
3 years, 7 months ago


My persona 

Name: Linden “Li/Mellie” [REDACTED]

INTP-T He/him

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Birthday: 15th June 2006

Ethnicity: Vietnamese

Nationality: Australian

Height: 5’3” (160.5cm)

OC relationships:

Gavelin (my favourite OC - fictional boyfriend)

Emiko (fictional daughter)

Hello, I’m Li, the owner of this account! I enjoy drawing, singing, sewing, dolls, mobile gacha games, and fictional characters! 

People irl have described me as down to earth, wise, quiet, and scary. I understand why I seem scary but that’s cuz I’m not good at socialising and empathising with people so I may come off as rude but I try my best not to be!!

I’m very calm (apparently too calm), so I rarely get stressed. It wasn’t always like this, I used to be so anxiety ridden but I’ve developed to this state now somehow lol

I’m a big lover of loud and energetic music, my favourite genre being power metal, and my favourite band being Powerwolf (korpiklaani, brothers of metal, and raise a suilen are also big favourites!). 

My favourite animals are fish (specifically Mola mola) and this originated from my vocal stims involving fish related phrases and words. My current stims aren’t usually fish related, this was from when I was younger!


I’m an Australian born Vietnamese guy! My parents were refugees. I am currently a high school student, I’m a closeted queer trans guy to my family (I think I’m very obviously queer to my school peers though) and that’s all you need to know about my personal life.

My family is so incredibly homophobic that I kinda have a hard time wrapping my head around it, so obviously I’m closeted to them atm

Notes about appearance:

- earring on RIGHT ear only (it’s the gay ear and the only one I have pierced)

- mole on my nose and on the side of my head

- androgynous - sometimes people think I’m a guy, sometimes they think I’m a girl

Random trivia:

I’m autistic

- short sighted, I wear glasses most of the time

- I LOVE SOUP, lemons, salt and vinegar flavour, tomato sauce, ginger beer, gingerbread, and orange juice!

- I hate sweet foods. I like them in moderation sometimes though

- I actually own a lot of irl things I made or customised of Gav, I even have a doll of him

- i love sewing shorts! Shorts are my favourite clothes ever, I love everything about them

- I love Gav so much, he gives me cuteness aggression, I wanna bite him 

🏳️‍🌈Biromantic, Asexual

🏳️‍⚧️Transgender FTM

Affiliated animal: Sunfish (Mola Mola) 🐟