Selma Hannan



1 year, 2 months ago



Name Selma Hannan
Aliases Selly
Character Information
Gender Female
Race Human
Birthday July 8
Zodiac Cancer
Status Alive
Likes Sports cars
Dislikes Her father
Voice Claim Koshimizu Ami

Selma Hannan is a fan character for the Obey Me! game. She is an exchange student at RAD from the human world alongside Solomon. Prior to the exchange program, Selma accidentally summoned Satan with a grimoire that she found at the attic of her house.

Selma has the appearance like the young woman of her age with a slender physique, soft pale skin, silver locks, green eyes, and two moles under her left eye. Sometimes, she wears glasses when she is reading.

She often seen with a long white shirt with blue ribbon tied around the collar and long blue skirt. While in quest, she wears all black attires from the jacket, tank-top, short pants, and her leather boots for efficiency purposes.

Selma seems distant and calm. Deep down, she is sensitive about things. It’s easy to make her temper boils. At some point, she will show her soft side when she talks to people close to her or with the similar value as hers but tends to keep her own feeling private. She doesn’t hesitate to show practical jokes to her close people and helps them without remembering her own needs. Sometimes she shows her tsundere side, too.

A person who loves to read, she’s very curious and passionate when it comes to knowledge. A hard-worker, she tends to make everything perfect. However, she has a low self-esteem as she tends to belittle herself and can’t see her self-worth.


  • Is addicted to carbonated drinks.
  • Is a cat-person.
  • Enjoys romance novels but gruesome horror is her favorite.
  • Very passionate about mystery genre.
  • Loves to fill her vase with lilies.
  • Her favorite time is midnight.
  • Her type is someone who has similar ways of thinking.

  • Hates big dogs.
    • It's related to her past incident with Cerberus in the Underground Tomb.
  • She dislikes her surname and doesn't want to use it because it's her late godfather's surname, not hers.


Personal Survey
  • Selma's motto is "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one".
  • The daily section is to learn something new.
  • Her future dream is to live in harmony.
  • She starts her bath by washing her hair.
  • If the Devildom disappears tomorrow, she'll read every book at Devildom.

Love Survey
  • Selma is not the active one when it comes to love, but she "wants to be bound by her lover".
  • She cherishes relationship anniversaries and special dates of remembrance.
  • For relationships with obstacles, she chose "other."
  • She has days when she can't sleep thinking about the person she likes.
  • She sometimes is unable to express her feelings openly and she has things to be jealous of.

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Although initially Selma didn't manifest magical abilities, she has born with the ability to to see people's emotions within their aura. While she may be able to see people's actual emotions, it doesn't mean she'll truly understand them. After living in Devildom for several months, she starts to possess a raw power surpassing even Solomon's magical abilities.

Cain Hannan

Their bond was rooted in a traumatic event where Cain saved Selma from her biological mother's attempt to sacrifice her. Despite the circumstances that brought them together, Selma and Cain had grown to deeply care for each other. Selma saw Cain as a father figure and someone who had always been there for her, providing her with a safe and nurturing home. Cain, on the other hand, viewed Selma as his own daughter and was fiercely protective of her.

Selma's relationship with Cain went through a period of strain as she grew older and began to question his motives. She started to believe that Cain was using her for his own benefit, causing her trust in him to dissipate. This change in Selma's attitude towards Cain created a sense of tension between them. Cain felt hurt and confused by Selma's sudden lack of trust, while Selma struggled with her own feelings of betrayal and anger.

However, their relationship took a dramatic turn when Cain sacrificed himself to protect Selma from monsters. This act of bravery and selflessness demonstrated to Selma that her doubts about Cain were misplaced, and that he truly cared for her well-being. As Selma come to realize the depth of Cain's love for her, she was filled with regret for doubting him and felt a renewed sense of gratitude towards him.


Selma and Solomon's relationship began when they both came to Devildom as exchange students from the Human World at RAD. Initially, Selma did not like Solomon because he appeared to be arrogant due to his status as a sorcerer who had formed a pact with 72 demons. She viewed him as someone who thought highly of himself and was unwilling to make friends. However, as time passed, Selma's opinion of Solomon changed when she discovered that they shared a common interest in cats. It's possible that Solomon's affection for cats was something that Selma could relate to and understand. Their shared love of cats allowed them to form a close bond.

Solomon became Selma's mentor after her magic became manifested on her. It's possible that he saw potential in her and wanted to help her develop her abilities. As they spent more time together, Solomon became more honest with his feelings. Selma began to see him as a sorcerer full of curiosity, perhaps admiring his passion for magic. She slowly developed feelings for Solomon. However, she was unaware that he already had someone in mind as a potential partner. When she discovered this, Selma was deeply saddened and began to avoid him outside of lessons.

After some time, Solomon realized what was going on and decided to talk to Selma. He confessed that he had held a desire for her all along, but had hesitated because of her close relationship with the seven demon brothers who already saw her as their sister. Eventually, they both confessed their feelings for each other, clearing up the misunderstanding. Even after they got together, Solomon continued to tease Selma. He enjoyed seeing her flustered face when he made advances towards her, even though she always responded with denial.



Demon Brothers


  • Selma and her twin, Zaire, does not share the surname with each other.
    • Their biological mother attempted to sacrifice the infant Selma to summon the devil, which is interrupted by Cain Hannan and brought her into his custody.
  • Once had a tiger beetle as a pet named Gerald, but she accidentally stomped on him while searching for him.
  • Owning sports cars is her goal of life.