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Hiyaa! Hope you are well! I have an offer for pay planned full resale and I just have the possibility of getting a dreamie character so I might have to go with that offer. Nothing is set in stone until Wednesday, but I am having a hard time designing the myo ;w;
I will keep you posted but I might need the funds. I am still weighing the two, and Wednesday will be the deciding time. I really appreciate your patience! I'm still so interested I just need to buckle down if I do design the MYO.
I hope you are well and aren't sick anymoreee

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So sorry for the delay I wasn't fully present this last week from a headache causing me not to focus well at all. It just wouldn't stop ugh

Anyway, I will have a full answer for you before Sunday night. Cus I am feeling better I am still on the fence so much ;×; but I think I really do wanna sit down and design the slot. It will force me to be creative again after all this time

I will let you know ty so much for your patience 💓 

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I am SO SORRY I went MIA! I posted a bulletin very rapidly, but I think my brain just socially shut down entirely for a while...
I got a ton of anxiety messaging people in the last month and I have no clue what happened. Overall I believe my body forced myself to take a break from social media, except for texting my close circle. Thank you SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE I am better financially and am still down to continue this trade if you are still interested! I never messaged a mod about the MYO slot, but I think I am going to do that to see if we can just trade now, so I don't waste any more of your time <333 Let me know what works for you!!!!!!

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13 Replies