
1 year, 2 months ago


Name: Yugo Fujioka

Age: 33

Pronouns: She | Her

Height: 5’3”



Pocket Dimension: A pocket space accessed by opening a physical door in the real world, only Yugo has the ability to access these spaces. Other people can go in the spaces with them and leave but only they can create the pockets for them to enter. Time is warped within these spaces and no living things seem to exist within them.

The spaces normally alter in appearance to whatever Yugo pleases, but normally they have a fountain in the middle along with a strew of clocks to keep track of time  


The older sister married to her work, strict and organized. Yugo is someone who is always working and likes to bring her work into all aspects of her life. A workaholic, you’d say but it’s something she genuinely enjoys doing.

She keeps to herself mostly, she isn’t secretive by any means but she’s more on the chill side if anything. She’s witty with a sharp tongue though is easy to fluster and becomes a stumbling mess around people at times.

One of her biggest flaws is she’s quite the people pleaser despite everything. Even with being confident with who she is she can’t help but strive to please others no matter the cost


The oldest of the Fujioka family, Tei being her younger brother. She’s always been someone confident in her skills, even when she was fresh out of highschool she managed to snatch a desk job right away, even moving on to get a promotion once she waltzed into the boss’s office and demanded to be his assistant.

Unlike anyone around her Yugo is constantly perfecting and polishing her skills in her work, it wasn’t long until she became the CEO’s right hand man. The company works closely with businesses such as NSR and other talent agencies. They organize venues for events and concerts. Along with trips and cruises for such companies they work alongside with.

She knows Tatiana personally but their relationship is strictly work related.

Additional info:

  Monotone esc voice unless agitated

  Loves organizing and planning

  Loves math and numbers.