Alistair Smith



6 years, 1 month ago


"I thought that if I acted like it didn't matter, it wouldn't."


NAME: Alistair Smith/ AliAGE: 17
SPECIES: CursedBIRTHDAY: July 30th (Leo)

Personality Type:ISTJ
Friendliness:Helpful but standoffish; selective
Confidence / Ego:Superior
Agreeableness:Responsible and sensible, but dislikes being told what to do
Manners:Average mannered
Discipline:Extremely perceptive
Rebelliousness:Prefers structure and routine, hates rules
Emotional capacity:Self-unaware, but in tune with the emotions of others
Intelligence:Alert, observational
Positivity:Extremely pessimistic
Activeness / Lifestyle:Withdrawn
Current emotional state:Irate



  • Music major, piano prodigy (although he doesn't really think so)
  • Loves playing and, listening to music and though he tries to act cool about it, it's truly a therapeutic activity for him. 
  • Video games-- especially retro ones he can play on his vintage bedroom VHS TV, or first-person shooters. He seemingly begrudgingly plays with Nyq pretty often (secretly enjoys it a lot).
  • Antiquing-- not a lot of people know it about him, but he loves flea markets and finding little trinkets to collect or give as gifts. 
  • Subsequently, he's really into history in general, with specific fascination with Victorian and 19th century aesthetics.
  • He loves to talk to the vendors at the fleas or antique/thrift stores and is a regular to many of the local ones. Will listen to them tell stories for hours. They love him, and think he's a very nice young man...if only they knew how angry he is normally lmao.

Additional Info:

  • Loves to give gifts, but will only do it secretly.
  • A really patient and good listener.
  • Gets along best with the elderly-- he thinks that they're the most worth his social energy. 
  • Frequently puts his feet on a desk or table when sitting.
  • Often taunts enemies, regardless of the situation or how dangerous the enemy is.
  • Fights only if absolutely necessary, but is pretty good at it-- fights dirty, with either with a pocket knife from his collection or, on the rare occasion he doesn't have one, any nearby sharp object.
  • Is willing to do anything for information (if for a greater purpose).
  • Refuses to be polite to those that he doesn't deem deserving of his respect-- including strangers and professors.
  • Is squeamish about some silly things, like bugs, but can handle blood and gore just fine.
  • Uses big words to impress listeners.
  • A little obsessed with the concept of progress-- through any of his interests he loves to see concrete evidence of improvement and progression.
  • Hindu out of obligation, but prays to whatever god he thinks fits the situation and will help him.
  • Adopted brother of Jessamy and Nyquil (When he was three)
  • Jessamy- much closer to her, they don't have an affectionate connection but one of quiet mutual understanding, they enjoy each other's company and conversation
  • Nyquil- he's lowkey annoyed by him almost constantly, usually tries to avoid his path, but will still defend him endlessly in private. There are rare moments where the two of them will have a giggly smoke break or cook a meal together, etcetera
  • Loves his siblings, would die for either of them
  • Pretty good friends with Ghostie, they text, share secrets, and hang out a fair amount. The only problem is that Ali thinks he's waaay too quiet and docile, and gets uncomfy when ppl think they're dating.
  • Wants to be friends with Richard, who is too shy to approach him. They eventually become acquaintances, but Richard continues to be too intimidated to foster a friendship.
  • Would probably try to be friends with Arie, if Arie wasn't such good friends with, and hooking up with, Ali's brother

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