Brett Levitt



6 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


introduction: 13; Act 7: 16; end of credits: 20


September 4, 1995







Typing Quirk

all lowercase, otherwise proper grammar and punctuation. (color: #8a360f)

God Tier

Prince of Keys

Strife Specibus


Lunar Sway



Brett is [insert description here].


Your name is BRETT LEVITT, and you are currently preparing to play a NEW GAME with your friends. Gaming isn’t normally one of your interests, but this one just caught your eye. The promo material had touted it as COOPERATIVE and with REAL WORLD INTERACTIVITY. You weren't exactly sure how that would work, but it sounded interesting all the same.

Among your main interests is BASEBALL. You ABSOLUTELY LOVE baseball, and if given the chance you will TALK SOMEONE’S EAR OFF about the different teams and players and statistics. In fact, you even use the BASEBALL-FAN fetch modus, which requires you to recite at least three facts about the player on the back of the card before retrieving an item. Your friend bought it for you for your BIRTHDAY last year. In what some might see as a completely ironic happenstance, you also have a profound interest in LITERATURE AND WORDPLAY. It is for this reason you keep a THESAURUS on your nightstand and a VARIETY OF OTHER WORD REFERENCE BOOKS in your room.

You live in a five-room house with your MOTHER who knows both KARATE and TAEKWONDO. You like to spend time with your FRIENDS who you met online. You talk to them using PESTERCHUM with your cleverly created chumhandle (if you do say so yourself) loadingHandle. it’s the ultimate trolling tool and you love it.

Brett is the first member of the glitch session introduced. He is noticeably excited to install and play the new SBURB Beta that has come in the mail, and he asks Sharyn to be his server player as he trusts her with whatever that may entail. While setting up, he is contacted by a mysterious person he's never chatted with before. They ask him to not play the game but send him a series of walkthroughs as well, ju2t iin ca2e. Brett is weirded out by the warning but proceeds with installing the game anyway. [in progress]


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