live streaming, but wasn’t sure if that was the path that she wanted to take, but she figured that if she could figure out an interesting enough topic then she could work with it. She just knew that she didn’t want to be a glorified news station for people.

Mint’s search for a subject for her livestream was coming up fruitless, there was nothing that felt too interesting. While going out about the city she spotted dark clouds, something that hadn’t been common around Cielo Altus in many years. She followed them and noticed that they were gathering in concerningly high numbers. As she was about to leave to inform somebody about the problem, she saw a group of people arrive and begin to fight the clouds. Mint had never seen monster hunters in person, mostly since Cielo Altus didn’t really have monster problems and she hadn’t seen much of Anima outside of the city. As she was watching the hunters she felt awe-struck, and then a light went off in her head. Mint knew what she was going to create for the world. However, she needed a way to make sure that the idea would garner attention if the idea failed to gain enough traction, so she began to think of a backup plan.

By the time that she was close to finishing high school, Mint had decided that she would attend Grand Heart University. She had done really well in all of her classes, but wanted to go into biochemistry for her major, feeling that it was something that could be of use for her backup plan. Mint didn’t know if she could complete her project on her own during her time at the school, so she began to look around for people who could be of use during her time there. Before the admittance letters were sent out for Grand Heart, Mint made a request to look into some of the applicants, along with suggesting some of her own choices for the school. The school had let her help a student get in the previous year into the robotics program, so naturally they had to oblige a second time. The Chip family was a very important donor for the school, and was responsible for funding many of the programs that were offered there, so it was only expected that Mint would ask to get a few people into the school more than once.

During her time at Grand Heart, Mint began to work on Project: Heart, her backup plan in case the monster hunting live streaming service, currently planned to be called Monstar, didn’t take off. She spent the better part of her first 2 years working with Rose and Peri on Monstar and Project: Heart with a few other students that she helped get into Grand Heart. Project: Heart had gone along a lot smoother than anticipated, as there had apparently been some students before that had worked on a similar project and left documentation, although it was incomplete and had a few errors to fix. As her second year came to a close she began to put the finishing touches on Monstar and Project: Heart, but felt that she should take another look into applicants for the next year and see if there were any that stuck out and could help catapult the popularity of Monstar. 

Mint spends most of her free time in Chip Land or relaxing at Mintea & Coffee. She is a member of the monster hunting group Minty Fresh.