


1 year, 2 months ago



"Oooh! I think Mally wants to give you a kissie.Poppy.jpg
  •  Name  Poppy 
  •  Birthday November 22nd 
  •  Gender  Female 
  •  Pronouns  She/Her  (anything goes though)
  •  Sexuality  Pansexual 
  •  Personality 

    Poppy has a fun-loving and goofy personality, with a side of "XD random" humour. She is slightly unhinged: talking to inanimate objects (example: Her Mallet, which she has named Mally :>) and being somewhat nonsensical with her logic. She is super loyal and close to those she befriends, perhaps a little too close, becoming clingy, overprotective and jealously aggressive of those who ALSO get close to them. She is trusting but also naive. Due to an accident, Poppy sees the world like a wonderland. (Think of pyro-vision from TF2, the best way I can describe it) Others tend to struggle understanding her due to her high-energy and irrational traits. She also wants to become a superhero, being inspired by her friend's comic book collection as she just wants to be liked and accepted by people.
  •  Appearance 

    Vestibulum cursus nisi at nunc lobortis vestibulum. Aliquam at ultricies turpis. Phasellus orci nulla, lacinia pharetra vehicula quis, egestas eget elit. Duis a suscipit ligula, quis rhoncus turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc luctus finibus scelerisque. Duis lacus lectus, tincidunt et est ut, mattis accumsan dui. Fusce aliquet tortor et interdum interdum. Cras et iaculis magna. Integer placerat ut mauris ac ultricies. Vivamus hendrerit consectetur nulla, ac vestibulum metus tristique sit amet. Morbi vitae placerat diam. Vestibulum maximus ante vitae ex facilisis semper. Duis et augue feugiat, placerat ligula non, gravida leo.
  •  Likes  ♡Physical Touch ♡Candy ♡Making Friends ♡Cats
  •  Dislikes  ⊗Rejection ⊗Boredom ⊗Water ⊗Rude people 
  •  Backstory 

    Donec lectus mi, euismod id odio vitae, ullamcorper interdum tortor. Duis tempor, ex vel porta placerat, mi odio finibus ex, eget efficitur odio ex at turpis. Integer vitae elit felis. Phasellus fermentum lacinia ipsum, eu blandit arcu vulputate quis. Morbi facilisis, velit et feugiat gravida, nisi dui volutpat nisi, in varius tellus nisl sed mi. Sed pellentesque convallis enim nec vulputate. Aenean molestie condimentum tellus, nec semper magna tempor sed. Sed et dolor non lectus convallis facilisis. Suspendisse nulla lorem, ornare a commodo vitae, molestie vitae ipsum. Integer at enim nec augue feugiat condimentum sed at felis.
    Sed id felis ut velit gravida ullamcorper nec nec sapien. Donec imperdiet ut libero non dictum. Integer sed nisl placerat, tincidunt arcu et, aliquet sem. Nullam feugiat velit sit amet ligula lacinia accumsan. Sed feugiat accumsan dui sed interdum. Nullam urna odio, pretium non tellus quis, rutrum auctor augue. Vivamus orci sem, pretium ac dictum et, malesuada vel arcu. Nulla eget commodo tortor. Aliquam sagittis tincidunt dapibus. Cras pretium nec lacus sit amet tempus.
  • Smart Watch Girlfriend 

    Poppy completely adores Smart Watch to an extreme, excessive level. She believes she can do no wrong. They met whilst both were on opposing sides. Smart Watch seemed to be very interested in her and would persist on trying to court her. Which honestly, she really needed that. Now that their on the same page, she finally managed to accept her feelings and they got together. If Poppy could have it her way she'd want to keep her all too herself, but, she understands that she wouldn't wanna make her sad by doing that either (Although that still doesn't stop the jealousy she can feel)

  • Blu Friend 

    Blu is a very fun person to spend time with. She had found him chilling in a ball pit next to her friend Boxy, who is an oversized gift box, and she introduced him to her other friends. Although they appear to be polar opposites, it seems to be a perfect arrangement for them both, as Poppy likes to talk about a lot of things all at once and Blu seems to enjoy not having to talk too much. They get on well because they aren't judgy about each other's conditions. She also goes out her way to try to keep it down when near him as she doesn't want to hurt his sensitive hearing. If someone is being rude to him though, she will go out of her way to defend him, either verbally or psychically (Although he really doesn't need it as he can handle himself)

  • James Friend 

    Proin blandit justo augue, ac varius nunc vulputate vel. Vestibulum eu nunc id dolor ultricies placerat aliquam blandit urna. Vestibulum libero massa, pretium non ante et, tempus feugiat est. Phasellus vehicula ullamcorper ipsum in feugiat.

  • Valerie Ex-Bestie 

    Poppy does not understand why she ever considered her a friend and let alone her best-friend. They had met when she had bumped into Val after just arriving in this new world. She felt as though Val was the only person who understood her. This made her want to do everything she could for her, even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness. However it was very one-sided and co-dependant. Whilst she cared deeply for Val, Val didn't return those feelings. Poppy felt she was just a game to her, as Valerie had quickly discarded her when she had found someone more "fun" to play with (cough cough Smooth cough-) . She's kinda happy that she did that though, cuz now she has better friends. It's kinda awkward though cuz as much as she wants Val to hurt as much as she had hurt her, Poppy is also friends with Blu who for some reason doesn't want her to do that. So she won't cuz she's a good friend UNLIKE SOMEONE.

  • Question 

    Nullam convallis semper elit, quis tempus lectus dignissim tincidunt. Aliquam facilisis pellentesque nibh. Nullam sed porttitor tellus. Fusce dictum nulla ut enim euismod, eget pellentesque metus egestas. Nam eget massa a massa hendrerit condimentum eu sit amet ex. In convallis, odio ac mollis tempor, nunc dui efficitur libero, ac aliquam orci sem eu magna.

  • Question 

    Nullam convallis semper elit, quis tempus lectus dignissim tincidunt. Aliquam facilisis pellentesque nibh. Nullam sed porttitor tellus. Fusce dictum nulla ut enim euismod, eget pellentesque metus egestas. Nam eget massa a massa hendrerit condimentum eu sit amet ex. In convallis, odio ac mollis tempor, nunc dui efficitur libero, ac aliquam orci sem eu magna.

  • Question 

    Nullam convallis semper elit, quis tempus lectus dignissim tincidunt. Aliquam facilisis pellentesque nibh. Nullam sed porttitor tellus. Fusce dictum nulla ut enim euismod, eget pellentesque metus egestas. Nam eget massa a massa hendrerit condimentum eu sit amet ex. In convallis, odio ac mollis tempor, nunc dui efficitur libero, ac aliquam orci sem eu magna.

  •  Trivia 
    • ● Poppy would enjoy drinking tik-tok battery acid if she ever got to try it (Which is a bad idea to let her have cuz she'd be bouncing off the walls)
    • ● Poppy has a mischievous side to her, she enjoys pranks as long as it doesn't hurt the other person.
    • ● She likes to try to include all of her friends in things she does (even the objects) as she doesn't want them to feel left out.
    • ● It's unclear if Poppy's Mallet: Mally, is inactive at all. Poppy insists she's not like her other friends and she does talk back sometimes.
    • ● If Poppy is feeling strong emotions, ever eyes will begin to spiral and she kind of loses a sense of control over her own body, until it wears out.
    • ● If she's close with you might find her nibbling gently on your arms n stuff, don't worry its her love language <3 .