


6 years, 6 months ago



Name Lyely Rubash
DOB Jan 23rd
Age 21 (Arc 2), 44 (Arc 3)
Gender Female
Height 5'11"
Class Bipolarized Magic Morph/Specter
Race Khostlee/fortitash
Role New Queen of Castle Rubash


Lyely is the result of a bipolarization fusion, an ancient ritual passed down from the first emotibeasts to roam Personalia during the age of mystgons. The process involves using the blood of the emotibeasts involved and performing a dance within a sigil made from their blood. The result activates a transformation that fuses the two bodies and souls into one new one. This process was lost for ages until it was rediscovered by Queen Ashla and Khorull during their assault in Cain Castle. The former tyranical king had gathered a massive collection of scrolls and scripes detailing ways to create stronger emotibeasts. While this ritual was intialially made for that purpose during its rediscovery it gained a new function for emotibeast couples unable to create spawn of their own. With this ritual Queen Ashla and her love Khorull fused into Lyely. Lyely was raised entirely in the castle from her birth by Ashla's royal retainers. She shared Ashla's spunkiness as a child and really got into boxing with her retainers for fun. Thankfully for them she also developed interests for less physical activities like chess and cartography, both of which helped sharpened her mind for future royal decision making. While Lyely appreciated her life in the castle she longed for more. Her only friends at the time were her pets Brick and Flick. Lyely wanted to meet new people and see what therest of the island had to offer. Against the wishes of her retainers she snuck out. Not many were aware of Lyely's role as Castle Rubash's future queen, to most she was just a random specter. Lyely's main goal during this escapade was to collect curious from the places she visited, so she offered a sustainable amount of myg with her to purchase whatever she pleased. This wealth attracted some unsavory humanoid emotibeasts who figured they could make better use of the money than a specter. They cornered Lyely and took her money from her. Lyely attempted to fight them off, but the humanoids lied saying that Lyely was in fact robbing them. Many of the emotibeasts in the town sided with the humanoids, refusing to take a specter's word for truth, except for one. A feral specter hybrid known as Tengu intervened. He had an intimidating prescence to him that Lyely had never experienced before, despite she pleaded with Tengu to help her and so he did. Tengu had seen these thieves before and was well aware of their thievery. Tengu also revealed to the people of Lyely's true identity as the Rubash Queen. She was proven innocent and her money returned, but not without a creeping sadness in her heart. She felt betrayed by her people that her word was initially worth so little. Tengu explained to her that this was how it always is for their kind. Humanoids first, others second. Tengu told her the tale of his mother's fate and how she died because of the divide of classes. Lyely was touched by his story and offered her services. For the sake of her kingdom, and all specters and ferals she wanted to make things better. She had the resources and she could support Tengu's endeavors in secret. With that an alliance was formed and Lyely became a member of Tengu's group the Yokai Wind.


Home Castle Rubash
Alignment lawful good
Sign Aquarius
Weakness Electricity, ice
Food Rice



  • Soap
  • Cartography
  • Chess
  • Fisticuffs


  • Jewelery
  • Blizzards
  • Thunderstorms
  • Traps


  • She fights by transforming her hands into stone hard fists.
  • Despite being a queen she is a bit of a tomboy.
  • Her body is made of lye water, a unique feature of her bipolarization.
  • When feeling really uncomfortable her entire body solidifies into brick as defensive reaction.




Dazzling Beautiful Girl 
Attack of the Killer Queen 
Pokemon Masters Emma 
