Josef Jones



1 year, 2 months ago


Josef Jones

Basic Information

J.J, Josie
Hell-Touched Human

Old things have strange hungers.




Josef came from a stereotypical American family in Seattle, Washington. An only child with two doting parents, he flourished socially and academically. He spent his days partying with his peers, flirting with those who'd give him the attention, and constantly flashing cheeky smiles at all those who looked his way. He didn't struggle much outside of a mild-case of alcoholism inherited from his Father and found life to be bright and brilliant. It wasn't until Josef totaled his car whilst falling through several layers of the Earth's crust that he truly learned about the horrors life had to offer.


Josef's time spent in hell was incredibly draining, as he fought like a caged rat to make his escape. Josef pushed himself harder than any mortal had ever done so before and became the first human to survive (ESCAPE) to the zero circle. Yet running himself ragged did not come without it's many consequences. Josef subjected himself to torture, deals, gambles, and physical alterations whilst in hell that left him a shell of the person he was before. Riddled with demons from his past, the moment Josef arrived at the surface he became a prominent hermit.

Josef quickly found a way to slip under the radar, as best as he could with the I.R.S hot on his trail, and worked out his legalites before going into complete hiding. Speaking to others who didn't experience the horrors he witnessed felt surreal, and he found comfort in a quiet Washington town far from his hometown. He had his dog Scourge, apple pie from the local diner, and poignant cigarettes that held his former dreams in their smoke. He was content, until he wasn't, as two fellow escapees from the depths appeared outside his door one Friday morning.


The Basics: One

Josef is a bit of a grouch. He copes with a shielded exterior as a result of his traumatic time in hell. He prefers peace and quiet, and really only enjoys interacting with the local townspeople. Overall, he's a bit of a cryptid. He has a terrible staring problem and he doesn't realize it, but often Josef just has a hard time articulating his thoughts and finds himself easily flustered. It is very rare that his youthful charm makes it way back into his social interactions.

The Basics: Two

Underneath his standoffish personality lies his more gentle tender side. Josef expresses affection through inquisitive gazes and soft touches. He's incredibly caring and fiercely defensive of those he adores. Josef prefers to listen rather than talk, but when he discusses his interests there's always a particularly glint in his eye giving way to his jittery excitement.


  • Quiet
  • Isolation
  • Hound dogs
  • Cigarettes


  • People
  • Hot weather
  • Skeptics
  • Grey hairs


  • Won't let 80's fashion go
  • Has a bloodhound named Rouge
  • Does electrical work for the locals
  • Too much of a prep when he was young


Josef has tan skin with minor (stress) wrinkles and major scarring. He has a stronger build when it comes to his upper body from the electrical and yard work he does for his neighbors and hometown. He often has a worn expression with slightly sunken cheeks and an ungroomed face. He has almond shaped eyes with complex orange colors between iris and pupil, a proper reflection of Hell. He has tufted ears, akin to Vaughn, that he keeps tucked under the flaps of his hat and thick hair.

Josef is fashionably nostalgic, but prefers to dress for the weather and work rather than what his preppy origins truly call for. He has an impressive collection of flannels, cowboy boots, wooled jackets, button-ups, and overall Western and vintage pieces alike.

Josef's hellish features are very similar to Vaughn's, with odd tone transitions in the hands, feet, and neck. He's scattered with burnlike scars from his attempts at escape with a distinctive bird-like leg (creating an uneven hobble when walking) and a long, leathery tail. Other than his eyes, skin, and teeth, Josef most of the time can pass off his oddities as a freak accident. He is capable of tucking his tail and ears away, and likes to say he got his eyes tattooed (many don't believe this). His other eye is completely gone, eradicated by the scarring.


  • Best described as a twunk
  • Eyes glow in the dark like Reggie's
  • Gap in his front teeth
  • Always has stubble no matter what




Same personality types, double the drama.

From the start Josef could pick up on Vaughn's displeasure with tracking him down. It wasn't hard to pick up on the fact that Vaughn somewhat resented him for his silence. He was irritated with Vaughn because of their judgement. He partially understood, but also didn't think it was right for Vaughn to judge him so harshly. He was bitter and snippy at first with Vaughn, matching their melodrama. It was after several "get over it's" from Reggie to both himself and Vaughn that he realized they have a lot more in common.


Close Friend

Two introverts in the same room, who snaps first?

Josef could identify Reggie's nervous habits pretty instantly. She had arrived on his doorstep with Vaughn in tow with a fiery determination, but it was all adrenaline. Reggie was timid, and Josef developed a soft spot for such passionate fire. He could only push out Reggie for so long before allowing him in. It wasn't long after that they grew close, forming a unique bond and pressuring Reggie, with Vaughn's help, to follow her dreams. Josef wants the best for Reggie, and is grateful that she grew so close to him.