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I am super interested in this. I would need to balance some of the inventory against mine, and we would need to have the design ready before trading.
If these are all things that work for you I think we can make it work :D
I have some time today to map things out cus I'm big sick so just let me know

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Nooo what is going on with everyone's immune systems right now!

Gotchaaa, I wanna be safe just in case, I will get a template and start playing around to see if I have any ideas right off the bat. I will put a temp hold on this chara while I do. In all honesty if I can't think of anything I will let you know, but a myo makes me really excited

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Hiyaa! Hope you are well! I have an offer for pay planned full resale and I just have the possibility of getting a dreamie character so I might have to go with that offer. Nothing is set in stone until Wednesday, but I am having a hard time designing the myo ;w;
I will keep you posted but I might need the funds. I am still weighing the two, and Wednesday will be the deciding time. I really appreciate your patience! I'm still so interested I just need to buckle down if I do design the MYO.
I hope you are well and aren't sick anymoreee

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