🌊 Faust (Full Bio)



Content Warnings: Mentions of child neglect, pressure to conform to gender roles, runaway, bad coping mechanisms (sex/alcohol)

Growing up in a rural area on the Spiral Archipelago, it is a tight knit community. Rumors spread easily and people's opinions matter because they are the people you see every day and have to interact with and rely on. Which was why when Faust showed interest in dresses and skirts at such a young age, his parents were horrified. They tried everything: Bribing their son with attention or items, taking away his access to clothes except what was 'acceptable' , and then ignoring him. The last one eventually became the norm when they realized nothing was working. Faust had someone supplying him access to clothes, someone supporting him. A best friend. They never found out about the tiny little spinda Faust met with often.

This was when Faust began to run away. He was always found and brought back by amused parents or shopkeepers. They just assumed Faust was being a 'rebel' and having fun. Though whispers eventually started up when they realized that Faust didn't give up even after years. That he was getting better at evading them. Getting closer to the docks. Whispers of why a kid was so determined to run away. Was it just rebelling...? Or was something wrong? Then, eventually, Faust saw his chance. Running to his best friend, Alois, he confessed he was going to run away. There was a traveling merchant set to leave the next day. He could stow away. He knew he could. But Faust promised to come back for Alois. They were best friends. He would never forget Alois.

Then Faust ran. He ran and didn't look back. Faust stowed away on the ship with the traveling merchant, only discovered when they were days out from the island at the point. Faust was adamant in staying with them. The female captain crossed her arms but listened out to his pleas. Faust poured out everything. Captain Amalia listened and accepted him into her crew, after some thought. He was taught the in and outs of a ship and Amalia had been amused to see him take to the rigging with joy. Seemed like she had an adrenaline seeker on her hands. He lived in the ropes and the sails for the next few years, though he never forgot Alois and had made plans with Captain Amalia to go back once he was old enough not to be 'taken back' by his devil-blood (This was how she referred to his parents. In her eyes they were not his parents).

When he was nineteen, their ship was taken over by pirates.Captain Amalia defended them fiercely. All of the crew fought but it was useless. They were overpowered and imprisoned. Faust watched as the crew he had once thought as maybe family was taken away. Captain Amalia... she pressed their heads together and whispered she would always be with her little rope rat. Her acrobat. Her son. Then she was taken and the last Faust saw of her was her walking away, head held high.

Faust fought like a hellcat when they went to take him. Perhaps that was what sealed his fate. They liked that fire. But not for their crew. He was still their prisoner but they wanted to break his spirit. HAH. Good luck! Faust remained defiant.He learned the new rules to survive among them. Liquor and coy affection went a long way. A few weeks later they landed at a port. They had underestimated Faust. He climbed quickly into their rigging, took a rope, and swung. Eyes lit with fire, he took a breath and let go. He flew. Took flight from his prison- into the air. Into freedom and across the blue.

His hands fell shy of the rigging he had been aiming for at the neighboring ship, but his outstretched hand was caught. Startled silver stared up into serious blue ones. "Catch, darling!" And then he was launched into the air once more, finding his hands caught by someone hanging upside down on the mast. They swung up and found themselves now perched there, and Faust was shaking from the adrenaline. The fear. The relief.

"We've got you, sweetheart. Hey Captain! Set sail! We're going to need to outrun some pirates again! We stole something~" The laughter of the crew below as they rushed about to set off confused Faust. It was only hours later when they lost the pirates that he was introduced to them. They were a traveling troupe and had been just settling in to depart when Faust's high flying act had been spotted. They reacted quickly, having judged that he might fall short. 'Impressive jump though, few would have done anything close to that, especially under duress. Speaking of, let's get you seen by our healer hm?'

He was with them for two years before he even dared to think of them as a family. They never pressed him on his past, but he did eventually speak up. Faust talked about his devil-blood (and having to explain that, which spiraled into him explaining about Alois and Captain Amalia-- ). They promised to be on the lookout for any of his former crew (family) and also drop by his home island the next time they were passing by on one of their routes for him. It was during this time he met Loch and Loukas, two other wandering souls that just... clicked. With faust. Granted he had flirted with both quite a bit and only got hit for his efforts (though Loukas did flirt back~ but never followed through). Faust was thankful for their presence though. It was grounding, even if Loch disapproved of his drinking and other habits. But oh it reminded him of Alois. His quiet, shy, friend...

He brought up making a detour to his home island and they finally did agree to purposefully deviating from the route to go there. Before that though, they had a major job on Kala Island. They were to participate in a 'Feast of Fools' in something called Holiday Hills. They were the entertainment and wanted Faust to join.

They did mention that Faust would have to cut his shenanigans down though when they were there. They understood that was what he had been using to cope. The two males that had initially rescued him sat him down and had a long talk about it all. Faust brushed off his habits, insisting he was fine. He was just having. He got serious looks and a sad gaze in turn but just smiled at them. He did behave at Kala though.

Which changed his life, again. After his performance he was approached by a serious looking pink guy. Who introduced himself as Valentin. He wanted Faust to join his team. He explained who they were, what they did. They were just starting out and Faust would be the third to join besides the leaders. After talking it over with the troupe, he figured it was his best shot to make it back to Alois, and do something with his life. He loved performing but he also wanted more. They understood. So Faust joined Team Sea Soul, and went to seek out Alois the first chance he got. Only to find out they were gone. Another lost soul for Faust to mourn silently. No one was confirmed dead but it still created a hole within his heart.

Another person to now endlessly search for and hope to one day find.