Psiloc Cerrum



1 year, 2 months ago


Psiloc Cerrum

"gotta all up n' take it easy on urself man... ufm? [you feel me]"
  •  Name  Psiloc Cerrum
  •  Age  12 Sweeps [26] 
  •  Gender  Male 
  •  Pronouns  He/They 
  •  Sexuality  Bisexual [No pref] 
  •  Personality 
    Psiloc is very laid back and calm. Total stoner vibes. He's stupid, but not oblivious. He's very friendly and a total dude-bro honestly. He's a homie you can chill out with and have a smoke. He can be smart when he wants to be, but prefers just to go with the flow of life.
  •  Appearance 
    [See Gallery]
  •  Likes  Drugs, techno music and hangouts with friends
  •  Dislikes  Cerulean bloods, bad vibes 
  •  Backstory 
    A good portion of Psiloc's life has been pretty tame and casual. He grew up alongside his lusus sister, Agorna and their two headed owl lusus, Psyche. Him and Agorna went to Clurch and continue to go to Clurch to this day. Psiloc got into the drug scene when he was in his mid-teens. He knows what he's doing is bad, but he doesn't super care by all means. He moved out of his shared hive when he was in his early twenties. Agorna still lives in the old hive. His current hive is a fucking hoarder's hive and he shares it with his matesprite. He's rockin' the stoner life and doesn't wanna be any other way. "Go with the flow" is his motto. 
  • The Psychosis Ancestor 
    Psiloc knows literally nothing about his Ancestor, he does know that Psychosis was not a good person and very manipulative. Psiloc is not vibin' with that honestly.
  • Agorna Cerrum Older Sister 
    Despite how vastly different they are, they're close as close can be. Psiloc absolutely adores his older sister and loves her dearly. Even if she doesn't super like his stoner life, Psiloc genuinely tries not to smoke around her if he's able to.

  • Kaxlox Mindal Matesprite 
    A couple of stoners in love! Psiloc invited Kaxlox to live with him when he found the Gold blood homeless on the streets of Alternia. By all means, you should be cautious to bring a total stranger into your hive, but Psiloc didn't feel threatened by the Gold blood and wanted to help him out. He got Kaxlox setup in his spare respiteblock and as the two lived together, they slowly fell in love and are now matesprites.
  • Jugular                                                                   Moirail
    Stoner moirails for the win! These two absolute vibe together and smoke fat blunts together. Psiloc is constantly featured in his moirail's TrickTrock vids. These are besties for life and really know how to "clown around" together. [I'm not sorry]

  • Shuche                                                                  Kismesis
    How these two ended up in a kismesistude? No one really fucking knows to be honest. Psiloc doesn't entirely understand how someone could attract him in a pitched way, but Shu's adorable, bug-eyed little self somehow managed. Should he be proud? Only god knows.
  •  Trivia 
    • ● Psiloc has A LOT of different types of drugs in his hive, mostly mind altering/psychedelic ones.
    • ● Psiloc lacks that common "Purple blooded aggression" which really freaks trolls out for some reason
    • ● Psiloc has a Two-Headed Owl lusus named "Psyche"
    • ● Psiloc is the Seer of Light
    • ● Psiloc is a Prospit Dreamer
    • ● Psiloc's sign is Capripio, Sign of The Risk-Taker.