Reggie Cervantes



1 year, 2 months ago


Reggie Cervantes

Basic Information

Reg, Scrapper

My fire is starved of oxygen, a flicker in the howling wind.




Having grown up in New Jersey, New York, Reggie was used to the hustle and bustle of life from the moment she came into the world. His parents were the immature sort, but cherished Reggie in her early life. He was highly spoiled, adored, and fawned over. But as his parents were more obsessed with the idea of a baby rather than actually raising the child he was cast aside rather quickly when her younger brother, Mateo, was born. Reggie held bitterness and resentment in her heart for her younger brother as with his birth came emotional abuse and neglect from his parents. He was quickly forced to learn how to survive on his own, having been reliant on their endless support before. For many years she coldly turned away Mateo jealousy overtaking his responsibility to be a model older sibling. Her frosty demeanor didn't wane until years later, after Reggie saw her parents being uniquely cruel to Mateo the older he got. He quickly stepped up showering Mateo with the fierce affection he deserved to begin with, but the darkness of her childhood home eventually became too much to bare. At 21, Reggie left home and enrolled in a University.


College didn't last long. The pressure combined with his gender struggles and poor mental health led to him eventually dropping out and leaving her educational life behind. Reggie was shrouded in a depressive spiral of self-hate and impulsive dangerous behaviors that nearly cost him everything on countless occasions. It wasn't long after a near-death situation that Reggie sobered up and managed to find a sketchy living situation in Yuma, Arizona. He adjusted quickly to the sweltering climate as the promise of a fresh start was motivating enough to push through the Arizona heat. With the funds leftover from her college ventures, as her parents and himself ended up on no-contact terms lest it be an emergency regarding his brother, Reggie managed to get her footing and begin a new life for himself. But a distinctive hollowness followed his every step, even into the pits of Hell...what happened with that emptiness? Read all about it in his story, Circle Zero!


The Basics: One

Reggie is a skittish but incredibly kind individual. Reggie may be awkward, but her bashful charm tends to earn him the majority of her friends. Reggie does however prefer to avoid large groups, excluding concerts, as the atmosphere can be overwhemlming socially. Reggie considers himself to be a comedic genius and loves puns, and possesses fierce loyalty to her friends.

The Basics: Two

She has a quick-fuse only when gaming but does his best to remain patient when handling conflict. Depression gets the best of Reggie many days, and his irrability can be exhausting to be around. She's learned to cope with the majority of his emotional imbalances but his unbalanced habits still strike on occasion. Reggie's a tease and a whirlwind of emotion, but she still manages to be an incredible friend and star of a person.


  • Monster Energy
  • FPS Games
  • NuMetal Bands
  • Internet Cafes


  • Heatwaves
  • Thieves
  • Coworkers
  • Scorpions


  • Not super popular in real life, but popular online
  • Fond of her boss Carl
  • Has very little dating experience before Vaughn
  • Spanish is his first language


Despite his very dedicated efforts, Reggie always manages to look a little bit grimy. Reggie's natural hair color is ashy black but she regularly bleaches it causing a slight fried effect. He has brown skin marked by minor scarring and stretch marks. Reggie has distinct heterochromia, one eye being a vivid green and the other a deep brown. She has a hooked nose and consistently chipped nail polish.

Reggie's wardrobe mostly consists of band T-shirts, cropped tanks, and graphic sweatshirts for everyday wear. But on occasion he goes for a more expressive punk style, and for formal events he flips between masculine and feminine apparel choices. Both of her ears are pierced and his septum was pierced as a teenager, yet from dissuse has long since closed up. Her work uniform, now torn and stained with blood, is an itchy, orange, polo top sporting a nametag. She wears washed and torn blue jeans and non-slip boots.

Unlike Vaughn and Josef, Reggie didn't develop many visible hellish traits. Her time spent in the underworld was significantly less than the others, and therefore only developed a slight case of night vision and exagerrated canines. Both of which he finds cool, thank you very much.


  • Name tag titled "Reggie :), she/him"
  • Hair can be drawn pulled back
  • Must be drawn pudgy, no skinnyfying him
  • Interpretations of clothing is always welcome




A classic friends, to enemies, to friends, to lovers.

Vaughn and Reggie are an unlikely duo. Had they met under any other circumstance, it is likely they wouldn't have gotten along. But fate works in mysterious ways, and the two have learned to care deeply for each other. Reggie admires Vaughn's sass and wit, and former irritation with their quirks turned to fond affection. Reggie balances Vaughn's frustrations out with their laid-back nature, and introduces Vaughn to new things. With Vaughn, Reggie feels as though he's invincible.


Close Friend

Reggie's resilience is the ONLY reason Josef and her are friends.

After having escaped from hell, Reggie was more determined than ever to find his guide. Josef made numerous attempts to turn Reggie away, but their annoying presistence eventually wore him down. The moment Josef let Reggie in, she weaved her way into his heart. Reggie views Josef as the older brother he never had, and their personalities meld incredibly well together. Reggie cracks his grouch exterior and introduces him to things of the new age.