


6 years, 19 days ago


Vincent Nordskov
October 11th (Libra)
American (white)
Broad shouldered and toned
Brokerage firm executive

Reading classic literature


Writing and researching

Taking walks

Rainy weather


His gray hairs...

His job

His family

Old people

Most meat

Too much sun

he has four borzoi dogs: virginia, byron, sylvia, and dorian. he loves them to death, and he's trained them super well because he just.. doesn't have anything better to do.

he has an incredible ass

when he was in college he pierced his ears, but he took them out when he started working

he loves swing/jazz music, but he has a real soft spot for elton john or any female pop star from the 80s or 90s

his glasses are reading glasses! though he wears them a lot because... he does a lot of reading.

he prefers more masc men, he's not really a fan of twinks or super femme guys. because... honestly he's kind of a twunky bottom. he's versatile but like....... most of the time he's always been a bottom



[ love of his life ]



[ nephew ]



[ friend? ]



[ ?????? ]


vincent is a classy gentleman and a stone cold fox. like he's a fucking catch. when you think of an Ideal Sugar Daddy, this would be it. but then again not really because vincent is also kind of a hermit who is overly self-deprecating and cynical. he has a really dry, witty sense of humor, but most of his jokes are directed at himself. often calls himself "a tired and jaded old queen". he's massively bored and unhappy with his life; he has a boring and pretty much effortless job (treasurer at a successful brokerage firm) that he gets paid stupid amounts of money for, his only friends are a few coworkers he goes out to drink with after work but never really talks to, and he hasn't had a good lay in what feels like years. in recent years he's come to peace more with it than when he was younger, but it's still pretty lonely and generally unsatisfying. deep down, vincent's a total hopeless romantic. he's fine with being by himself, but he's super lonely. he wants to find someone to be alone With. i don't think he's fully admitted that to himself, but it's true. though he has kind of a complex about not being desirable. he thinks he's ok looking, but he's just really... obsessed with the fact that he's "old". he's convinced no one he's interested in would be interested in him because of his age or whatever.

his main joy in life is classic (and ideally gay) literature. he reads All The Time, and oftentimes ends up reading all night without meaning to. he'll literally read any book that's gay, just because it's gay. in an ideal world, he'd be studying classic literature and traveling around the world researching and writing about it. or he'd be an author. but he thinks he's better at writing About books than writing books themselves. but at this point he's kind of almost nihilistic about his life, he thinks he's been at his miserable job for so long, why not just finish it out until he kicks the bucket? he's pretty resigned, and he doesn't really have anyone to tell him differently. i think someday he's gonna do it, but he just has a lot of self doubt and he always questions the things he wants. he's quick to tell people to do the things they want and to tell everyone else to fuck off, but he has a really hard time following his own advice.

so vincent grew up in a really strict rich family. he was the youngest, but he was still expected to do like. exactly what his parents wanted. and he did. though when he went off to college fairly far away from his home, he could finally like... have some freedom. so basically he turned into a party maniac and spent pretty much all of his college years in gay bars having as much casual sex as he could. though honestly he went through a big depressive spell after he lost like.. a lot of his friends in the early 90s and kinda stopped going out. it was just a sad and really fearful time for him. but anyways after he finished school he went right to the job that his parents expected him to take and he's been miserable there ever since. he says he does nothing at his job but it's just so routine for him that he feels like he's not doing anything. he's pretty estranged from his family besides at work, and he likes it that way. they don't really know much about him. hell, his parents died without even knowing that he was gay. which is how he wanted to keep it, because he knew it probably wouldn't end well. his siblings know, and they're okay with it i guess?? as much as they're willing to be. he doesn't really care. he's kind of confusing because he both really cares what people expect of him but also sometimes really doesn't give a shit about it. it just depends.

"in gay years, i'm clinically dead."