
1 year, 2 months ago


Emiko “Emi” Mania

Cis Female she/her

Age: 16 (eternally)

DOB: September 12

Ethnicity: half Vietnamese, half Japanese

Height: 180cm

Family Members (all semi-canon):

Li (Adoptive Dad)

Ru (Adoptive brother)


Emi’s from the future! A digital human (she’s not AI, she’s thinks and feels just like physical human). She’s unsure why she’s in the past but she doesn’t care, she just wants to have fun. She can inhabit and move through technology (think of Giffany from Gravity Falls).

Emi’s an excitable fangirl who’s super loud, and has a short temper. HUGE fan of Hatsune Miku, cute things, and rock music

Overall she’s very innocent, and is a goody two shoes despite her temper.

Project Sekai AU: a foreign exchange student at Kamiyama High School! She’s a first year student. She came to study in Japan to get in touch with her Japanese identity. Emi is a big supporter of the musical units featured in the game.

Random trivia:

- her being Li’s daughter and Ru’s sister is semi-canon. She can exist on her own, separate to them

- she wants to marry Hatsune Miku

Affiliated animal: Crab 🦀