


6 years, 1 month ago



Name Khorull Pastill
DOB February 16th
Age 24
Gender Female
Height 4'9"
Class Magic/Specter
Race Khostlee
Role Castle Rubash artist


Like most khostlees, Khorull is a spirit adrift in the shores of Cain Island. She wandered into the Burnt Woods and eventually stumbled into the fortress known as Castle Rubash.Khorull was dazed, confused, and most of all scared. She had no idea who she was or what she was doing on this island. When guards would try to guide her back to the open ocean she would snap and start screaming about giant serpents of ice coming to get her. A khostlee afraid of the ocean was nothing short of ironic, yet also sad considering how vital water was to her species. Khorull went days without water and started to dry out and dehydrate. After a while she was let inside the walls of Castle Rubash to her surprise. The ruler known as Ashla was so swarmed with her royal duties that she did not even realize how long Khorull had been haunting around the fortress's outer walls. She was given as much water as Ashla could gather in the castle and a room to stay in for the time being. Ashla was very curious about Khorull's life, she never heard of a khostlee being afraid of the ocean. Khorull would tell her all she could remember. She remembered mountains of ice drifting in the water and waters full of exotic fish beyond imagination, but bringing up the serpents of ice would always make her shake and shiver. They were the last thing she can recall before waking up in the Wailing Coast. She questioned Ashla what island this was. She was surprised to learn this was Cain Island, but upon being asked what her original island was she drew a blank and began to cry. She felt her entire life was gone now, and she had nothing. She felt she was no more than a husk, but Ashla saw it differently. She didn't quite understand what led her to this new life, but she could make the most of it and make a new life worth living. The two ghostly gals formed a kinship after this event and soon Khorull began to recollect memories of a former hobby, painting! Painting seemed to give Khorull great joy, it was the happiest Ashla had ever seen her. Ashla spared no expense in getting Khorull the rarest dyes and paints which overjoyed Khorull. Soon she became the royal artist to Ashla and handled all the portraits her queen needed. All this time together with Ashla started to bloom into whole new feelings that Khorull had not felt in a long time, love.


Home Wailing Coast(Formerly), Castle Rubash
Alignment Neutral Good
Sign Aquarius
Weakness Crosses and electricity
Food Fish, plankton, and krill



  • Painting
  • Sunsets
  • Coral
  • Trees in Autumn


  • Ice
  • Ultraviolet colors
  • Snakes
  • Eels


  • Her favorite color is pastel blue.
  • Besides painting, she can also be found on the beach of Wailing Coast collecting washed up shells for Ashla.
  • The bow on her chest was made by Ashla.
  • If she's stressed, she'll start mixing paint.




Vah Ruta Looms 
Ocean Man 
Sequence Of Drops 
