
1 year, 2 months ago


the beauty in the flaw; the grace of imperfection 🜨

lanuola gudina laki. she/he/ie. unlabelled nonbinary. 29 at death. oct 3

samoan and oromo. libra 1w2. also known as "chromatogram".

a model and recently retired professional swimmer. came to fornax in search of respite from increasing stress and anxiety in her personal life, deeming the train one of the most private possible parts of the world. indeed her time on the train served as an extremely freeing experience, and she became quickly accustomed to the responsibility void it allowed her to maintain. she'd also grown close to many passengers, in part through her openness about her clairvoyant abilities and general approachable attitude.
this pause was shortly upturned, however — with the advent of the train suddenly stopping. she'd only learned of this then-invisible fact through lusine, who was naturally far more attentive to code, and she encouraged its resolution to enter the control room and try to fix things from the inside. multiple days passed without any sign of lusine, and so, lanuola suspected something sinister was afoot. alongside cas, her greatest confidant at the time, she set out for the control room.
within the control room itself, she met face with mazin, and asked him if he knew anything about lusine's disappearance. mazin attempted to lie at first, though lanuola caught on to this with her clairvoyance and forced him to confess to lusine's murder. in an attempt to satisfy vengeance, she tried to push mazin into fornax, though was too slow and got thrown in herself.
her death lead to a more vivid state of consciousness for all the ghosts within fornax, due to her clairvoyance code 'dissolving' within the code of the reality. this also allowed for the ghosts to be capable of mild contact with the living, perhaps best exercised through peixin's visions years and years later.

↳ projection

✰ personality/mannerisms

perhaps her most notable trait is her flightyness... lanuola is always kind of on edge, being overly attentive to her surroundings if only out of neuroticism. she takes careful note of people's mannerisms and watches how they shift, utilising her clairvoyance to gather even more precise information when she can; indeed the major reason for her getting clairvoyance was to quell her paranoia. she's kind of just distrusting of everyone around her and would always rather be safe than sorry. not that she kind of... forces herself to struggle through it. she's just as willing to 'flee' from a situation she's uncomfortable in, knowing there's no point in forcing herself to be uncomfortable. this kind of translates in constant motion and an inability to truly relax.
wip i kind of need to think about her more.... her attitude is precise and hard to explain, in my mind

✰ relationships

has uhhh has a difficult relationship with cas. the two befriended one another very quickly basically the second they met on the train and whilst they were alive, they practically never left one another's side. they both felt like they could talk evenly about the sort of pressures they both faced in their careers... and moreover they both just felt like the other balanced them out in conversation, sort of making one another operate at a comfortable 'optimum' socially. over time lanuola started to develop mild romantic feelings for cas but these were cut short by them both dying... and ever since things have been more difficult.
the two attempted to stay close within fornax, easily blending into practically one consciousness. over time, however, lanuola wished to dissociate from cas, feeling lost and flimsy in their commixed state. around this time she got to knowing thuyết, recently deceased, and in fir company, learned how to bend fornax's boundaries to explore various memoryscapes. she found thuyết extremely approachable and looked up to fir wide breadth of knowledge, and enjoyed traversing random facets of history by fir side. eventually lanuola grew comfortable enough to reconnect with cas, and these three were friends for a short while.
eventually cas and thuyết kind of... started to conspire, having found out about peixin's hypersensitivity to fornax, and further wishing to exploit it. lanuola was kind of just naturally excluded from the discussion, not even intentionally, but she took this fairly badly. she started to detest the two and worked to hinder their plans, entirely out of bitterness, but later this turned into a genuine concern for peixin after observing their stress. she attempted to contact peixin to try and explain the reason and meaning behind their visions, but between peixin's paranoia limiting any potential assurance they could glean from this message, and their habit of staying in fornax-repellant areas of the train, lanuola ended up doing more harm than good... she tried to talk cas and thuyết out of sending more visions, but at this point had grown so distant from the two that her words did nothing.
concerning other ghosts, she has a distant connection with míra, though it's grown more terse following her involvement in sending out visions to peixin. nowadays she mostly hangs around lusine, who she had accompanied in early fornax reality days, having helped it rekindle its form within fornax and kind of deal with the stress of weird forever ghost existence, relatively quickly after its initial deposition... she's also fairly friendly with omar, who she regards as somewhat weird, but interesting to talk to.
aside from the aforementioned connection to peixin, lanuola actually stays out of the living's way for the most part. she talks to marjolaine quite often but gets frustrated about the entire thing she's got about not taking the ghosts seriously...

✰ misc

✰ she has a strong past in medicine, having initially intended to become a surgeon. she eventually dropped out of university to focus on her swimming career, though her studies lead to her find out information about the clairvoyance spell which she soon saught out. her precise anatomical knowledge led to her being a disticntly competent shapeshifter.
✰ her associated instrument within fornax is the xylophone, though also has a minor attachment to instruments like the harpsichord and celesta, basically just any keyboard instrument that isn't really a piano... her associated colors are light blues and lilacs.

↳ meta

✰ role

wip. but she has some sympathies toward hydra

✰ motifs

major motif is cobwebs, along with a related insect motif — her belt incorporates representations of various ghosts, notably a spider for herself, a firefly for thuyết, a firebug for cas, a dragonfly for míra, and interestingly mazin's luna moth. the latter is meant to sort of... convey her wishing for mazin's demise, ranking him among the undead. her secondary motif is... loosely, water and iridescence.
the cobweb shapes in her outfit intentionally parallel cas' explosion ones, and furthermore her outfit is meant to both contrast and complement cas'... they both have the same general shapes but lanuola has her long sleeves, tighter clothing, etc she's meant to look more rigid than cas who's meant to be flowy. ironic flip of the entire water motif also. so to speak.

✰ title

a chromatogram is the result of a chromatography trial... i guess. i don't know precisely. chromatography related word and that's a process where you filter a mixture to find distinct substances within it. related to colors, the entire 'division' thing is an allegory for her giving the fornax reality a backbone via her clairvoyance... you get it

✰ inspirations

✰ her temperament was loosely based on kabru dunmeshi's but like if he was way more visibly stressed out all the time lol...
✰ musical inspirations come out of both everything everything's man alive and btbam's parallax ii future sequence. former more just visually and with regards to her clairvoyance, latter kind of commenting on the body horror regard of fornax... fun to me
✰ outfit is heavily based on ash crimson's but ourple. thumps up

✰ external

✰ artfight profile
✰ solo playlist - chromatogram

↳ design

✰ description


