

Lawrence "Vegas" Newman

bold pompous wily

Vegas is a well - known figure in the black market, notorious for the irony of a rabbit selling less than ethically sourced carcasses to meat - dependent carnivores. No one is quite sure as per how he's not gotten himself mauled yet, but it's a business he seems quite confortable in, anyhow. Most suspect that while he's relatively defenseless himself, he must have some sort of heavier hand keeping a watchful eye on him.


Vegas is the first friendly face Caroline encounters when she enters the black market.

A renowned meat vendor, with a lengthy line of carnivores eager to exchange cash for the meat grasped in his soft little paws, his survival seems unlikely-- yet it's constitued itself quite well so far. Despite the unease most herbivores seem to host for the twisted reality of the market, Vegas seems to hold no fear, as familiar with the place as one would be with their own home. ALthough, in its own right, perhaps it simply is his home.

Caroline spends a large initial chunk of her time in the market around Vegas, taking in what information he has to offer inbetween flirtatious one - liners and business exchanges. Although it goes unmentioned, such scores him unwavering protection once Caroline seizes Jack's organization-- however he himself has yet to draw the connection of that and his sudden spike in lion and lion - adjacent customers.





Palomino Rabbit

Meat Vendor




True Neutral




Featured Image



64144564_EqFZrrWjBZ2hm2K.png Caroline Fletcher

Overall, Vegas thinks of Caroline quite highly. As another herbivore in the black market, he feels an unmentioned obligation to keep an eye on her, even if she's getting involved in ordeals far larger than he could bother to fathom. Although he doesn't understand her drive, he respects it, and is interested in seeing what she amounts to.

54103786_DzRBy4Nc4RLbrt3.png Ezra Nichols

Although he never mentions it, Vegas seems a little wary of Ezra and the fact that Caroline has let him so close to her. At the end of the day, it's more likely a manifestation of what he's witnessed carnivores to be capable of in the black market, and less of Ezra's reputation for slaughtering the elite.

52368786_pl55J5PtpUvW2Hs.png Timothy Stone

Of all of Caroline's men, Timothy is the one that alarms Vegas the least. Somehow, he strikes him as not trying to hide his carnivorous nature, yet being also incredibly cautious of it. It's a fine line, he figures, but Timothy is the only one he doesn't believe to be a potential threat to Caroline.

61180368_nbr.png Solomon Blackwell

If Ezra raises alarms, then Solomon is the largest commotion that could trigger them. As far as Vegas is aware, this liguar is the purest incarnation of any twisted desires he could notate in a carnivore, personified. He is the only carnivore Vegas has ever been known to complete lock - up around, and refuse any sort of interaction or sale with.

70420084_wEOB5m11wxqzeVD.jpg Albrecht Waterworth

While Vegas doesn't completely freeze up around Waterworth as per how he does with Solomon, he is incredilously wary of him. While he doesn't anticipate Waterworth's wants to run quite as carnal as Solomon's, there's an obvious distinction that he wants something from Caroline, based on the way he tiptoes so cautiously around her in comparison to all else.

65816642_YK72VyPmPkC3Ap6.png Lance Kallin

Lance has tried a handful of times at shutting down his operation. While Vegas has no strong feelings against him, he most certain doesn't have feelings for him either. Preferably, he'd just like for him to leave his business alone.

52360763_LHq_11729578.png?1676353230 Jack Altieri

Vegas has only had a few run - ins with the mafia boss, and none since Caroline has taken him from his throne. The only way he can describe him is as cat always waiting for its next toy.

20873540?1693180337 Luis Rivero

A common customer to his venue. As far as Vegas knows, he has no relations to Caroline, but seems to frequently ask about her. He always keeps these conversations short and vague, but Luis always seems to be back by the start of next week.